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All posts for October 2020

Struggling as a carer

So my husband had a brain injury 2 years ago he was in hospital for 3 months, an...
Pixieloo profile image

Loss of sight after a stroke

My husband had a stroke after heart valve replacement surgery. He has lost his s...
Oldmasons profile image


Not sure if I'm being silly but twice today I have now had accident (bowel movem...
Beany43 profile image
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What do you do?

What do you do? It's the most frightening and yet seemingly innocuous question i...
Glenquoich profile image


My son 34 years old had 3 years back avm stroke physicaly fit however memory pro...
gusancheti profile image

experiences of progress in rehab

So my husband has arrived at a specialist rehab unit yesterday, I was allowed an...
pozza40 profile image

26 experiences of a unbreakable healthy body

I had a good workshop using the Embodied Yoga Principles. I'm sharing the 26 pos...
RecoveringH profile image

Free, World Class, Mindfulness Audio. An Aid To Recovery.

Hi all. If any of you have followed my recovery from PCS (yes the annoying rants...
pinkvision profile image


Been in hospital for a week as I thought I had suffered another SAH, had 2 ct sc...
Beany43 profile image

Another sample...

That's Hollie sorted for Christmas :)

2 weeks since I fell and banged my head

I found this forum and would welcome some advice. I’m in my sixties. 2 weeks ago...
Coachv profile image

New Member, Very Old Brain Injury.

Hello All, I'm a TBI survivor; an Extradural Haematoma after a fall in 1984 aged...
Glenquoich profile image

Anyone had any experience with radio surgery

Depression after avm
Bellbells profile image

The residual BI shopping problem

So more 8 years into the BI world I have learnt to tolerate the worst of the bri...
sospan profile image

Personality issues

Hi All, I have recently come to a realisation I wanted to share.I am 2yrs post A...
Headshrink profile image

How do I know if my symptoms are a TBI?

I've been suffering from migraines and headaches for the last 15 years, during w...
Ren1983 profile image


When a brain injured idiot goes into fashion... :)_
BaronC profile image

internal vibrations at night

when i lay down to sleep at night i feel some sort of internal vibration startin...
phjose121 profile image

Back to square one

All that stress and anxiety Theresa May put disabled people through when she was...
spideyman profile image

Hello from Stockholm, Sweden

Hi, I had my first TIA 10 days ago, so I can't write much due to my blurred visi...

Dating. How

This is unbelievable and it seems I’m destined to spend the rest of my life sing...
spideyman profile image

World mental health day

This is just one moment out of many over the last 5yrs, I’ve experienced not bei...
Kavib profile image

Weird and funny - mayonnaise

With a Head Injury you suffer from so many issues, some you usual expect; memory...
sospan profile image

Partner has brain injury

I'm living with someone who suffered brain injury from car accident. I'm struggl...
claire63314 profile image

Weird and yet funny

What was a big problem for me at first was that after the accident I had no feel...
Newtonpovey profile image

Brain Injury and PTSD Resources-Car Accident Recovery

I'm a TBI and PTSD, chronic pain accident survivor and wanted to share resources...
sopranoA profile image

A way forward for me

I kept trying to walk and it was all too uncoordinated, since the accident I sor...
Newtonpovey profile image

ICP wound still healing, but hurts

Maybe reassurance; where the ICP monitor inserted the area healing really well n...

TBI and complete 3rd nerve palsy after a cycling accident in August 2020

So I'm fairly new to this world and thought it would be good to share my story a...
OasisDreams profile image

Am I mad or is everybody else??

Hi all, have been sectioned for having a brain injury and retaliating verbally t...
BOOKSHHELF profile image