Which symptoms made you consult your ... - Heart Rhythm Diso...

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Which symptoms made you consult your GP in search of a diagnosis?

ArrhythmiaAlliance profile imageArrhythmiaAlliance101 Voters

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9 Replies
PeterWh profile image

Formally picked up at hospital - had been suffering for some time from shortness of breath, palpitations, tiredness and odd bits of dizziness after kneeling for a bit but put it down to getting older and other things.

lancashirerose profile image

skipped heart beats, often in runs - terribly scary

Someonesmother profile image

Picked up when undergoing cardiac ablation for SVT

Lovedmum profile image

Aware that heart beat was missing a beat when resting. It took a 2 week heart monitor to confirm atrial flutter and fibrillation. No other symptoms but symptoms started when I was put on Bisoprolol 2.5mg.

Michael1234 profile image

I was telling my GP and my diabetes specialist I had PAF for over a decade and they never referred me to a cardiologist! It was only after an increase in frequency of episodes that I requested a referral. Go figure.......... I could have been put on PIP medication a decade earlier...............

Rainey1957 profile image

Have had long term tachy-brady controlled by Bystolic. Developed increasing shortness of breath, fatigue, edema--especially in legs, feet, ankles along with new, stronger symptoms of palpitations, sleep issues. Saw new prevention MD that specializes in cardio. Tests have now confirmed that I not only have old issues and TR, but now also have MR, PAF, and pauses over 2 seconds, one at 3.8 seconds with junctional escape beats. Bystolic dose doubled, placed on diuretic daily, not helping much. See doctor again for follow up early July, will discuss options at that time. Symptoms continue despite medication.

No diagnosis yet but chest pain was my first symptom

Jakisu profile image

and nausea

MickE profile image

felt out of breath and tired. Thought I had flu. Went to GP as wife said it had been going on for a while. Just as well, BP and heart double speed. He called an ambulance. Just as well, I could have had a stroke. Turns out I had AF and cardiovascular disease.

Now on meds and had 4 stents fitted.