see if you can make sense of it or wh... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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see if you can make sense of it or what can i do

pauluk60 profile image
13 Replies

to start with have i got it fibro i am all over the show with my feelings i know i have osteo of knees but the rest is a real downer 1feet pain 2r/shoulder started hurting cant lift it sometimes 3 fatigue sitting here wanting to do something also a killer just to get out of chair can be major 4 aches all over the place its all oh ah cantana when trying to do things started to take Tramadol again and it as helped but wanted to keep off it i am under rhuemy and shes very understanding but shes cant give me proper diagnosis so if you lot would like to any consulting feel free to have a go but dont mention PHYSIO nearly put me in wheelchair made VERY SORE

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pauluk60 profile image
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13 Replies
Hazel_Angelstar profile image
Hazel_AngelstarAdministratorFMA UK Staff

Hi and a warm welcome to our community.

While your symptoms might point to fibromyalgia, you would need to have tests to rule out other possible conditions before a diagnosis could be made.

Has your rheumatologist said why she cannot give you a diagnosis?

pauluk60 profile image
pauluk60 in reply to Hazel_Angelstar

think it was blood test did not give correct reading

Hazel_Angelstar profile image
Hazel_AngelstarAdministratorFMA UK Staff in reply to pauluk60

If something showed up in your blood test, that would indicate there was another reason for your symptoms. Fibromyalgia does not show in blood tests

pauluk60 profile image
pauluk60 in reply to Hazel_Angelstar

hazel all i can say to you and everyone i except whatever is happening to me but would like to know off someone is there anything to ease/take away the aches and pains or am i stuck with my horrible partner hes not much fun

Hazel_Angelstar profile image
Hazel_AngelstarAdministratorFMA UK Staff

Firstly, remember that what works for one person does not necessarily work for another - so it can be trial and error to find what works for you. Also, my experience is based on fibromyalgia alone, and does not take into account other conditions.

Medication - the recent NICE guidelines may result in you only being offered antidepressants such as amitryptilene or duloxetine. Although not in the guidelines, gabapentin or pregabalin are also prescribed. Paracetamol and Tramadol are common pain meds. Opioids are not recommended for chronic pain generally.

Pacing is key to managing symptoms. Pacing activities helps you to avoid the boom and bust cycle where you do too much activity then flare up symptoms. Pacing allows you to do activities /tasks with rests in between. Larger tasks should be broken down into periods of activity with rests in between.

Exercise/activity. Keeping moving and as active as possible is important. Lack of moment leads to stiffness and muscle weakness, which subsequently leads to increased pain. However, it is important to do activity at a level which does not push you into a flare. Start small and slow and build up gradually.

Other things which may help are heat /cold, complementary therapies, mindfulness, meditation, distraction,supplements etc.

Talking therapies such as cbt can be useful in teaching you coping techniques for how to live with a chronic health condition.

pauluk60 profile image
pauluk60 in reply to Hazel_Angelstar

thanks for reply to which i am familiar do you think.rate anti ds worth asking for and forgot to say gave me some cream capsaicin which again does help but only mildly

Hazel_Angelstar profile image
Hazel_AngelstarAdministratorFMA UK Staff

The antidepressants help some people not everyone. I've used capsaicin cream in the past, and that really helped my back pain but didn't take it away completely

Murpy profile image

Why cant she give you a diagnosis? I would ask to be referred to someone who can. Sounds like you do have it because you seem to have alot of the features. Keep going untill you find out it will open more doors for you. Good luck x

Bruton profile image

Oh dear. Sorry to hear.Atmospheric pressure is really low in south east. Feel dreadful. Going tp wrap myself in my weighted blanket and take it easy.

Hopefully feel able to make mexican for my daughters bday later.

Accept its going 2 be 1 of those days.

Just looked up the spoons theory. Feel ive got aboutn4 today.

Take care

Onedaymore1 profile image
Onedaymore1 in reply to Bruton

I’m more and more convinced the weather plays a big part in changing severity of symptoms of FMS for me. Yesterday & today aren’t great days for me either. I spend so much time thinking 🤔 “what did I do differently’ to make me feel worse or better. It’s out of my control when the weather plays a part in it. I so hope you manage to save some energy for your Daughters Mexican later. x

Bruton profile image

Anti depressants can help because of seratonin. Could ask gp about taking 5htp suplement if they dont like the idea of anti ds. Low seratonin is believed to be a big factor in fibro

pauluk60 profile image
pauluk60 in reply to Bruton

thanks will do

Midori profile image

I would suggest change Rheumatologist

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