Posts - Cure Parkinson's | HealthUnlocked

Cure Parkinson's

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All posts for May 2019

Is weight loss symptom of parkinsons

Is weight loss a symptom of Parkinson's
Flyfishing profile image

Paranoia or reality?

In almost 27 years being happily married I am now experiencing a unusual feeling...
Pilot108 profile image

VITAMANIA; A historical documentary on vitamins and supplements. From CuriosityStream (90 mins)

“100 years ago a new word in medicine was invented: vitamin. This year the world...
MBAnderson profile image
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Others reporting B1 thiamine hcl benefit
Hidden profile image

Glyphosate warning on organic products
parkie13 profile image

Modulation of Gut Microbiota by Rifaximin in PD Patients

New clinical trial has been registered testing whether 1-week of rifaximin treat...
Farooqji profile image

BMJ: Anxiety might be alleviated by regulating gut bacteria

Anxiety might be alleviated by regulating gut bacteria Neuroscience News Neuro...
aspergerian profile image

Alkaline water

What's the forums take on alkaline filtered water? I went from drinking tap wate...
AaronS profile image

Weird but good mornings

PD Symptoms are almost non existent in the morning????? Then as day progresses i...
Airglo1231 profile image


I was just wondering about melatonin in Sleep. Does it improve your sleep by sle...
Jumex2017 profile image

Age old question: does PD or L/C cause Dyskinesia?

I know there are recent studies out there that say that L/C doesn't - that PD's ...
JAS9 profile image

Toxin induced anxiety

Transcript from the detox summit. Haven’t listened yet😊 https://d2taktuuo4oqx.c...

Following on from today’s post on oral bacteria

Here is one of the clips from the detox series ....

Choline can exacerbate your dystonia - Be aware

My personal experience: Have you noticed that some foods such as Eggs, liver, p...
Kia17 profile image

Can Supplements Cause Insomnia? Answers

Question: "I am having trouble sleeping. I regularly take a multivitamin, fish ...
MBAnderson profile image

LBD: Lewy Body Disease, update

Several recent reviews: Lewy Body Dementia. Haider A, Sánchez-Manso JC. Introd...


I started taking madopar and apparently asked a seventeen year old shop girl to ...
Ouldbob profile image

Awful lot of levodopa for such a short disease duration

Anyone on 6 x Carbidopa Levodopa 25/100 mg, less than 2 years after diagnosis? ...
Parkie- profile image

The Emerging Gait Dysfunction Phenotype in Idiopathic Parkinson's Disease

researchers have a manuscript on that describes a clinical phen...

Good little film, inspirational woman.. I'm sure many can relate to.
Seamus6 profile image

Ubiquinol -the real thing for PD T...
Millbrook profile image

Should he increase C/L dosage?

My husband was diagnosed 4 years ago. He is on C/L 25/100 4x/day. Also .05 ras...
Mjm012649 profile image


You must believe!
Stevenmast profile image

DBS, has anyone considered this procedure to help with tremors?

I am scheduled to have this procedure next month. I have heard some good things ...
PHN001 profile image

Frontal theta and beta oscillations during lower-limb movement in Parkinson's disease

Conclusions: Frontal theta and beta oscillations are predictors of lower-limb m...


One Spirit Medicine Navigation Diet Hacking the Human Biofield The 30-da...
akgirlsrock profile image

Progression of PD.

Hi all I was wondering how you guys have progressed in terms of PD I was diagnos...
stanny7 profile image

Delaying Mobility Disability in People With Parkinson Disease Using a Sensorimotor Agility Exercise Program

This article summarizes recent research identifying how constraints on mobility ...
Farooqji profile image

Parkinson’s disease: a systemic inflammatory disease accompanied by bacterial inflammagens

Bloods from both PD and healthy blood samples were analysed using thromboelastog...
Farooqji profile image

Nabilone for non-motor symptoms of PD (The NMS-Nab Study)

This is a randomized placebo-controlled, double-blind, parallel-group, enriched...
Farooqji profile image