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All posts for September 2017


I just need to get off my chest the frustration i am currently feeling. i had a...
rlipscombe profile image

Knight XIII

Mini Baroness, myself and Sir Dave Navalskirmish Dave was largely unknown in his...
BaronC profile image

You might find this funny. I did

I attended a course a few years ago. During the course the tutor gave us a colou...
spideyman profile image
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LGV licence

After many months of battling with the DVLA they have finally given me my class ...
Reeve77 profile image

Someone actually said it

I just burst out laughing after i told some people what had happened to me in th...
spideyman profile image

has anyone else been left with panic attacks following brain injury?

I ask because I have.
deborah27 profile image

Knight XII

Mini Baroness and her 'carer' with, Sir Patricia Glutton Sir Pat was an odious m...
BaronC profile image

incontinence after hypoxic brain injury..

Hiya everyone, just hopping online really quickly to ask for a bit of advice to ...
MaryLou13 profile image

Tried return to work after 3 years. Maybe too much info I don't really know why I'm posting, my head is all over the place this morning.

I'm male, 24. 05/2014 head on car crash (not my fault) 2 months after my 21st b...
Pab93 profile image

Thought things where looking up

After my car accident in 2011 I've had a craniotomy and the bone flap removed to...

Has anyone any experience of having to be awake for surgery?

I ask because a younger member of the extended family has such surgery on Monday...