Posts - Cure Parkinson's | HealthUnlocked

Cure Parkinson's

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All posts for February 2013


Check out this video on YouTube:
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This Dr. Claims a Cure for PD!

Check out this video on YouTube:
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Sites for finding internet info for computer user equipment due to hand tremmers. MOUSE FOR PD . aggy

gettome profile image
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Will Tremadone work on arm, hand and leg tremors for a Parkinson's patient?

Amazing people

Today a workmate a give a lift to and have beome friends with dispite the age ga...
mitchdee profile image


Big thanks to everyone who participated in the 3rd PM webinar broadcast last Thu...
JonStamford profile image

Any exercises to improve core balance?

hilarypeta profile image

Anyone taking Methylphenidate for brain fog or improved movement?

I asked my neurologist about taking something to help me better focus or concent...
Sedona profile image

I've been diagnosed 2 yrs. Some days I shake more than others, then some days it's as though I don't have PD. Anyone else experience this?

Also, has anyone experienced lack of energy?
Babygirl profile image

What you gonna do? Sleep? Forsooth! (Parts 1 & 2 & End)

So, I have Parkinson’s!??!, The I that is...> Me? No, not Doctor Joe, no, no th...
DeParkiePoet profile image

I feel like I am getting weaker and weaker, anyone else feel this?

In my daily activities I feel like I am losing strenght, I love to do cabinet ma...
olpilot profile image