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All posts for March 2017


Finally having my Lymphography tomorrow. I will finally know if I have Lymphoed...
angie10 profile image

Lymph awareness

Hi all, is anybody wearing odd compressions this week or is it just me lol xx
Hidden profile image

Update on SAPL surgery

Hello everyone. Well it is 2 days shy of two weeks since I had my surgery on lef...
Snaomi profile image
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LE awareness

Morning everyone, I would just like to wish all the gang a happy lymphoedema awa...
Hidden profile image

Days off work

Hi all, I have secondary Lymphedema from having cancer and Lymph Nodes removed, ...
Perce74 profile image

Lymph scan with gamma camera

Has anyone had a lymphoscintigraphy scan where radiation is injected and scanne...
IV-cross profile image

World Lymphoedema Day

Hi Everyone Did you know that the second World Lymphoedema day is taking place o...
Jude4 profile image

Autologous stem cell transplantation

Going to do autologous stem cell transplant.for relapsed follicular lymphoma. An...
Bhlool profile image

Sock it to lymphoedema

Lymphoedema awareness week starts on the 5th March - why not wear odd socks or g...
LymphSuppNetwork profile image

Born with Lymphedema

I first discovered I had Lymphedema when I was 12 years old. Most of my life I ...
Benita88 profile image

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