Are you in the Rhesus Negative/Positive blood group? - LUPUS UK


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Are you in the Rhesus Negative/Positive blood group?

Paul_Howard profile imagePaul_HowardPartnerLUPUS UK144 Voters

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11 Replies
vonda profile image

If that mean I'm A lupus survivor yes

collette profile image

Don't know how would I know?

kittyhawk profile image

A rhesus negative. Found out when I was pregnant, apparently rare :/

baba profile image

How can one be neither RhD positive or negative?

MandaM profile image

I'm negative so what does this mean then?

su3y profile image

ive been told im a- blood type and have double stranded dna

L-2day4u profile image

I was akways told that being Rh negative would complicate pregnancies due to the probability that a child would be Rh positive. They gave me a shot to deal with my baby being Rh positive, and it gave me serum sickness...

L-2day4u profile image

Looking this up, it is interesting to note that only 8% to 15% of any population is negative, so why are so many lupus patients negative?

Puska profile image

How can you be 'neither'.

Serser profile image

I’m Rh negative - is there a theory that the Rh factor has something to do with Lupus?

Turquoise-1 profile image

O Rhesus Negative = Universal Donor.

Unfortunately, despite being a regular blood donor, & having a much needed blood type, I was prevented from continuing to do so due to having a Sarcoma (rare cancer).

I believe now having SLE prevents me donating also.