Depressed: Thank you everyone who replied to... - Macular Society

Macular Society

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6 Replies

Thank you everyone who replied to my earlier post, I must admit I don't feel so alone I don't know why I did before but I feel now I have a group of really good friends who won't quickly change the subject of my eye condition or any of the others because they don't know how to deal with it, I've already had the raised eyes and oh no something else looks from so called friends and family, but at least I have you good people it means a lot. I have been in touch with the Mac Soc, what a lovely bunch of people and they have put me in touch with a councillor, which I am very grateful. So fingers crossed. Thank you all once again I really don't feel so alone, have a wonderful Christmas and every good wish for 2017. Love to you all

Shannie 04

6 Replies
Hollyg profile image

as we say in the states...hang in there

sal2 profile image

Hi Shannie04, this is a good group to share your concerns with, I'm fairly new to the group and still don't know a great deal about it all. The macular society is great, they can help in all sorts of ways. I have dry AMD but still having regular checks at the eye clinic. I wish you well on your journey, remember there's always someone here to talk to. Have a lovely Christmas 🎅 and all the best for 2017. Take care x

Happy Xmas, best wishes for 2017 x

Beldie profile image

It's really good that you are in touch with the Mac Society; that, and this group, can make a big difference. Do have a very happy Christmas. XX

JimGlanDwr profile image

In my reply I forgot to add try listening to classical music. We listen to Radio 3 (90 -92 FM) nearly all day (and night) there is a wide range of music and not too much inane chatter and no adverts. Give it a go for a few days. Try 9am to midday if you're not sure for a trial. We find it both relaxing and uplifting.

kalahuchi profile image

I'm so glad you are feeling better Shannie and you are right, it is difficult to talk about this to friends and family sometimes. We certainly aren't alone in this; there must be millions of us worldwide and this forum is a great support network for us all ; just keep posting! x

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