how long have you had skin problems: I was born with... - MY SKIN


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how long have you had skin problems

mummy_37 profile image
13 Replies

I was born with Eczema :( for years I tried everything creams, medicines etc and nothing worked.

A couple years ago my GP referred me to dermatologist who put me in for lite treatment. It worked for a month or so and then flared up again, last year I was finally given a rasp test while doing lite treatment. I was so pleased to find out Im highly allergic to animals and that was why skin was so bad.

Now for the first time in 37 years skin looks great :)

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mummy_37 profile image
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13 Replies
sarah-jayne profile image

i was born with eczema and i was just like you where the creams the docs gave me wouldn't work, i ended up waking up in the night and i was literally scratch my skin that much i was bleed so much and i ended up on sleeping tablets. i was finally after 19 yrs i was refereed to a specialist and found out i was being under-treated by my doctors and was given




As soon as i put these creams on it was like i had brand new skin :) x

praja758 profile image
praja758 in reply to sarah-jayne

all three are creams only ????

mummy_37 profile image

its horrible when they dont no what is the cause. I was given the eumovate ointment and cream, worked for a while but then skin flared up again, I had a really bad out break last summer. I thought it was due to chemicals as I worked in Halfords at the time. Then in December the nurse at dermatology clinic finally said I was getting the rasp test done.:) have they ever done rasp test on you ?

I've had eczema since i was very young. my first memory of my first day at school was of the kids recoiling back because of the rash on my legs.

I'm glad you found something that helps. I heard that light was a good therapy for skin problems.

I agree with you about the steroids. I don't use "magic" steroid creams, as I also found they cause rebound and you end up needing to use increasingly strong creams. You start off with hydrocortisone, and end up on the potent stuff like Bentnovate. Before long that doesn't work either. Steroids should not be used for more than 5 days, or you can get addicted, like i did.

Gabbyeva54 profile image
Gabbyeva54Volunteer in reply to

Really, I have been using Hydrocortison, for the past two years... I didnt know it could become addicting. Wow....

Hi all,

Just a quick reminder that if you'd like to, the British Skin Foundation is always looking for case studies to help with their media work. It's an excellent way of spreading awareness about your condition, and really not that scary talking to the press (we do it all the time!).

If this is interesting, please have a read here or contact

Thank you!


rebeccasylvia profile image

ive had mine for over ten years now ive tried everyting the creams the uv lighttreatment and now ive been told i might have to stay on tablets for the rest of my life which wouldnt be so bad if the side affect werent so scary

coniston profile image

hi All had skin allergys to hair spray when I was 15 years old oil of olay 22 years old . Age 65 had shingles and my lips went flaky I was give treament it went away but came back this time after treament I was left with red marks on my skin under lips and told I would probly need to use epaderm rest of my life. I was on antibiotics for 1 week a infection also had bad cough when I finished course my tongue was sore and mouth Doctor said it would dissapear however red inflamed spots on my cheeks appeared was given dakacord and dacatard also e 45 cream it got worse. I went private for consoltation as my skin was on fire was told probable seborreic dermatitis. I was given fucidin for spots which didnt help made my skin chin redder still is then sent for allergy test I was allergic to e 45 fucidin and every product I have been given. The dermatologist said could be contact dermatis also mentioned seborreic dermatis but looking more to rosacea now as I flare up red.

Still get small red spots for which I am on antibiotics. also flare up I dont eat hot food or drink hot drinks and wear a hat in sunshine try keeping calm all this helps to keep my skin from getting red. Since the start of the allergy test I use fragrance free ,lanolin alcohol free moisturer also dont use fragrance candles etc and I am hoping if I keep off hydrocortisone my skin will get better so grateful to my doctor who sent me for allergy test.

expressmeds247 profile image

Skin is your body's largest organ. It serves as a protective barrier between your insides and the rest of the world, helps regulate body temperature and acts as a filter. Skin exists in a constant state of growth, with old cells dying as new cells are forming. It's affected by every aspect of your life, from what you eat to where you live. Healthy skin is better able to fight signs of aging, heals much faster and staves off potential disease better than unhealthy skin

To keep your face looking as youthful as possible, you need to properly cleanse, exfoliate and moisturize your skin while never leaving the house without at least 30 SPF sunscreen. But before we go there, how you care for your skin is utterly dependent on the type of skin you have: oily, normal/combination, dry, sensitive or sun- damaged.

To know more about skin care products and to availe them at your door step please do visit They are the best discounted, budget, and leading generic medicine providers today.

loumun profile image

I want the rasp test for my 11 year old daughter but the nurses at dermotology said its part of my daughters genetic make up that she has ezcema :(

They said if they thought she was allerrgic to pets or food the would do one but they dont -

what does any one think ? the nurses there know best dont the ?xx

Mavericktv profile image

Hi All,


I'm an Assistant Producer looking for a contributor with Rosacea for Channel 4's Embarrassing Bodies in the UK.

Would you be interested in having it looked at under a microscope by a top Professor on Friday morning (yes, tomorrow!) in London? We would cover all expenses - This segment will not be broadcast - it's just for an investigation to see if it's worth featuring in the programme.

Please do call me asap if you are interested.

Many thanks,


01212 248 378

loristan profile image
loristan in reply to Mavericktv

I have many users of our product, a nano technology herbal solutions which helped embarrassing body to become proud and sexy body for most of the chronic skin conditions. If you need pictures of the skin conditions recovery process, I will be pleased to send it to you. Thanks.

jax553 profile image

Hi, I was diagnosed 20 yrs ago with Pustular Psoriasis, on my hands and feet, What they didn't tell me is that it is rare and dangerous, well thanks a bunch guys, It seems to be linked with many other diseases, I know there is no cure, but Sunlight does help, Mine does nothing in the sun, it just pokes fun at me always, so there may be nothing, to heal the skin, but I am not a Doctor.

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