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All posts for March 2023

Sulfasalazine and insomnia?

Hi..I’m on my 4th week of sulfasalazine, and just wondered if anyone else experi...

Spring Booster

Haven't noticed anything about this in the news. Have others received a text inv...

Anyone on biologics and suffering leg ulcers

hi, so last July I injured my ankle when the spike from a tool I use on the allo...
Runrig01 profile image
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off topic - Aurora NE Scotland

Nature may not always be kind to us individually, but it can be beautiful
Brushwork profile image

sore throat and RA

How common is it for people with RA to develop sore throat , croaky voice? I am ...
Luludean profile image

The Black Death

Has anyone else read the report on the BBC that it is now believed that the Blac...

5 talented performers with RA

As Award season comes to a close, we wanted to praise 5 amazing performers who h...
Aribah-NRAS profile image

Week Four Prednisone

Finally finished steroids this week hospital review in April. I am pleased with...

Constantly needing to blow my nose

I've had the sniffles for a good few months and never give them much thought, bu...
wishbone profile image

Hello all

Hope you are all as OK as you can be .I've had a lovely break in the sun in Fuer...
allanah profile image

Advice on Abatacept

Can anyone please help! Have to make a decision between 2 drugs, Abatacept or To...
Kate2628 profile image

Daily email notifications

Hi. This is mainly addressed to the admin people - can you please tell me why I’...
Chris_O profile image

Having to put Benipali on hold.

Advice from Specialist Nurse at the hospital to stop Benipali until I've seen th...
Jackie1947 profile image

what medication could be next .

I’ll try to keep this short . I’m on methotrexate and hyrimoz (humira) . Was ad...
MorganCat profile image

Upset after consultation

Hi everyone. Sorry for long post but I think it helped me writing this out. I...
Mozart150 profile image

wisdom teeth infections and RA

hi all I have been having many infections in my impacted wisdom teeth since oct...
WozzaM profile image


Hi I'm starting amgevita injection shortly I'm a little worried about any new dr...
Eva9 profile image


Until I've seen a Gastroenterologist and had a colonoscopy I've been advised by ...

Covid anti viral meds

Has anyone taken the Covid anti-viral meds? I reported my positive test online...

Prescription Charges Coalition - Daily Express Article - Prescription Charges Barrier

Morning All, NRAS are part of the Prescription Charges Coalition and in early ...
Hidden profile image

Arthritis friendly carseat??

I'm in need of a car seat that I can unclip easily. I have zero strength or grip...
RAat13 profile image


I received a letter March 20th with this heading from the NHS.At first I was tot...
MjRock profile image

Nellie 11

I was on but had to stop taking i itmany side effects hope this his helpfully
Nellie11 profile image

Methotrexate query

Hi All,I started 15g Methotrexate injections 3 weeks ago. A variety of mini reac...
cyprusmum profile image

The outcome

Thanks for all your replies. The nurse I saw today is going to put it forward ...
Akaka profile image

Change to Rituximab

Hello lovely people. I'm dithering as the Amgevita I've been taking for the last...
Gnarli profile image

Sulfasalazine - Fatigue

Been on 3g/ day for RA since Dec, slowly improving, but suffering from fatigue/ ...
Rascotland profile image

Not sure what to expect?

Hi all I’ve managed to get an appointment with the Rheumy nurse today f2f. I s...
Akaka profile image

called out in a group setting

I was out for a friends birthday dinner on Saturday and staying at another frie...

RA question

I’ve only been on hydroxychloroquine for two months and it has helped with the p...
remission profile image