Metformin to prevent recurrence/reduce tumours - My Ovacome

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Metformin to prevent recurrence/reduce tumours

GreenSnow profile image
12 Replies

Hi warriors

I did some research and found many articles on Metformin. I read testimonials too that while taking Metformin our fellow warriors are NED.

I am in my 2nd recurrence with 3rd type combo and yet my CA125 hasn't normalised. I would like to try this pill

If there is any one that have experienced with Metformin or info please share

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Thank you God bless us all


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GreenSnow profile image
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12 Replies
bibs73 profile image

I'm on metformin but I can't tell you if it's helping as I was only diagnosed in Jan. I attended a private clinic in London run by very experienced oncologists. It's called the care oncology clinic. They have looked through thousands of research papers and identified 3 (4) drugs that show a potential improvement to cancer outcomes while the drugs are cheep and relatively safe. I spoke to my chum who's a GP and we agreed it had the potential to do some good with very little impact to my overall health. So I'm giving it a go. I'm of the opinion that I'll never know if I don't try.

I also read lots of positive articles in the role of metformin.

I wish you luck

Michelle x

Nicky100 profile image
Nicky100 in reply to bibs73

Hi Michelle, I know this post is a few months ago but am wondering how you are getting on with these drugs as am wondering about going to the coc myself. I would love to know how you are? Love Nicky xx

Sherrym profile image
Sherrym in reply to Nicky100

Hi Nicky. Fine at mo, my last ca125 at 10, up from 8.

Nextcheck in March, I go every 3 months. Seeing COC specialists end of Jan in London.

Nicky100 profile image
Nicky100 in reply to Sherrym

Thank you x

bibs73 profile image
bibs73 in reply to Nicky100

I'm on them still. No side effects so far. I'm really happy with the treatment from the care oncology clinic.

There is a facebook group called Jane McLelland Off Label Drugs for cancer which is really useful. Lots of good posts about metformin on there.

For me I think it's still too early to tell.

Nicky100 profile image
Nicky100 in reply to bibs73

Yes I am in that already, thanks so much for your reply. And help.

vmichel profile image

Hi GreenSnow,

Thanks for sharing the info. On chemo non-stop since nearly 2 years 1/2 and weekly Taxol stopped working. Will ask my oncologist about it when I meet him (which should be fairly soon as he’s trying to book a TEP scan pretty urgently)

Take care,


GreenSnow profile image

Hi Michele

Sounds positive. Are you still doing chemo? Wonder if can eat whilst on chemo. I am taking IV gemzar/ cyclophosphamide once every 3 weeks.


bibs73 profile image
bibs73 in reply to GreenSnow

I just finished chemo on Monday last week. Don't know if the chemo was successful yet. I used to fast prior to chemo so I didn't take my meds during my fast days but now I'm back on them all the time. When I contacted the clinic I assumed that I would start after chemo was finished but they said they prefer to start as soon as possible as there is also some evidence to show that metformin etc make chemo more successful. I have low grade oc so I'm not really expecting big things from the chemo.

Sherrym profile image

Hi there. I started with the care oncology clinic last year after surgery. I am on metformin, a statin & alternate months a wormer (believe it or not!) & an antibiotic. The idea is to confuse the pathways cancer needs to grow I understand.

With the clinics knowledge, I have added 1/4 aspirin, q10, ciscetimine(don't have drug on me to check spelling there) vitB's. In winter I took D too.

No sugar, canned food, white carbs. All sensible stuff & a great variety of stuff I grow. Turmeric & black pepper on many of my dishes.

I am BRCA1, my whole female line have died of ovarian cancer going way back. This study, which has NOT Been funded by drugs companies (as there is nothing in it for them) costs me v little, the researchers foot the rest of the bill I think & r so kind. Drug company alternative is Avastin, I don't have the £30,000 a year that the greedy, repulsive drug companies require! Do look up Care Oncology in Harley St London, speak to Raphael. Ask if u may join. I feel at least I'm doing SOMETHING for myself. Much luck. Sherry

Nicky100 profile image
Nicky100 in reply to Sherrym

Hi Sherry, I have just found your post. How are you getting on with the coc regime? I am interested in trying it but would love to hear from women that are being treated before I go? Thank you xxx

baxbird profile image


I too went to the Care Oncology Clinic in London and can say how helpful and informative they are. What I can't say is wether it works but I was of the opinion that something was better than nothing and there was minimal side effects. Yes you have to privately fund, you might be able to get your GP on side to prescribe 6 months down the line as Care Oncology would prefer you stuck with them on initial start up. My GP was open to that conversation but you will find many aren't because the protocol hasn't gone through NICE. My oncologist was also not against the idea.

But.....I was in the regime for 3 months and my cancer progressed. Now wether that's because it didn't have enough time to bed in....( they like to have a few months of the protocol in your system) or it just wasn't for me I shall never know

I will mention though that my oncologist is checking my PET scans as the one I had in January showed progression to liver and small intestine. my halfway CT scan showed nothing at all, no scar tissue, no residue, it just didn't exist. Now it could have been a fans tastic medical resolution.....but my other tumours weren't so affected, it could have been they were also so small they didn't shiw in the CT scan, BUT there is also a SMALL possibility the Metformin in my body gave a false postive result. I'm having another PEt scan next month (post chemo) and we shall compare.......if it's clear she's going to look at writing a paper on it.

Sorry long reply


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