Nails: I’ve been on mtx for 21/2 years now and... - NRAS


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I’ve been on mtx for 21/2 years now and Plaquenil for about a year and a half. My nails have gone really crap so I’m taking a supplement But my actually nailbeds on my fingers are sore they hurt if I put any pressure on them. I have RA. Has anyone else had this. Don’t know if it’s the RA or the medication Thanks Sylvia

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18 Replies
AgedCrone profile image

Hi Sylvia....I was on Mtx for 7 years for Sero+ RA, & had no problems with my finger nails. Have you shown them to your doctor? You could have a fungal infection & most of these can be treated.......although it does take quite a while to get them back to normal.

It might even be worth showing your nails to your pharmacist as there are fungal nail treatments available without a prescription...but do tell him what meds you are on.

Hope you find some help soon.

in reply to AgedCrone

Hi yeah thanks I showed them to my rheaumy as well. She didn’t think much about it. They look fine other then breaking all the time more then normal

AgedCrone profile image
AgedCrone in reply to

Maybe try nail oil every night...dry nails break easily, or use something like Sally Hansen Nail Strengthener under your nail polish.

After years of using any old nail polish I now buy OPI Nail Envy From QVC (to those wondering - no I don't have shares in the company, I just can't bear going shopping these days.) it's not cheap, but it does last,, & seems to keep my nails in good condition.

Last resort..but some pretty gloves!!!

in reply to AgedCrone

Thanks I’m taking a nail supplement from the Health Food Store and I bought a nail and cuticle moisturiser so hopefully that will help out.

oldtimer profile image

I have often found that my nail beds feel painful when I have swollen joints. I haven't been able to work out whether it's part of the inflammation or due to nerve pressure from the joints further back. I think it's part of the RD not a side effect of medication, as it has happened on various different treatments if that's any help to you!

Thanks everyone

Hi not quite the same but my nails are so soft and peel - also had a lot of hair lose. My rhemy increase folic acid - now take each day bar Mtx day. Yet to see if it helps. I’m also taking calcium supplement

in reply to

I bite mine. Wish I could do the same to my toenals. They are so hard. I even have trouble cutting them with a small pair of secateurs!!!

Mummyola profile image
Mummyola in reply to

If your toe nails are hard, bath them in olive oil put some on the top of a cotton sock and rub it into your toe nails, leave sock on for about quarter of an hour, then rub them again, then use a heavy toe nail cutter to cut them. The oil should help soften them. Do this with your toes nails each day, not cut them obviously, and it is supposed to help keep them softer and less brittle. Good luck, ps try a dog toe nail cutter they are stronger than ours

Jesnaskah profile image

When my RA was at it's worst, my thumb nails and big toe nails had ridges... Now it's better, and just one slight horizontal dent. I thought it was really weird. I'm only on 1.5mg pred, and 4mg of LDN.

Beviej profile image

Try rubbing vaseline on your nails and the nail beds every night.I was told to do that by a dermatologist .Made a world of difference.

Troygirl profile image

I was on Mtx for a year & my hair started falling out in gobs! I was freaking out. I told my RA Dr. I did not want to take Mtx any longer. He put me on Enbrel. My hair stopped falling out but I now have achy body when I wake up. It goes away once I am up, take 2 aspirin and start moving around. I would rather have an achy body than be bald!!

in reply to Troygirl

I lost all my hair (everywhere on my body) when I had chemo for cancer. I loved it and couldn't understand why others tried to spare their hair. Even now there are bits that don't grow hair (arm pits) which is an absolute blessing. and I keep my head hair really short. A number 2 cut is ideal.

in reply to

I haven’t had any problems with hair loss at all. Just my nails have ridges and the nail beds can be quite tender at times

pixil8d profile image

Hi Sylvia. Have you ever asked about taking the B vitamin Biotin? I have been taking it for several months, and although I still have hair falling out, it is also being replaced. My nails have become super strong during this time, but there are also vertical ridges on them. (I don't know if they're related.) I asked my rheumy about Biotin, he didn't think that was making a difference in anything. But he also doesn't put much stock in the idea of inflammatory vs. anti-inflammatory foods.

I think it might be worth a try, but know that it takes a long time to have an effect. (Think about how long it takes for a nail to grow all the way from the cuticle...)

SLEepyhead123 profile image

My initial rheumatologist felt my nails to see if they were ridged as this is a sign of RA. Just a shame I'd covered them in clear nail polish as I can't bear how they feel. Due to the language barrier I couldn't get him to understand. I was on methotrexate injections at the time and at the end of the appointment he prescribed Metoject to be taken every day!

Complaint made to head of rheumatology and the Malaga lupus association. I now have a new rheumatologist who is brilliant but I make sure I go without nail polish on! She is treating me for systemic lupus and RA. I don't have any pain but I use healthy hoof nail treatment from Amazon, it's the best nail moisturiser I've ever found but I don't know if it would help the pain. Perhaps your next appointment you could ask if they can prescribe something. I hope the pain goes soon. 💜

Hi SiylviaMA

you need zinc & zinc-rich foods whatever the cause provided there's no medical reason not to which I don't think there would be but you could check... Good luck !

Hattie23 profile image

see it you can have a calcium and Vitamin D blood test. mine was very low and now on Adcal tablets from GP. great nails again now and levels back where they should be. it goes with RA. once grown again I'm back on OPI nail envy too but needed the Adcal first as had no effect on its own at all.

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