Suffering with ear and jaw pain, fati... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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Suffering with ear and jaw pain, fatigue and vertigo

PixieOwl profile image
7 Replies

Hi there,

I'm new here, so hello everyone! I'm not sure if I want advice or just to share my woes really, so thank you to anybody who takes the time to read this.

I got diagnosed with fibromyalgia a year ago and have been putting up with various symptoms. In October last year, I was put on the elimination diet to try and help with IBS issues and had a severely restricted diet. I stopped it as I got loads of colds, a toenail infection and a UTI so had to have two rounds of antibiotics (first time in my adult life).

At the end of January I saw an ENT who diagnosed me with misophonia, hyperacusis and TMD. I am waiting to see a specialist about my jaw pain. However, since then I have had a deep, rumbling ringing in my ears, and a few weeks later developed more jaw pain and now am getting various issues with really bad vertigo. I'm so tired, can barely go to work and feel dizzy and sick. The doctors think I have a virus that has gone to my inner ear and I need to wait to fight it off. I was using nasonex but it started making my nose bleed after three weeks so I stopped.

Alongside this one of my top teeth has pulpitis and I've been fighting the pain of that too and need a root canal. I'm kind of at my wits end and have an event in London this weekend and Crufts next week and am wondering how I'm going to survive! :(

I really hope that one day I will feel better again and that I can manage to keep doing things, I get anxious about travelling anyway and my health is not helping. The doctor recommended phosphorus, mag phos and pulsatilla for my issues... Just trying anything alongside painkillers for the tooth.

Thanks for listening. 🤗

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PixieOwl profile image
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7 Replies
Dizzytwo profile image

Hello PixieOwl and welcome it's nice to meet you :) Sorry to hear about all the suffering you have going on right now. I also along with a number of our lovely members suffer with vertigo it is really horrible.

You may like to lock your post so only this community can read what you post. other members often respond better to a post if they see it is locked. If you would like to lock it this link will show you how that can be done.

You may also like to take a peek at our FMAUK website it is full of helpful information this is the link if you would like to check it out .

We have a great support group here our members are the most understanding and supportive on the net imo. So please make yourself at home i'm sure you will love it here, and hopefully make some new friends along the way.

If there is anything we can help you with please just ask. The admins are always happy to help and so are the members. I hope you have a pleasant night and can catch some sleep xx


Miss68 profile image

Hi pixieowl, firstly I’d like to say welcome to our lovely and friendly site. Feel free to ask anything as I’m sure there’ll always be someone there for you, whether it’s to offer advice or just to be there to listen to you rant/ scream/cry etc.

Wow, you’re really suffering atm aren’t you Hun? I can’t even begin to imagine what you’re going through! It sounds like you have a supportive gp who’s ensuring you’ve been referred to all the appropriate professionals. That’s half the battle sometimes isn’t it?

I’m not surprised you’re at your wits end. I have no idea how you’re still managing to go to work! I truly hope that you start feeling better and have some relief very soon soon. Please take care of yourself, get plenty of rest, keep warm and love and hugs to you xx🤗🤗

Jenonnet profile image

Hi PixieOwl , my goodness! You haven't had it easy have you! Sounds like you have a good doctor, they're very rare these days! lol

I'm so sorry you've had to cope with such a lot of nasty things all together. I'm surprised you're still managing to function properly.

I too get vertigo quite a bit and also get jaw and ear ache along with toothache which isn't actually toothache but feels like it, my teeth are fine, but they hurt now and then, as do my gums. Think it's just one of the many different kinds of flare ups I get.

Hope you get yours sorted real soon as it doesn't sound easy to deal with. Gentle hugs. ((💕))

skit profile image

Welcome Pixieowl! The friendly supportive forum is a great way to'meet' others with Fibro. Although we are not medics many of us have been that way before with the severe issues of the condition.

My thing is 'pace yourself'

If you really do need to go to a function rest as much as you can before and after. Work needs to know you have Fibro as it is classed as a disability and they may have help you can get.

Jaws and mouths I can relate to as been up to my local hospital consultant for 9 months since I went to the dentist last spring. I have Tegredol for jaw pain now.

It is tough trying to work and deal with concerns but well done you.

Keep posting what ever you want on the forum someone will have a comment/advise quickly for you.

Best wishes

I get the ear and jaw pain too but it might be worth having all your vitamin levels checked via a blood test. Some deficiency symptoms ( such as B12 deficiency) overlap with fibro symptoms. I had low B12 and the tinnitus, dizziness, hand tremor and numb fingers and toes disappeared after B12 injections. I do get a dizzy feeling when fibro is flaring--- it's my signal to stop, go to bed because it's going to get worse if I carry on. It is a different type of dizziness to that I experienced with the B12 def.

worth asking your GP for a blood test--B12 needs a good level of folate to work efficiently in your body.

Funkyfaerie profile image

Hello Pixie Owl,

Gosh, I could have written your post.

I have suffered with jaw pain, neck and shouder and back pain, tinnitus, dizziness, nausea and ibs, on and off for about three years now.

I have had all sorts of procedures and tests. I do have a B12 issue too...but even after injections I don't feel any better. After all the doctor stuff , I went to the dentist, I was fitted with a mouth guard, for TMD to no avail, then a little gadget that clipped on my lower teeth to stop me clenching, again to no avail.

My dentist says that all my symptoms can be due to clenching my jaw all the time.

I am now going to try something new that you put in your ears to stop you clenching, sounds odd I know but it has had good reviews.

I know you are not supposed to mention names on here but unless I do you won't know what it is. So if it gets deleted private message me.

Anyhow it's called Cerezen.

I have got it yet, it's not cheap, but I'd be glad to let you know if it works for me after all this time.

I have felt terrible for three years or more and have not felt able to do normal things


PixieOwl profile image
PixieOwl in reply to Funkyfaerie

Thank you so much for this reply. I'm sorry I didn't get back to you, I think I felt quite hopeless but I did look Cerezen up and it looks interesting. Did you try it? I hope you've had some luck and that you are feeling a bit better. Three years is a long time to be suffering! It's good you seem to have a dentist that understands ear issues. Take care. Xx

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