Neck shoulder pain tightness - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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Neck shoulder pain tightness

Sandra600 profile image
31 Replies

Hi, I’m having a great deal of pain and tightness in my neck and shoulder muscles and I am having nightmares and migraines every night which is leaving me absolutely exhausted and tearful all the time. I am at a loss of what to do about it and wondered if anyone else had anything similar and what you did about it? Thanks x

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Sandra600 profile image
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31 Replies
Hazel_Angelstar profile image
Hazel_AngelstarAdministratorFMA UK Staff

I have an electric heat pad that covers my neck/shoulders area and really helps to ease tight/painful muscles in this area

Sandra600 profile image
Sandra600 in reply to Hazel_Angelstar

Thanks, where did you get it from?

Hazel_Angelstar profile image
Hazel_AngelstarAdministratorFMA UK Staff in reply to Sandra600

Mine came from either aldi or lidl... But you can get them online (amazon or Ebay)

rosewine profile image

Have you tried a Tens machine with EMS as it can relax the muscles. Just have it on a low setting. Continuous gentle warmth can really help. You can get heated neck wraps.

thespianglobe profile image

Very common problem which I have suffered from for over ten years but there are a number of things you can do. My dreams have lessened over the years but I am sure that they were one of the prime causes of my neck problems. It is very difficult to deal with any sort of situation when you are exhausted but I am quite strong minded and determined from the start that I was going to control my body rather than the other way round. I often wake with a headache but the pain is radiating from my upper back and shoulders not my head so the first thing I do are some gentle stretching exercises. As recommended by others I then apply heat, heat pads are good, hot shower or bath. I then take the pressure off my neck by leaning over a firm cushion to read or work on my computer and I often sit with my chin resting on my hands which helps my neck muscles. I also find a few minutes deep meditation breathing helps, sounds odd but it works for me. If all else fails try Freeze Gel cream this takes the edge off it. I never sit on my sofa and lean back on the cushions as this will often start it off. I sleep much better these days.

Tim61 profile image

Hello, Sandra600 , if you can afford it a far infrared heated pad , is a little better than a normal heated pad , the heat it produces penetrates deeper into the soft tissue, so has more of an effect on relaxing soft tissue and muscles. I wouldn’t be without mine , but of course this is my opinion. It’s worth looking into, and worth trialing one if possible.

hunterped6 profile image

Exactly the same having physio

Treacle82 profile image

hi , this was one of my first symptoms when I got fibromyalgia. Pain in my neck , shoulder , then it went down in to my arm . Then I would get pins and needles in my hand . I had physio , that then made it worse . I then started getting pains into my head and then down my face . And the 1 thing that gave me great relief , was steroid injections . Into my back and neck areas where the muscle had spasmed. And it really helped , it reduces the inflammation so it then goes soft . And can then hopefully release any pinched nerves . If you have any . I have had it done 3 different times . Through the drs and then through the pain clinic . But if it’s something you can afford to have done I would recommend having it done straight away . So you don’t go through loads more pain .

Craggsy22 profile image

Try a hot water bottle and gentle neck excersise I'm going through exactly the same headache every day

Sandra600 profile image

Thank you all for replying and for your good advice

-JW- profile image

As others have said here, I find the very best thing to ease my neck and shoulders is stretching. I stretch out my back and shoulders properly whilst waiting for the kettle to boil in the morning, this resets it ready for the day ahead otherwise the pain is cumulative and gets worse over the days/week.

Football65 profile image
Football65 in reply to -JW-

I am having a really bad time at the moment with this, seems a lot worse with the weather. Been having dry needling which does help also a massage. When i get back neck pain and stiffness it also affects my sinuses.

Sandra600 profile image
Sandra600 in reply to -JW-

Thanks I will try the stretching. I wondered if the change in the weather has set this all off, I also get sinus pain with it.

Exca profile image

I feel your pain I'm the same I spend most nights awake as I can't sleep on any side due to pain. I feel very frustrated with doctors as they say there is nothing they can do because they don't know how to treat it 🥺

Sandra600 profile image
Sandra600 in reply to Exca

I agree I’ve tried various things from doctors over the years but nothing seems to help

Soraya_masoomi profile image

I'm exactly the same as you 😞😞

Sandra600 profile image
Sandra600 in reply to Soraya_masoomi

Sorry to hear that

Aka-Ice profile image

I so feel for you and always have lower back neck and shoulder pains. The cold dose make it worse. I go to the sauna and steam room as much as I can and I think its the heat that relaxes it. while im in there I am able to stretch and that eases the muscles and really helps with the pain. The more pain I'm in and more depleted of energy the more weepy I get. Had a good cry and moan today for a few hours as frustrated and miss the person I used to be. All we can do is support each other and know we are not alone in this XXX 😘

Sandra600 profile image
Sandra600 in reply to Aka-Ice

Thanks it is frustrating and it’s good to know we’re not alone x

Sarahvit profile image

Hi Sandra,

I’m sorry I am replying back to you so late. Yes, I have been going through similar issues that had me at my wits end and majorly struggling with depression. I have been to several different doctors regarding the pain after months of trying PT, chiropractor adjustments, steroid injection, trigger point injections, massage therapy, nerve block, and numerous others things topicals creams, CBD gummies (which I learned that it is something that throws me for a loop taking 70mg) herbal remedies and other remedies people recommend but didn’t help. After 3 MRIs (thoracic, lumbar, then week later cervical), 2 ultrasounds, neck X-rays learned that I have degenerative disc disease, several bone spurs and something else but can’t recall other then it started with an “S”. Oh needing massager with heat just made it worse but heat does help. The pain started in my right upper back but over time has moved up my shoulders (both sides) neck, lower jaw and right side of my head. Have you been through all the diagnostic tests to get any kind of diagnosis of anything else that is going on? I still don’t have a definitive treatment plan yet but have reached out for treatment for the depression which is helping me with coping with the pain. I share my story here with hopes it helps someone who is struggling with PAIN that is above and beyond the fibromyalgia pain. Keep pressing forward and don’t give up. I know it is very difficult and discouraging…..well more than at times. 🙏🏼💕🕊️

Sandra600 profile image
Sandra600 in reply to Sarahvit

Hi, sorry to hear you’re going through all that. I’m pretty sure it’s the fibro, I had an X-ray a few years ago of my neck and nothing was found. I’ve bought an electric heat pad for my neck and shoulders and started some neck exercises as recommended on here and it has eased off a bit, the migraines are a bit better too and I haven’t had any nightmares for a few nights. Hope you get a treatment plan soon.

Sarahvit profile image
Sarahvit in reply to Sandra600

Thank you Sandra, I appreciate it. I’m glad you are getting some relief from the heating pad. I see the neurologist on the 21. So really don’t think there will be anything done until after the 1st. I’m going to fly out on the 22 to go see my daughter for Christmas. So am not really pushing it until I get back.😊💜

Sandra600 profile image
Sandra600 in reply to Sarahvit

Good luck with it and have a great Christmas with your daughter x

Fadeddenimcutoff profile image

Hi, this is one of my main symptoms as well. The only thing I can add to all the suggestions already stated is applying Tiger balm to the affected area. Mine is always on my left side for some reason. 😒

Sandra600 profile image
Sandra600 in reply to Fadeddenimcutoff

Hi thanks for that I use tiger balm head and shoulders and it does help for a while. When I first had fibro all my pain was on my left side for years and that is still my worst side now.

LunaVi profile image

I use a combo of trigger point therapy, heat pads and celafen cream. I use the trigger point therapy workbook, which is a great step by step guide for pain relief, and find it very helpful for self-treatment.

Sandra600 profile image
Sandra600 in reply to LunaVi

Thanks, I’ll look into that

LunaVi profile image

I hope you get some much needed relief 🤞A neck cloud is also worth trying out as I find it helps ease of tension in my neck whilst lying down. I have incorporated this into my daily stretching/massage routine and find it especially helpful upon waking.

Sandra600 profile image
Sandra600 in reply to LunaVi

Thank you I’ll have a look at neck clouds

Q0pain profile image

Hi Sandra600I have same for years, put it down to work and stress, then I found whenever my neck feels cold the pain would be much worse. Now I put a scarf around my my neck all the time, even in bed. Stretching exercises also help. Hope you will find a remedy that helps.

Sandra600 profile image
Sandra600 in reply to Q0pain

Hi I agree I’m finding heat and stretching exercises helping somewhat

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