LUpus Patients Understanding and Support

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Bringing lupus into focus, empowering

our community and accelerating research

amid COVID-19 and beyond.

World Lupus Day / Mother’s Day, May 10.

Just a few months ago, lupus remained a relatively unknown disorder outside of the community living with the disease and those dedicated to treating it. Now, however, a pandemic caused by a novel coronavirus has also raised a broader need to understand a hyper-responsive immune system – a question the Lupus Research Alliance exists to answer. In the midst of COVID-19, so much can be learned, not only from our research, but from those living with lupus and their loved ones.

We typically spend every Lupus Awareness Month educating the public about lupus. But this year, we’re turning the tables with a new campaign called Learn from Lupus to share what the lupus community, the researchers, and the LRA can teach the rest of the world in this COVID-19 reality.

Because of their hyper-immune system, people living with lupus are immuno-compromised and need to take every precaution to stave off potential infections which could be serious. They are extra-vigilant about how they go about their daily routines, employing strategies far beyond just hand washing to remain as healthy as possible. It’s part of life when you live with lupus. Amid COVID-19, the world is being asked to take similar precautions as we look to “flatten the curve.” And while that may seem out of the norm for most, it is everyday life in the lupus community. That’s why we can look to people living with this autoimmune disorder to introduce methods to help us all practice safer living as we look ahead to social distancing guidelines becoming more relaxed and society returning to a degree of normalcy, and also to appreciate the daily life of those with lupus from a more empathetic perspective.

Continue to Be Smart and Stay Safe. Your physician is your best source of information on how to stay safe and for treatment advice.

Read the CDC guidelines on how to stay safe amid COVID-19.

Read the CDC guidelines on wearing face masks.

Read the WHO guidelines on wearing face masks.

Learn from People with Lupus

Hear from people with lupus remaining positive in the face of adversity.

LUpus Patients Understanding & Support (LUPUS):

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