Strange new symptoms or new illness : My diagnosis... - LUPUS UK


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Strange new symptoms or new illness

17 Replies

My diagnosis is Stills Disease which manifests as RA, I’ve had it since late teens now 60. Just one major episode and been drug free since mid 20s apart from pain relief. Symptoms now include sore throats, fever, fatigue and joint pain, I also have a sore skin rash, Interstitial Cystitis and Lichen Sclerosis. I’m 5’2, weigh 9 stone 7 , post menopause using HRT patches. Recovering from leg muscle injury October 2020.

Strange new issues recently, itchy dry skin, nausea, heart burn, odd tummy cramps, excruciating pain in hips and lower back ( which I thought was just usual RA pain), anxiety, fatigue, blurry eyes ( not migraine related), bloated tummy and my sore throat and LS are flaring badly. I imagined this was all Stills related but recently the heartburn and nausea has increased making me wonder. Stills can affect the organs and my reading has led me to consider Pancreatitis.

I know I need to SEE🤨 my GP and get some bloods etc to set the bell rolling but wonder if there’s any experience on these symptoms here?


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17 Replies
LottieLou96 profile image

Sorry I don't know, can't imagine what your dealing with in totality here. Like you say, you're going to see a GP. A real easy test for pancreatitis, would be a positive amylase test. Pancreatitis generally is an upper GI pain that shoots through to the back. Usually anyway.

Good luck, hope youre feeling brighter and get some clarity on your symptoms.

Lottie x

in reply to LottieLou96

Thanks LottieLou

weathervane profile image
weathervane in reply to

Sorry to hear you are going through this , it does need checked out , hope you get to see your gp soon. Feel better soon 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼xxx

in reply to weathervane

Thanks Weathervane

MusicalFurbaby profile image

It’s hard to say for sure, but maybe there are a few things happening concurrently? I’m struggling to see how itchy skin might relate to nausea and the horrible pain you’ve been experiencing—then again, you never know with AI! I also don’t know anything about pnacreatitis, so maybe pursue that line of thought with your doctor and see what they say.

My other thought is I had quite a few random symptoms following my booster shot a few months ago, and I’ve recently found out you can have side effects for up to a couple of months after the jab. Have you had yours?

Definitely get the ball rolling with respect to bloods etc. and see if they give you any clues. I’m assuming you’ve had scans on your lower back to rule out the obvious things like bulging discs and nerve impingement? If it’s been a while, it might be time to do another and see if anything has changed there. My back pain can give me other symptoms like nausea, but again, not sure how this might relate to a sore throat and everything else. Sorry I can’t be more helpful!

in reply to MusicalFurbaby

Thanks MusicalFurbaby, yes 3 jabs so far, I’ll update my post with any interesting findings 🎶

Pumpkin2009 profile image

Is the sore throat new along with the other symptoms? Sore throat can go with all the stomach issues from acid reflux, ulcers, etc. Back pain could also be related, but you really need some answers. Have any of your meds changed? Do you take any stomach meds? I agree that you need to get blood work. I do have many of those symptoms and I got Covid Nov. 2020 and so probably a result of that. I already had stomach/intestinal issues and it seems that the Covid set them off into high gear. They are not as severe or constant now the last couple of months. I do have constant sinus drainage that seems to add to all of it. I don't know about the jabs, but it may be possible also. I will keep you in my thoughts. Keep us up dated. I hope someone here may have some answers as well.

Healing hugs.

Krazykat26 profile image

You've definitely gotta get checked out stills 🤗I think we all understand here that if you've got one AI condition..others do follow on sadly.

I don't have a diagnosis for you...but I would advise that u keep a symptom diary..take pics of your rash n swelling etc. Keeping a symptom diary will help u identify any possible triggers over time.

GP is first port of call for you lady..push for appt..u need it right now 🌈😽😽xx

in reply to Krazykat26

You’re right of course but GP still thinks he’s in isolation 😖 I think I’ll hope it’s just a weird AI thing and just goes or if it worsens I’ll call 111. I do feel it’s linked to my constant sore throats which I’ve always attributed to STILLS as it was the first symptom and heralds an attack, however I’ve recently wondered if it’s just tonsillitis... I don’t know, but feel rubbish and fed up and worried.Thanks for your reply.

Krazykat26 profile image
Krazykat26 in reply to

If you're worried then that's cause for concern. You're tough but this needs checking out..believe me when I tell you the last place I wanna be is in front of a doctor but sometimes we have to. If you don't make noises it's only u who suffers 💜🌈😽😽xx

in reply to Krazykat26

Krazykat is a Correctcat 🤣Thanks for the push, I will ring for appointment.

Krazykat26 profile image
Krazykat26 in reply to

Good girl 👍 please let us know how you get on 💜🌈😽😽xx

Alida_Bennett profile image
Alida_BennettPartnerLUPUS UK

Hi Stillsdisease

It sounds like you are going through a very difficult time currently. At the risk of repeating what other members have said, it really is very important that you have any new or worsening symptoms checked out by your GP or consultant as soon as possible.

I hope you will find some answers quickly and start to feel better – do please let us know how you get on.

Kind regards


in reply to Alida_Bennett

Thank you, you’re right of course, I’m just afraid of something else to deal with but I will call GP and update my post 😃

daniel55 profile image

Hi Stillsdisease sorry your feeling so poorly you were wondering about pancreatitis it doesn't sound like it to me but tests for amylase is the only way to be sure I have had a lot of pancreatitis over the last two years. Nausea wind stomach pain ,pain under my ribs on the right side going round to my back and up to my shoulder blade sometimes vomiting . the pain is that bad you can't even sit down. I wouldn't wish it on anyone but you do seam to have a mixture of symptoms have you considered it might be an allergy? I'm sure that you will keep us informed after you have seen your GP (good luck with that) but I hope he/she is able to help you sending you plenty of hugs to help you feel better xxxxx

in reply to daniel55

Thank you for your reply and I note your recent post.The reason I worry about pancreatic issues is two deaths amongst male relatives on my Mothers side of pancreatic cancer and the fact that I used to be a heavy drinker.

I have a constant headache, feverish, heartburn, nausea, bloating, prickly skin, dizziness, fatigue, new bad pain in hips and lower back, odd stomach twinges, constant sore throat, new strange pain left shoulder into neck and Dr google is terrifying so I’m looking for rational knowledge here.

It’s all probably just the Stills Disease doing stuff to me as I’m getting older, post menopause etc and my usual joint pain is increased too but I confess I’m worried if working my way up to trying to get an appointment with GP.

daniel55 profile image

Hi Stillsdisease there is nothing wrong with making an appointment with your GP hopefully it should settle some of your worries sending you across some hugs xx

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