Do you suffer with memory loss and/or headaches? - LUPUS UK


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Do you suffer with memory loss and/or headaches?

Paul_Howard profile imagePaul_HowardPartnerLUPUS UK265 Voters
Yes (both, frequently)
Yes (both, some of the time)
Just Memory Loss (frequently)
Sometimes both
Just Headaches (frequently)
12 Replies
Sher78 profile image

The headaches totally knock me 4 6 as most of the time NOTHING helps. If it is a full-on 'Lupus/APS' headache I just end up going 2 bed until it passes. The longest 1 has gone on 4 is 3 weeks :(

Danielle2419 profile image
Danielle2419 in reply to Sher78

The headaches are the worst i hate them all my headaches respond to painkillers i.e cocodomal but they are just so bad and i will get them once a week at least, and as for the memory loss thats a funny matter but its terrible i dont take anything to get rid of that and my partner and my mother think im mental lol.

EricaN profile image
EricaN in reply to Sher78

Steroids are the only thing that help mine. Have you tried prednisone for them?

Sher78 profile image
Sher78 in reply to EricaN

I won't touch steroids. I can manage my headaches well now. i took amitriptyline for a while (which helped for about 8 months). Now thankfully, I don't get them as often but when I do, they are generally more migraine (with vertigo) than a headache & I now take Malat tablets for them, which do the trick 9 times out of 10.

straylady profile image

I have headaches, l have one now, and yes memory is a problem, sometimes l can not remember what l have had for lunch, which worries me

kiwe profile image

when I was having bad headaches the neurologist suggested that I stop taking the strong cocodamol ie 30/500 and instead to take 8/500. the codeine appeared to make the headache worse. I feel better now. if one can avoid the codeine completely that's better .

EllieB4 profile image

Hiya all, I suffer with excruciating headaches & memory loss. My Pharmacist recommended Forehead, which is a stick that you rub across your head & works wonders for me. It does not interact with any medication & so is safe to use for us Loopys !! As for memory loss laughter is my medication otherwise its just embarassing. Good luck xXx

Memory loss is a much bigger problem than headaches for me at the moment. When having a conversation its normal for me to completely forget what I was going to say if the person I am chatting with takes longer than expected to finish their sentence.

I also forget to do things and forget what day it is.

A couple of weeks ago I had a really bad headache which I couldnt shift but found that I had high blood pressure at the time. Once that was normalised the headache shifted.

L-2day4u profile image

Steroids are known to cause memory loss. Also, when SLE affects the brain. Even the stress of having lupus can cause memory problems...Anyway, I do have memory loss.

shrop profile image

I get so lethargic. its like bad jet lag, my brain stops working and I feel so tired with the heavy headache and eye strain. I just have to go to bed for 3 or 4 hours. Then my mind is clear and my headache gone

Dreamva profile image
Dreamva in reply to shrop

Mine put me to sleep immediately! I have fallen asleep at the onset, with my hands on my laptop.

mlhanily profile image

Recently diagnosed with acephalgic migraines which have some hideous symptoms that for me might be related to photosensitivity from lupus. Went to 4 specialists before I got a diagnosis. Goes to show you that the best advocate for your health is you.