UK MHRA regulators have approved a second vacc... - CLL Support

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UK MHRA regulators have approved a second vaccine - the Oxford vaccine

Jm954 profile image
43 Replies

Just a few minutes ago in the UK we heard the news that the Oxford vaccine has been approved for use and will start to be used next week.

From the BBC website ( )here's the summary

The UK approves the vaccine developed by the University of Oxford and manufactured by AstraZeneca

It is considered a game-changer as it does not have to be stored at very low temperatures

The first immunisations of the jab will start on 4 January, says the UK's health secretary

It is the second jab to be deemed safe in the UK, following the Pfizer-BioNTech roll-out earlier in December

The news comes the day after the UK announced another 53,135 cases - a record daily figure

It comes as millions more people in England wait to hear if they will move into a higher tier of restrictions

A major incident is declared Essex in south-east England amid fears Covid cases could overwhelm its health services

The Health Minister is reported as saying "We’re going to be able to inject a lot of people with one dose very quickly and provide them with a reasonably good level of protection until they get the second dose two to three months later"

The new variant and the rapidly increasing numbers of cases has meant that, personally, I have felt more worried with this wave of the virus than back in the Spring. I nearly cried with relief when I heard this news, at last, hopefully a way out of this awful pandemic for everyone.


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Jm954 profile image
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43 Replies
Psmithuk profile image

This is the one I have been hoping for - so pleased, Jackie. Now this vaccine can be provided by local health centres we should see a reduction in cases (fingers crossed of course).Chris - hoping my 85 year old husband will soon be vaccinated (and me, of course 😉).

Juliette02 profile image

Hi yes good news however do you think there is enough data, yet, for a CLL sufferer to be able to make an informed / considered decision insofar as putting them selves forward for the O/AZ vaccine ?

Jm954 profile image
Jm954Administrator in reply to Juliette02

I'm definitely having it as soon as I can. It would have been unethical to have tested it on immunocompromised people first and, like other treatments, real world data will provide the answers over time.


Palmetto profile image
Palmetto in reply to Jm954

Here is my concern. It appears there is no long term knowledge of just how long these vaccines last. I have heard it could be as short as 3 months. Since there haven't been long enough trial times to tell will these vaccines really change anything anytime soon? I am much more interested in the J&J and Astrazeneca vaccines. I still have my reservations about the Moderna and Pfizer. I prefer my body make its own RNA antibodies instead of injecting foreign ones. But if the immunity does not last long, do we need to get vaccines twice a year? This is a conundrum.

Jm954 profile image
Jm954Administrator in reply to Palmetto

Are you saying you don't want the vaccine and would prefer to catch covid to make your own RNA antibodies?For me, even if the immunity doesn't last long, I will take it. Tests have shown a good response to both vaccines that the UK have approved so there is no good reason to believe it won't last at least as long as a flu vaccine.

Reddg profile image

Wow, this is amazing news.🥳 like you I feel more worried about this wave of the virus too. Its quite scary.

Thank you for sharing this information


Peggy4 profile image

Excellent news! Is the time scale between doses because of getting more people injected or is that the general rule for the Oxford (as opposed to weeks for the Pfizer)?

Jm954 profile image
Jm954Administrator in reply to Peggy4

The time between doses appears to be more flexible, allowing for a longer period between doses. This might perhaps allow for lots of people to have the first dose quite quickly.Jackie

mrsjsmith profile image

Thanks Jackie,

Peggy I believe the extended timescale is to vaccinate more people quickly, but I am slightly confused because they are proposing two full doses and not the reduced first vaccine that had better trial results. I just hope us immune compromised will be able to get tested at some stage to find out how effective it has been for us.Colette

Peggy4 profile image
Peggy4 in reply to mrsjsmith

Hmm. That is confusing, I wonder what the rationale is for that.

mrsjsmith profile image
mrsjsmith in reply to Peggy4

Peggy not the faintest ! Presumably to give some coverage quickly ? I am sure someone cleverer than me will tell us 🤔

Colette x

Jm954 profile image
Jm954Administrator in reply to Peggy4

Not sure if the reduced dose first was the case with both vaccines, would need to check.

Peggy4 profile image
Peggy4 in reply to Jm954

With any vaccine, is the second dose a bigger or smaller dose than the first? Clueless sorry!

Jm954 profile image
Jm954Administrator in reply to Peggy4

I've just been looking at other vaccines and just cannot find the information about dosing schedules. Sorry :(

mrsjsmith profile image
mrsjsmith in reply to Jm954

As I understood it the Oxford vaccine had some made with a reduced strength and the regulator allowed it to be used and it proved more effective.


devonrr profile image
devonrr in reply to mrsjsmith

Yes, I read that the first dose was less and the second full dosage to achieve the same effects as the Pfizer one.

Something to find out on the day!

Hey a morning out with a purpose. Sure to see some friends in the queue!! Just being naughty 👿

mrsjsmith profile image
mrsjsmith in reply to devonrr

Social event of the year 🤔

Colette x

Peggy4 profile image
Peggy4 in reply to devonrr

Ha I know what you mean 🤣🤣🤣🤣

mrsjsmith profile image
mrsjsmith in reply to Peggy4

It will be on a par with this year ! Hospital, Dentist , Podiatrist and Opthamologist. I thought I was being optimistic buying a 2021 diary refill.

Colette x

Peggy4 profile image
Peggy4 in reply to mrsjsmith

Exactly! 🤣

Peggy4 profile image
Peggy4 in reply to Jm954

Thank you for looking Jackie

Big_Dee profile image
Big_Dee in reply to Jm954

Hello Jm954

I can see the rational for reduced first shot and full dosage second shot. My wife had the Pfizer and has 21 day wait for second shot which is supposed to have stronger side effects. Happy New Year.

june65 profile image

This is great news, just hope we in Wales are able to access it pretty swiftly. People ask me whether I’d have the vaccine, my reply “in a heartbeat”. I wish there was knocking on my door right now. All the best to everyone for a better year next year. Personally I don’t think it could be any worse than this year has been for our family but at the same time appreciate there is always someone worse off than us. X

Peggy4 profile image
Peggy4 in reply to june65

june65 profile image
june65 in reply to Peggy4

Thanks Peggy, that’s great news. Looks as though we’ll be fourth on the list. 🤞

Peggy4 profile image

Lots of scaremongering being bandied around about people getting Covid AFTER the vaccine. Surely though, people WILL get it just that hopefully most people (fingers crossed for us) will then have the antibodies to fight it? Problem is we would still be contagious for that short time I assume until they kicked in? Plus these people affected may have already had it. I read of a vaccine clinic in Cardiff where 9 staff tested positive!I try not to let my imagination run away with me......most of the time!

Peggy 😱

UK-Sparky profile image

Just put my name forward for a trial on immuno-compromised, past the pre screen now waiting a call to see if I have been accepted, will keep you posted.

bennevisplace profile image
bennevisplace in reply to UK-Sparky

Which trial Sparky?

UK-Sparky profile image
UK-Sparky in reply to bennevisplace

AZ Vaccine, been allocated to a trial centre in Enfield 40 miles away. Could of elected for UCL but did not want to use public transport.

bennevisplace profile image

Thanks Jackie, encouraging news.

Interesting that the MHRA approved two full doses rather than the apparently more efficacious half dose plus full dose.

So there's plenty of vaccine on order (with Pfizer, enough for 70 million people). But when can we expect to get it? The majority of UK CLL patients will be in group 4 of 9, about 8 million people down the pecking order. At the government's target vaccination rate of 2 million patients per week (which past form suggests really means doses per week) that puts most of us in the second half of February?

Newdawn profile image
NewdawnAdministrator in reply to bennevisplace

They’ve just predicted that to vaccinate the care home residents, health and care staff, over 65’s and the clinically extremely vulnerable will require 2 million inoculations a week to achieve this by Easter.

Let’s hope they can keep up both the pace and importantly, the supply.


bennevisplace profile image
bennevisplace in reply to Newdawn

In the UK we need to ramp up pretty smartly to at least 2 million doses per week, an imperative according to the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine:

“We found that regardless of control measures simulated, all NHS regions are projected to experience a subsequent wave of Covid-19 cases and deaths, peaking in spring 2021 for London, South East and East of England, and in summer 2021 for the rest of England. In the absence of substantial vaccine roll-out, cases, hospitalisations, ICU admissions and deaths in 2021 may exceed those in 2020.

“The most stringent intervention scenario with tier 4 England-wide and schools closed during January and 2 million individuals vaccinated per week, is the only scenario we considered which reduces peak ICU burden below the levels seen during the first wave”.

Newdawn profile image
NewdawnAdministrator in reply to bennevisplace

It should be possible if we can manage a half a million tests a day. Trouble is, there’s already immense pressures on health staff who are also trying to maintain a semblance of normal service (especially in primary care). I’d like to see medics from the Armed Services to be deployed because the logistics seem to be the issue.

The main issue of course, as they discussed in tonight’s briefing, is sheer availability of vaccine and getting it into those little bottles!


Sepsur profile image

Good news, especially if they cock up the dosage like last time 🤣🤣 - saying that 70% is still good when you consider the flu vaccine is just over 50% effective ( approx)

JigFettler profile image

Yes - Good news indeed Jackie. Many more will get vacc injection No1 sooner. That equates to more with some immunity in the community.

And at a fraction of the Pfizer cost too.

"Jobs 'a guddun!" as we say in my part of the UK...

So VERY good news.

BUT please please please

Keep sharing our collective experiences once we get the vaccine. Especially side effects, or no side effects.

We as a patient group have traction and can and may exert influence if needed. Together we have strength, influence and power.

And if any of you can get a "post vaccine immunity status" check - please do share if you do. I intend to, not sure how just yet!

I do have a cunning plan!


bennevisplace profile image
bennevisplace in reply to JigFettler

I hope it's not the cunning plan whereby you sign a bullet, which you keep in your pocket so as to avoid being hit by the bullet with your name on it (Blackadder Goes Forth).

But yes, everyone please give their vaccination experience! I'm keen to know if anyone manages to have an antibody titre done at an appropriate time after the second dose.

JigFettler profile image
JigFettlerVolunteer in reply to bennevisplace

I was thinking Baldrick as a matter of fact! Jig

bennevisplace profile image
bennevisplace in reply to JigFettler

Yes, that's one of Baldrick's cunning plans.

knittingjardin profile image
knittingjardin in reply to JigFettler

Any cunning plan is always Baldrick for me!!

ornstin profile image

I personally regard having an anti-Covid vaccine as a bit of a leap into the unknown in terms of its effectiveness.

However, I am more than willing to take this leap, and would gratefully accept any vaccine offered to me. But I am very unsure as to what extent having the vaccine would actually change my behaviour , i.e. reduce taking precautions.

But overall the AZ vaccine approval surely a very positive step for the UK as a whole.


opal11uk profile image

Yes, indeed, great news however I thought this was just one injection guess I was wrong lol

LeoPa profile image

People waiting for advice about restrictions is the sad part. Don't they realize the gravity of the situation? Restrict movement to the maximum extent possible. Only go where you have to go and always wear an FFP2 respirator and keep as far from others as possible. Is that too hard to understand? Have most people lost their survival instinct or what? If so then there's no help for us. But on the other hand, those that survive will be better off. All those rich heirs in the newly inherited condos and houses... All that money left behind by the diseased... All the pensions and Healthcare costs not having to be paid to them. Yeah, once this is over society will be younger, healthier and richer. Anybody who wants to keep his possessions for somewhat longer and not hand them over yet, should take good care not to get the virus. I'll definitely try not to.

very profile image

This is great news, our medical centre started vaccinations last week and a number of our neighbour have been had it (over the eighties have been vaccinated)and have had no side effects. We will definitely have the vaccine whichever one comes first. If I thought standing outside in a bucket of horse manure would help I would do it.jenny uk

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