Posts - Cure Parkinson's | HealthUnlocked

Cure Parkinson's

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All posts for February 2014

New to this site

I dont have a diagnosis of parkinsons just trying to make sense of some of my sy...

Have anyone heard of Gait-Aid to improve the walking condition?

This working assistant and device seems helpful to improve the walking condition...
hopet profile image

post deleted as unrelated to Parkinson's

post deleted as unrelated to Parkinson's
DennisRainey profile image
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Does anyone have problems with tingling and numbness in their toes? Also, is there anyone who has trouble with their limbs going to sleep?

Babygirl profile image

Anyone for tennis?

I haven't picked up a tennis racket for about 30 years, but this year I am going...
Hidden profile image

The Bowen Therapy

I realise that this question has been raised before, but I am thinking about sta...
Court profile image

So I am new to this forum..I am 59 and was diagnosed in 2011 with PD. I am now on disability from a 30+ years as an oncology RN.

I take Sinemet 100/25 2tabs q4 hrs which makes me nauseous and sleepy. I have tr...
Annie11 profile image

Been over a month now diagnosed

So I've had just over a month of knowing I have parkinsons at age 44 I started t...
Billynh profile image

Helping or not helping ?

I used to belong to an organisation that I thought helped people with PD. Last m...
pingopenguin profile image

I am just wondering if any of the South African members with PD maybe were in the Northern Cape (Sishen, Kathu, Kuruman) in the sixties?

Anid profile image

Is anyone else aware that folic acid has a remarkable affect on Pd?

I am passing on information received from 'Norton', which is very enlightening. ...
JohnPepper profile image

As a new user of Medicare (start 3/1), any problems with PD meds in prescription plans formularies??

PDbedamned profile image

It's my health, my body...why is it that my opinion does not count? I am angry, frustrated and feeling helpless!

I was diagnoised just over 10 years ago and fought taking any meds for some tim...
Sedona profile image

Does tobacco smoke aggravate your PD symptoms?

During my pipe-smoking days I had noticed that my PD symptoms immediately but t...
DeanGreen profile image

My husband has problemswith swallowing. Sometimes he throat constricts, his tongue and lips swell. Are these two connected with PD?

Bernstar profile image

Hi, has Azilect (rasagiline) stopped the tremors for anyone?

Ivette310 profile image

ON THE MOVE (Issue 7) available for free download

Parkinson's takes a toll on relationships. Often it's tougher for a wife or husb...
JonStamford profile image

Have never taken medicine, dx 7 yrs ago. Looking for a natural mao-b inhibitor.

DS310 profile image

Dx 7 yrs ago, chose the alternative approach. Probably slowed down the progression but have been unable to stop tremors. Considering azilect

DS310 profile image

Parkinson's disease vs parkinson's symptoms, what is the difference? Does treatment differ?

I have always wondered about my diagnosis and though it has taken years, I have...
Sedona profile image

Take part in our next webinar!

Our next webinar is entitled ‘Tips and Tricks’ and we would like to hear from yo...
CPT_Helen profile image

How might the care from a regular neurologist differ from one that specializes in parkinson's disease or movement disorders?

I have seen suggestions from people in this group that it's important to find a ...
Sedona profile image

My husband takes 4 x 25mg of co-beneldopa and has just been put on Requip x1 a day, as it says do not drive or use machinery

My husband has to drive to get to work and back, would it be okay to take this R...
ALDI profile image

Why the public perception of Parkinson's disease is so important

The public image of an illness or condition has important consequences for fundr...
CPT_Helen profile image

Hi, has anyone tried any natural mao-b inhibitors like kava, ayuhuasca, etc.?

DS310 profile image

Need help choosing a new neurologist.

I am devastated, my neurologist retired! I had been seeing her for over 10 years...
Sedona profile image

Will I get Parkinson's cause my grandad had it my mum also has Parkinson's and m.s I also have raynauds ,carpal tunnel and other issues

The past 6 months I have had shaking in jaw ,hands and legs my eye sight has als...
Katie71 profile image

Gluten free diet

Has anyone gone onto a. Gluten free diet? I read an interesting article through ...

Dry mouth

I have been reading questions posed in the past about the problem of a dry mouth...
Court profile image

My mom is 81 yrs old. She has been diagnosed with parkinson's and taking 100/25 mg.Levodopa four times a day. She has no tremor.Pse advise?

She has difficulty walking and loosing balance feels that she is going to fall. ...
Kondavil profile image