Can anyone tell me if it’s safe to take both Tramadol and Pregabalin at same time.
Safe: Can anyone tell me if it’s safe... - Fibromyalgia Acti...
Hi this is really something you really need your doctors advice on. It might not be good for you and other meds’ may need to be taken into account also. Good luck to you 🤗🤗🤗
I am on both, and have been taking both together without any problems x
It's quite a common combination prescribed for pain. I was on both but have gone from Tramadol to Morphine as it worked better for me. Keep a note of how you feel as I've found both made me a bit forgetful and it'll help your GP assess how the drugs are working for you.
I was on Tramadol and Gabapentin, which is similar to Pregabalin, at the same time. Eventually I came off the Gabapentin, and Amitryptiline, as I put on so much weight. Anything that you do or take, you must do under the supervision of your GP. Good luck, I hope you find something that helps you x I would differently ring your surgery if you have any concerns about meds for a piece of mind, has you doctor prescribed these together ??. I’ve posted a link if you would like to lock your posts gives you more privacy and other members replying . Take care
The best people to ask about drug interactions are your local pharmacists. They are even more knowledgeable than doctors on interactions between medicines. Unfortunately, we are not the best folk to judge, as we can only speak from our own experiences.
Hey my doctor had me on both of these at the same time a couple of year's ago and I was fine, no side effects. I would say that it's fine. Hope this helps. X
I struggle because most meds act like a sedative with me. It's fine if I'm home but cannot fully control pain while at work 😣