Struggled with acne after being on the pill? - MY SKIN


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Struggled with acne after being on the pill?

BritishSkinFoundationCharity profile image

Struggled with acne after being on the pill? We're looking for someone to share their story.

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5 Replies
satnav71 profile image

I never had acne as a teenager, not even a single spot, but after going on the injection at 17 and then swapping to the pill at 19 I have had uncontrollable acne that has severely impacted my self esteem. I am now 22 and desperate for a solution because I seem to be the only acne riddled adult I know. I have been using benzoyl peroxide gel for about 2 years twice a day which I'm pretty sure is terrible for my skin but it's the only thing that reduces the acne and even then I still have constant break outs. I am getting so desperate I'm going to book a doctor's appointment to talk to them about what can be done but everything I read only talks about acne after coming off the pill or before going on it. I don't want to come off contraception because it makes my periods unbearably painful and I can't afford to take time off to writhe in pain in my bed every month. I can't be the only person with this problem and I would love to hear about any solutions people have found!

cookie1989 profile image

The progesterone only pill actually cured my sever acne over my face and shoulders after 8 years and now i have completely acne free skin

CedarPark profile image

Suffering with adult acne as soon as I changed from combined pill to the mini pill. Have now come off all contraceptive pills and acne is not clearing :(

Starbob profile image
Starbob in reply to CedarPark

Me too! I've stopped taking Cerelle 2 months ago after being on Yasmin but I'm still getting breakouts! Never had spots like these before, even when I was a teenager!

How are you getting on now?

CedarPark profile image
CedarPark in reply to Starbob

Hi, still suffering with spots and horrible greasy skin but slowly getting better. Got a few products been using which I think are helping. How about you? Wish could take yasmin again but doctors won't let me

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