What is your favourite bread for sandwiches... - Healthy Eating

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What is your favourite bread for sandwiches or rolls? Multiple choice poll.

104 Voters
Whole Wheat
French Baguette
Other/None of the above: Please say in comments.
34 Replies
BrentW profile image

I have to eat gluten free, Jerry. I make it using buckwheat, millet and quinoa flours, and pumpkin and sunflower seeds I have soaked overnight. It is gorgeously filling and flavourful.

in reply to BrentW

Hi Brent your home baked gluten free bread sounds really good to me so I'm not surprised that you really enjoy it.

Htims46 profile image

Sliced white bloomer, sorry

delboy25 profile image

White Baguette

MandyH1970 profile image

I like brown seeded

The store I order from shows brown but I get different breads when they deliver. But so far never white processed bread. Various brands too sometimes. Some not branded but so are delicious

Meliejayne69 profile image

White French Baguette. Yummy!!

wiserlady profile image

depends on what sort of sandwich, different breads for different fillings

Hi everyone great to see all the replies already.

I bake my own mostly and bake brown gluten free bread the most, sometimes for extra texture I roast some pumpkin seeds before adding to the mix as they are lovely and crunchy, you have to be careful as they roast real fast.

Some of us feel passionately about the bread we eat and I think thats great.

kitchengardener2 profile image

Whole wheat pitta or wrap enjoyed by us as well.

White bread here. Sliced.

jpipw profile image

Home made organic wholemeal one hour out of the breadmaker, perfect.

HKAnne profile image

Gluten free bread Warburtons multi grain seems to be more edible than the other GF breads.

in reply to HKAnne

Hi HKAnne I like the Warburtons gluten free sourdough bread if I buy GF bread:


Your description of more edible than others rings true for most of us...😊

Rosepetal60 profile image
Rosepetal60Gluten Free in reply to

Thank you for the link Jerry, I will give this sliced loaf a try in the next few weeks.

Rosepetal60 profile image
Rosepetal60Gluten Free in reply to HKAnne

Thank you HKAnne for this information, I’ll give it a try soon.

Doggie123-UK profile image
Doggie123-UKHigh Risk

Warburtons nimble

springcross profile image

Sliced white Farmhouse.

Flossie1920 profile image

Crusty white bread

MTCee profile image

If I’m having a bread roll with my soup or if I need a sandwich to take with me when I travel, I prefer my home made gluten free, low carb bread rolls made with ground almonds, psyllium husk and yeast. They’re better than most gluten free high carb breads I’ve made and you only need one because they’re very filling.

PMR2014 profile image

Wholemeal seeded bread

MintTeaMascara profile image


DenMum profile image

I need gluten free so the best I've found is a multi grain seeded but also gluten free.

jimk_mb profile image

Sprouted grain bread, Ezekiel

shazstep profile image

I rather enjoy eating spelt bread

DeeSending profile image

Greetings Jerry,'What are you doing with all your results? Are you compiling a cookbook/healthy eating book? Or is this something you're simply interested in? I spent many years as a large corporate catering and events manager/chef and interviewed many people who were presenting with dietary problems. The results were very enlightening.

Chow Dee

in reply to DeeSending

Hello Dee, the polls are just for us the members as they're a really nice friendly way of discussing our favourite healthy eating choices was they are like an interactive post so get lots of great replies.

I post all my favourite gluten free recipes on HE so thats a free resource for gluten free members and it grows and evolves all the time as we have many members who are gluten free.

It sounds very interesting interviewing people over their dietary choices and needs and is very reassuring for those with special dietary needs,

Jerry. 😊

1155Cat profile image

Cuban bread

lawli56 profile image

I'm wheat free but find most gf bread very dry and hard to swallow. The best I've found are Sainsbury's gf seeded bread, Waitrose gf seeded rolls, Waitrose spelt sourdough bread, Schar multigrain gf ciabatta rolls and for open sandwiches I like german 100% rye bread (vollkornbrod). Home-made I make a 50/50 spelt & rye bread and also a spelt soda bread if I'm in a hurry. I've always preferred wholegrain breads and was advised after my gastric bypass not to eat white bread at all as it's too fluffy and sticky and gets stuck which I can confirm is the case - not a pleasant experience. So a more dense bread is better. I don't eat a lot of it though as it still requires a lot of chewing, but then so does most food. I generally have to be very mindful when I'm eating and take my time. If I'm in a real hurry then a vegan banana protein smoothie or a low carb/sugar vegan protein bar and a small ripe banana are usually what I take with me. I rarely eat out as it's not easy here in the uk to find something I can eat so I usually have protein bars, nuts, dried fruit, apples and bananas in my bag if I know I'm going to be out all day.

Ninn profile image

Qi make soya milk and have a lot of okara, the pulp, to use up. Its good added to bread and makes a nice soft dense loaf or rolls. Sometimes i sprout wheat and soya berries, blend with water and add to dough.

excel1234 profile image

Also multi seeded wholemeal

Rosepetal60 profile image
Rosepetal60Gluten Free

I voted other, because I’m struggling to come up with my favourite type of bread. To be honest, I don’t have one. But in an online grocery shop recently in the “Flash sale” List, I bought a genius GF boosted brioche loaf, which I do quite like a slice every so often. Somewhat sweet, but not as sweet as some Brioche breads/ rolls. Soft to eat,

Tibblington profile image

When we rarely have a sandwich it's open with just one slice of bread. Two slices of whole wheat are a bit heavy going. When I was working I took a packed lunch ever day day and that's what I had, an open sandwich of organic wholemeal made at home.

Lotus-Blossom profile image

My favorite bread to have a sandwich with is plain and Asda wholemeal bread it is lovely and nutritious and inexpensive. I really enjoy taking part in your healthy eating surveys.