What pain meds are available in UK fo... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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What pain meds are available in UK for fibromyalgia? I feel like my gp is brushing me off.

Joanna1986 profile image
9 Replies

I feel like my gp is brushing me off. I was on 30/500 co cod and an anti depressant. The anti depressant was not working only making me feel like I was which I'm far from depressed but do suffer anxiety. They took painkillers off me insisted they are addictive and wanted me off them but also told me to stop anti depressant and book another appointment. Since stopping painkiller I was ok and no withdraws like they said but I'm now feeling pain more and more it leaves me crying and I've 3 children to care for which I'm finding difficult without my 2 painkillers in morning. It doesn't take it away completely but helps to get me going in morning. I'm struggling to cope and feel like the gp would rather I never came back. With my anxiety it's got worse. What can I suggest to them that will help? Is there things at home I can do? I was only diagnosed in Jan and was taking painkiller for 1 year. Thank you for any help

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9 Replies
Patches12 profile image

Hi joanna im on high cocodomel gabapentin metrazapine for sleep .i find none of these work .i get mad at doc sayin he doesnt care .im goin to ask if a pain patch may help but ppl have said these can be addictive but it seems all tabs are addictive .im waitin on pain clinic hopin they have a magic wand .ppl have tried cannabis oil which can be got from holland and barratts i keep sayin im goin to try it my doc says its ok he looked it up for me .if you find somethin would be good to know .if i find somethin i will let you know good luck and have a paun free day x

Bobby3 profile image

Morning sorry you hare having hard time, First Anxiety there are different meds for this we take Citalopram 20 mg when not to bad then if fill not working up to 40 mg they work good for us. Pain is the hard one it is trial and error most times it is mixing different pain pills and other treatments we use magnesium oil and magnesium salt baths and massage therapist that does trigger point work on us very painful as he does it but relieved afterwards is worth it to us.You do need to find a good GP that understanding of Fibromyalgia good luck 😉 hope you get relief ask to be referred to pain clinic.

phlebo123 profile image

Hi Joanna,

A few ideas you might like to try:

Could you ask at your surgery if there is a doctor who has an interest in fibromyalgia or specialises in chronic pain? Then make an appointment to see them.

Have you been diagnosed by a Rheumatologist? If not, then ask your doctor to refer you to one. Or ask for a referral to a Pain clinic or pain management program.

There are other options for medication, such as antiepileptic drugs, pregabalin, and gabapentin, perhaps speak to your doctor about this?

It is very difficult when you have children to look after, but you still need to "pace" yourself and I find careful planning in advance is very important. Do you have family or friends nearby who you can ask for a bit of help? ( It is NOT a weakness, but a sign of strength to ask others for help)

Take care xxx

At the beginning of my diagnosis I was still Nursing I was fortunate enough to work with a ward clerk who had fibro, she told me the rheumatologist was giving her a steroid injection into her muscle every 6 months called KENALOG,, I tried it and stayed with it for many years,,it kept me working and at month 4 even though it sometimes wore off I carried on knowing there was another very soon- I finally had to stop due to bone density scan showing some osteoporosis (steroids can do this) maybe ask your consultant about this, even try your gp because its given into your big muscle in your bum a nurse or gp can give it, you will have to get a prescription and go the pharmacy for the ampoule, let me know if you get lucky enough to try it- you cant have too many pain killers as well, I managed with mild analgesia..

Hello Joanna1986 it sounds like you need to be seen by rheumatologist or neurologist for better pain control, sometimes pills are not always enough, I do hydro every week and have done for over 10years, when i can I go with my daughter to local swimming pool I sit in the jacuzzi whilst she swims.. I find both very helpful it seems fibro muscles like warm water,, as for anti depressants, usually a doctor will try you on amitriptyline at night to help with sleep these are anti dep. pills but help in other ways... what are you taking for your pain hun\?

releasethemagic profile image

The drugs licensed to treat fibromyalgia are Gabapentin and Pregabalin, and Duloxetine. Gabapentin and Pregabalin are from the same family of drugs. Pregabalin was developed more recently than Gabapentin and requires a lower dose to achieve the same pain relief.

You can find out more here


Horsesgalore profile image

As others have suggested definitely ask to be referred to a rheumatologist and pain clinic if you haven't already. As you've probably already gathered different things work for different people. I take nortriptyline (similar to amitriptyline, but less 'hangover' type effects) 25mg at night to help with pain and sleep, during the day I take extended release tramadol and also paracetamol (the two together work better than the tramadol on its own). At home I find the wheat pads you heat in the microwave and a TENS machine really helpful and also epsom salt baths. If I can I go to our local hotel once a week (using the gym as you go scheme) to use their pool, steam room and jacuzzi - bliss!

Joanna1986 profile image

Thank you so much for your replies. I was straight into doctors Tuesday and they have given me tramadol slow release and so far they are working really well. Those days with nothing were awful I wouldn't wish it upon anyone. My new anxiety meds are propa (can't spell sorry 🙈) and I was on amitriptyline but made me really depressed and did nothing for pain (these have been stopped). Even with these meds I still can't sleep but I guess id rather that than the pain too. No wonder anxiety comes with fibro It's just so draining then add panic attacks it leaves you empty and your body crashes. I do go swimming as often as I can which is great it's one my fav to relax at min. I miss running, I used to run at least 3-4 miles a day including gym 5 days a week. I'm lucky to get out bed and keep up with my kids like I do. I refuse to allow myself to get depressed as I'm awear this is something we will prob live with the rest of our lives and that will be no good to me or my children being like that. I guess because iv was severely depressed years ago it gave me new insite to life sadly those ways of coping are not same to cope with anxiety. Thank you all again it's nice to be able to talk with other and get the help and advice x

Thankful profile image

Don't be fobbed off. Ask for a referral to a pain clinic. Have you been diagnosed by a Rheumatologist? If not why not ? You seem to have to fight for yourself now with the state of the NHS and the GP appointments. Don't be fobbed off. Xxx

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