Does anyone else have ibs with their ... - Fibromyalgia Acti...

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Does anyone else have ibs with their aches and pains?

Funkyfaerie profile image
16 Replies

I have aching neck, shoulders, back and painful jaw where I clench all night.

This seems to go hand in hand with tummy ache and diarrhoea every morning. I have had so many tests and all clear. Although I think being anxious about it isn't helping. In fact I worry every morning I wake in pain and then panic that I am going to have to rush to the loo again. Anyone similar, or could explain this to me please. Thank You

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Funkyfaerie profile image
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16 Replies
phlebo123 profile image

Hello, I was diagnosed with Irritable bowel syndrome many years before my fibromyalgia diagnosis. Like you I always suffer with tummy /bowel pains first thing in the morning and diarrhoea. But what keeps me going, is the fact that these symptoms usually last for about an hour and I know that by mid morning they have passed off. Like you I have had lots of tests and scans and nothing was found, so sorry the doctors cannot offer an explanation!!

Sorry I can't offer a solution, but I hope it helps you to know that you are not the only one experiencing this.

I guess after many years I just now accept this is part of my life and accept this is just "normal" for me.

Has your doctor offered any IBS treatment? Xxx

Jurph profile image
Jurph in reply to phlebo123

This is interesting! I have exactly the same symptoms as you. My GP ruled IBS out because it "only lasts an hour". He calls it "ibs style symptoms" instead!

Funkyfaerie profile image
Funkyfaerie in reply to Jurph

Hi Jurph,

That's a bit of a cop out isn't it, doesn't help you at all. I am seeing the doc on Friday and I am going to ask if I can go back and see a Gastro doc again...however I do think me panicking in the mornings about it isn't helping. Have you tried anything else?

Funkyfaerie profile image
Funkyfaerie in reply to phlebo123

Hi, Yes I have tried both of those you have taken to no avail really. Thing is, I am waking up dreading the start to the day and it is ruining my life, tried to explain this to my doctor and she said it could be anxiety...maybe it is now, but this all started after a nasty tummy bug, so someone has gone hay wire. Just so fed up with it. X

Jurph profile image
Jurph in reply to Funkyfaerie

Mine is definitely triggered by anxiety. It may be worth speaking to someone about it?

Jurph profile image

Yes, I do.

It tends to flare up when my joints do. In one way it's a good thing as I know it's likely to happen.

rosewine profile image

Like phlebo123 I too was diagnosed with IBS years before being diagnosed with fibro. Mine was of the having to dash kind and like @phlebo after I had been a few times I was ok. Now with all the painkillers I am on I have the opposite problem and to be honest I think I prefer the former to the later as I know have tit she Laxido regularly. I did find Immodium helped with the diarrhoea. The tummy cramps are awful. I know everyone is told that they should eat masses of fruit and veg which I live but if I have more than a few pieces of fruit a day I am doubled up. You have my sympathy.x

Al10 profile image
Al10 in reply to rosewine

Reckon FnV too full of fibre. Fibre is a big thing these days and for some of us this is bad. Ooh, and gluten free stuff can be truely dreadful for tummies.

The additives they use to make G/F recipies work such as Guar gum, Xanthum gum, carragenan etc are not natural and friendly like you might think. Worth a read up if you are suffering and also, read your labels. It can be in ice cream, mayo and allsorts. It is a MAJOR trigger for me. Ouchy ouchy ouchy groan!

rosewine profile image
rosewine in reply to Al10

Gluten free is vile my poor friend has coeliac disease and has to live on the stuff so stodgy she has put n masses of weight. I tried some and felt really ill afterwards, yuck.x

Funkyfaerie profile image
Funkyfaerie in reply to rosewine

Hi Rosewine,

I don't want to get reliant on immodium, it will give me false Hope. X

Al10 profile image

IBS seems par for the course with Fibro. Fits with the theory that so many of these mysterious conditions are gut based, likely initiated by Anti-biotics or a good ol' DnV clear out that swooshes out everything, good bacteria n all.

Could help to go on a bear hunt for any foods that might be bothering you? Wheat, gluten dairy are often culprits. Physicions like to suggest fibre for IBS, I think you can go too far really easily, hence the morning gallop to the loo. When I was eating whole wheat and rye (Loved Ryvita- other rye based crackers are available and equally irritating!!) I was galloping several times a day.

I never found any meds that fixed the issues. Many are damaging long term. Many have side effects. Probiotics may help. Stopping sugar can help. Dealing with stress? Panicking about symptoms is seriously counter productive. They are gonna get worse. I think we are sensitive, so we have to go gently with everything. Over doing any food no matter how nice, usually is a bad thing.

Probiotics have helped me a lot. GERD, indigestion, IBS and gastoparesis all helped. But good ol Fibro is a constant challenge. Hard to settle out any symptom for long. Don't know why. But you can make it loads better.

Funkyfaerie profile image
Funkyfaerie in reply to Al10

Hi A10,

Funny you should mention DnV clear out, as this started with that 3 months ago, had a stool test, clear they said. Something isn't right, but I am fed up with keep on going back, but surely some doc should come up with a solution....I find it hard to enjoy food as I dread what's coming in the morning.

Al10 profile image
Al10 in reply to Funkyfaerie

Yes it's horrid don't just trust GP to understand the gut biome. This is new science to them. Never had a gp prescribe probiotics. Look on line there is loads of info and good companies selling supplements.

Dinkie profile image

Yes definitely can identify. IBS reared it's head before fibro diagnosis. Got it reasonably under control but if I eat anything processed boy oh boy do I know about it. Same with refined sugars. Sometimes can't resist then I pay the consequences. Am now much better at walking away from temptation as can't afford to take time off work. Like all fibro problems the solution may be different for all of us.

Shazzzy profile image

Yes, I have ibs too, it gets worse when I have a migraine, I have chronic migraines so that’s very often. A friend told me to try buscopan, this helped me with the stomach cramps. My Gp doubled my dose of omeprazole too, have you tried either of these.

I also have IBS and find that stress, certain foods, painkillers on empty stomach, alcohol, caffeine, fizzy drinks and anxiety make it flare really easily.

The pain from IBS can sometimes leave me crying out and sweaty and breathless.

Might be worth keeping a food diary if you start having symptoms throughout the day and see if you can link your episodes to any particular food or ingredient as this is one of the first things your doctor will get you to do.

Research has found that 60-70% of people with Fibromyalgia also have IBS or IBD so it’s worth bearing that in mind if your doctor tries to fob you off.

I hope you’re having a pain free day x

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