For today's Wellness Wednesday (on Thursday because that's how my husband's schedule is panning out lately :D) I thought I'd do something a little different than simply post about a topic.
I was having a beautiful conversation with a fellow sufferer today and it made me realize something. No matter how far I am on this recovery journey, I still have OCD and I'm finally okay with that. I still have bad days and weeks sometimes. I still cry in frustration and procrastinate on my ERP because avoidance and I are frenemies. I still notice new compulsions pop up from time to time. The difference is I've stopped fighting the distress and learned to embrace uncertainty as often as I'm able.
I think I started this journey looking for a fix. I felt that I was something that needed to be fixed and what this community has made me realize is that we're not broken. We're beautiful and worthy humans. We just need the right skills, support, and compassion. I wouldn't wish OCD on anyone as it is debilitating and has affected my life profoundly, but I've finally accepted that it's part of MY journey and I'm okay with that.
I suppose this is my long-winded way of saying thank you to each and every one of you for inspiring me, supporting each other, and for existing because you are each so very worthy of love, support, and compassion and I hope you'll give yourselves that as often as you're able.
What are your thoughts on living alongside OCD?