Any body tell me what good food should be take us... - LUPUS UK


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Any body tell me what good food should be take useful for SLE lupus?

osama profile image
3 Replies
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osama profile image
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3 Replies
jodie profile image

i found this on the net it may help,

However, the following dietary adjustments may help patients with SLE in general:

Eat a balanced diet consisting of a variety of foods - this would include increasing your intake of fish, fresh fruit and vegetables, unprocessed cereals and grains, low-fat milk and yoghurt.

Do not exclude certain food groups unless your doctor or dietician has advised you to do so.

Try to maintain your ideal body weight. If you are overweight, ask your dietician to help you lose weight by reducing your energy intake.

Make sure that you are drinking sufficient liquid, which may include water, coffee, tea, rooibos, fruit juice, cold drinks and moderate quantities of beer or wine. You need three litres or 10 x 300 ml cups of liquid a day in total. This does NOT mean that you should drink all your regular beverages and then add another extra three litres of water. Remember 10 cups/glasses of LIQUID a day are sufficient.

Try to cut down on salt. Ideally you should only be ingesting one teaspoon (5 g) of salt (sodium chloride) a day. Don’t add salt when you cook foods and use as little as possible at table. Use lemon juice, herbs and other spices to give dishes flavour. Read labels on foods to exclude those that have a high salt content. Some medications also contain sodium and may have to be excluded.

Don’t eat too much protein as this may aggravate SLE. Use fish instead of red meat, chicken and organ meats to increase your omega-3 intake.

Cut down on fat as this may also have a negative effect on SLE and cause overweight. Avoid fatty foods, visible fat on meat, adding fat in cooking, fat-rich sauces and dressings, cakes, pies and chips - in fact any foods that have a high fat content, except certain types of fish and vegetable oils.

Jude65 profile image

It would be lovely if there was a magic food or diet that would lessen our symptoms but as far as I know there is nothing proven that helps. As Jodie says the best advice is to have a good healthy diet and keep your weight down.

If you are on steroids, make sure that you have calcium and vitamin D to help prevent osteoporosis. I do know that vitamin D has shown to be beneficial for us.

Ani- profile image


The topic of food/nutrition/lifestyle and lupus is something I have become passionate about. As a registered nutritionist (BSc, MSc) I have flung myself into researching the subject since being diagnosed. Although there is no single magic food or 'cure' nutrition can make a real difference to the condition, this is something I strongly feel. Inflammation in the body can be seriously manipulated with diet and a few supplements (under the care of a doctor). Certain foods and food groups can also rapidly increase inflammation and can be avoided.

Giving specific advice here in the forum would not seem ethical to me because of the need for doctor involvement and one-to-one tailoring. However the research paper I have been working on is almost complete. The next step is to translate my research into an understandable patient leaflet that I hope to also make available soon.

What we eat really can make a difference to body chemistry, brain chemistry and inflammation.

I am excited about my research but also unsure of what to do with it. I have been out of paid work since April and have been working on this paper but now I really need to make some business decisions!!

Anyway, I just wanted to wax-lyrical about my passion for nutrition and health - it definitely insn't the whole story but it is a part and can help.

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