Posts - Cure Parkinson's | HealthUnlocked

Cure Parkinson's

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All posts for July 2015

Great story about a fascinating researcher

Have y'all seen this? From Newswire: Fishing for New Ways to Stop Parkinson’s, ...
Beckey profile image

changing medication timing on my own

My husband (75) was taking Pramipexole 1MG in the evenings. Among other problems...
rhyspeace12 profile image

medication - my opinion

Meds are expensive. Meds are a vicious cycle. Meds do not cure or prevent progre...
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Old messages

I have been noticing that some of the messages on this site are quite old. I ha...
JWebb994 profile image


I'm having DBS surgery in August. My husband is not supportive at all. In fact h...
BaileyT profile image

Shortness of breath after gallbladder removal

I had my gallbladder removed in Nov of 2012 and have increased difficulty in bre...
LW2814 profile image

hyper sexuality

i take ropinarole & madopar i find that my sexuality is heightened i have alway...
daveyno9 profile image

Parkinson's and Mishaps!

Mishaps are no doubt compounded when you have a mobility problem. My crowning gl...
Lizzie7 profile image


65, married, diag 1 1/2 years ago. On carb/leva, nemenda, exelon, lexapro,clozap...
Retireat64 profile image

Less is more when it comes to my pills

Thanks to new thinking by some medical authorities regarding statins and blood p...
gleeson profile image

gastrointestinal difficulties Parkinson's

Why Might Constipation Be a Parkinson's Symptom? Thursday, July 16, 12 to 1 p.m....
Hidden profile image

Parkinson's disease begins in the gastrointestinal tract, large study indicates ScienceDaily :Identified thousands of years ago in Ayurveda

This is an important new discovery:...
Ramuu profile image

Hallucinations, Capgras and people in the night

Hallucinations, Capgras and people in the night My husband has occational halluc...
Nehd profile image

DBS and infection

Hi. I'm one of those few patients you read about who developed a brain infection...
shopteacher profile image

The Cure Parkinson’s Trust: Research Update Meeting, Thursday,16th July, London (11am – 3pm)

Please join us in London next month for an informative research update meeting....
CPT_Helen profile image

Dry Mouth

I was diagnosed with Parkinsons about 8 years ago. I have recently started havin...
Court profile image

Is There Hope For Remission?

I've Posted This Video to offer hope for those with P.D i had a thought that if...
Hidden profile image

Increasing Saliva in my mouth and keep wanting to clear my throat.

Hello everyone, I noticed that in the last few weeks my mom keeps wanting to cl...
leelit profile image