The Centre of Attention.....: Right then so here we are... - NRAS


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The Centre of Attention.....

3 Replies

Right then so here we are. Bloods - normal. Fatigue - getting there. Aches and pain - treating them with loving kindness, relaxation and gentle exercise.

Next stop - a spot of regular exercise in the pool methinks.

My OT advised me a few weeks back that I was trying to run before I could walk. Give myself time to learn to pace and start some gentle exercising. Ok Ok, done that.

My routine in the morning consists of

1. Warm lemon water - tablets to be taken prior to food

2. Bounce on the rebounder according to how I feel

3. Relaxation, deep breathing, flexing muscles, and gentle exercises (mainly just stretching and stuff)

4. Shower/breakfast/afterfood tablets

Blimey it's a full job looking after myself!!!

I must remember that I am at the centre of my care (self management classes) I have a plethora of health professionals around me, as well as family and friends, on who to call, depending upon my needs.

Sounds blooming selfish to me, but it's the only way forward. The only way I feel I can get myself back in control and well enough to be as normal as I can within the constraints of my health problems.

Visited the Physio yesterday morning. That was fun. He was obviously used to people popping in with the odd ailment. When he asked me what was troubling me most, I had a job to distinguish between. feet, knees, hips, shoulder and back. Poor man, he got quite flustered and needed an extra sheet of paper!. That was before he asked for previous problems, when I said well two severe bouts of plantar faciitis, rotator cuff impingement, sciatica, Carpel Tunnel operations. But do you know what, he said something that no other health professional, or anyone else for that matter, has never said. He said quite simply "You seem to have had a real tendancy for tendon and joint problems, for most of your life" "Hmmm, yes, I had to have a brace on my neck when I was 7 because my neck seized up for no apparent reason", and it's been downhill from there ever since really!!!!" (I forgot to mention that I have always found it easy to sprain, strain and hurt ankles, knees and wrists and shoulders)

Anyways, upshot of it is, I have Bursitis affecting my knees, elbows, shoulders and tenosynovitis affecting my wrists and possibly my ankles. I mentioned this to my GP about 3 years ago, but as I had gone in to see him about my knee, he didn't pass any comments when I was telling him about my sore points on my joints. Just said - well let's get the knee sorted shall we - which he didn't!!

I am to have a dip in the hydro pool at the hospital over the next 6 weeks when I shall get expert instruction on how to exercise and get my poor old muscles back into shape. I hope to goodness it works and I do not get a return of the dreaded RA. I also have exercises to do for both my knees in which have OA, he is hoping the tender spots on my hips are down to Bursitis and not OA. So I am referred back to my consultant for an injection in the wrists and his opinion on my hips.

Bless his socks (the physio that is) - he is on his final placement from Plymouth Uni at my local hospital, although he is no spring chicken. He ran all this by the senior RA physio who was there as well and she agreed with him.

Question - when is the NHS going to start treating the whole person instead of just one disease at a time?

So I am really feeling at the moment like looking after myself is a real full time job! It feels very selfish. What can we do?

Yours, in limbo, Julie xxx

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3 Replies
LavendarLady profile image

Hi Julie, well at least something is being sorted out. I agree the NHS would do better to treat the whole person not just bits but that probably is too much like holistic medicine for it to cope with. Interestingly enough, I saw my consultant privately initially when he ordered me straight into the private hospital (Good old BUPA) and I had superb treatment. When he was trying to take fluid off my knees I did call him Dr. Crippen but he did laugh about it. My GP did say that if I had been taken into the NHS hospital locally, I would have just been left with nothing being done. She was very impressed with the treatment I was given and yes, the private hospital did treat me as a whole and not just a few irritable joints! So keep pestering them and good luck with it all. Love LavendarLady x

hi Julie tongue in check.. thought the title of the blog was refering to you??!! xx

Yes it does!!!

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