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All posts for August 2012

Optomistic or what.......

Morning all, well here i am, a different woman to yesterday. Thank goodness i ca...
sylvi profile image


On Cimzia, CRP/ESR now near normal, so why are all my joints worse than ever? Anyone else had this?

In spite of good blood results for the first time in 15 months, RA is more activ...
Sailaway profile image
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a thoughtful piece of prose about pain

this was written and posted by Teadrinker on painconcern and posted with permiss...
hamble99b profile image

infection and other stuff

hey every one, just been docs n told ive got an infection been put on some me...
charhunt profile image

Injection pen - pinch an inch or not?

I have just started Humira with a pre loaded injection pen.- take MTX by needle ...
SALI profile image

Newbie and forthcoming appointment!

Hello, I am writing this because I am now starting to get a bit apprehensive ab...
newbie55 profile image

doctors today most un helpful you have had an mri etc etc

could not get an xray on me back to see if it had gone worse or enything for th...
minka profile image

does anyone feel like they dont understand wot is going on with their body, i have been diagnosed with ra for a year now. but i dont get it

jaqi1 profile image

Tired tired tired ....

Have been under the cloak of fatigue for a couple of days now , well thats what...
pottypam profile image


This morning i got up at before 6am. Again i am in so much pain. My fingers, kne...
sylvi profile image


Hi All Well I feel rejuvanated - how long for this time I don't know, but I'm...
sciqueen profile image

I am Asking for Opinions, from those familiar with my Story

I am working on creating my page for the Support group I want to begin, I. Basic...
LuckysJoy profile image

hi everyone on here; i dont get wot all this means, i can't relate that i have something scarey going on

jaqi1 profile image on NHS

Suppressed, emotional and depressed This condition leaves me feeling stressed ...
watson3 profile image

Emotional stages of RA with a nod of respect to Tilda

Hello everyone, Tilda’s magnificent blog on courage has made me contemplate t...
Hidden profile image

Hi ho, hi ho - for Rituximab I go...

Have received my copy of consultants notes from beginning of month (July) it doe...
elrose profile image

hiya all just a quick question. if mtx isn't working for me are the stronger drugs more scarey as regards damaging my body?

jaqi1 profile image

hiya going to Turkey in Sept does anyone recommend a good travelinssurance ive had RA for 20years

catz34 profile image

Medicine......and Friends unite....

I'd love to make you happy But you love to make me sad. Despite, our trials ...
watson3 profile image

Thank you to all!

Over the weekend I visited my family who live three hours away. Many stated tha...
Hidden profile image

The new assesments ..... wondering what will happen .

I as yet have not had one of the new assesments for Disability . I was actually ...
pottypam profile image

wonder when i will get my new treatment .

Saw my Rhumy on the 9th July and told he wants me to have Toximibi???? lol memo...
pottypam profile image

Appointments, or lack of them!

My doctor recently wrote to my consultant explaining to her that my shoulders a...
gazelleLOL profile image

today is a definite go back to bed day

woke up at 4 pm knee killing me and ankles last night me back and neck where bu...
minka profile image

So angry, frustrated and fed up.

i have been having trouble with my right foot for 6 years now. I get a lot of pa...
sharlynn profile image