FLASHPOLL 3: Do you take more of your Par... - Cure Parkinson's
FLASHPOLL 3: Do you take more of your Parkinson's medication than prescribed because it makes you feel good?
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I have adjusted my dosage with my Neuro many times, because I know my body very well.
After strenuous exercise and large meal I somtimes take One madopar 12,5 mg extra . My neurologist says its ok
I took more and felt worse!! Symptoms increased; tremor and shaking.
The side effects are bad enough at the prescribed dosages: why would I possibly want to torment myself more?
I don't take extra as I have dyslexia terns if I have to much on the normal amount I already. Take so we are trying to reduce and hopefully it will make a difference. So it would be unwise to overload , I am praying for the day when I wont need any meds at all
Only by accident when I can't account for the days dosage(s) its a nightmare!
Although I still have Pd, I have nt taken any Pd medication for the past twelve years.
By "Feeling Good", I assume this to mean,,, "Getting High". That answer would be "no."
If "Feeling Good" means,,, allowing the medication to make me "functional",,, That answer would be "yes."
I know what I can take and no more, I never feel good on my meds, so why take more and cause more of a problem.
I will take less but not more mostly due to cost. So far I take my 4x a day meds to 3x a day with little change
What ever makes you happy and feel good is right.
I'm still getting by on a combo of 'alternatives' to maintain a state of equilibrium (Mucuna Puriens, a couple glutathione boosters, neuroprotectors, antioxidants and regular exercise).