PVCs experience: Iv posted a few story... - British Heart Fou...

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PVCs experience

AWhittaker profile image
12 Replies

Iv posted a few story's of what's been happening recently to me since having palpitations.I havent been diagnosed yet with a heart condition or anxiety by a GP or specialist.

I have changed so many things in my life style to try and eliminate where my palpitation came from and where they protionally started.

Since going to A&E on 8th February and also the 9th February having all the FBC blood tests, troponin test, chest X-ray, ECGs, other things to test for liver kidney and my iron the (list goes on) all came back clear.

It was the 14th of March I started showing on my Kardia EKG NSR with PVCs & also occasionally shows wide QRS which I brought the Kardia EKG machine on the 22nd February so had been using

I have been taking a beta blocker propranolol since the 23rd February advised by the GP and hospital for my anxiety suggested take "when required" but I felt soo anxious all the time so they told me to up my dose, I know I am my own enemy as I go on the NHS website or other website which shows horrible story's so that does increase my stress but I find the Flutters PVCs happen when iv eaten as well.

Can I ask anybody who's taken propranolol 10mg or up to 4 times a day if needed did they find the PVCs came on since taking propranolol?

I'v read beta blockers can bring on or course PVCs in some cases.

One last thing I may want to note I do get really bad heart burn as mentioned in my last post so I was taking omeprazole 10mg as well to help with that.

Really appreciate any feedback or experiences you've all had.

Thanks Atasha

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12 Replies
honeybubs profile image

write down all your symptoms like do you get dizzy or near fainting and have to sit down or even vertigo? Pains anywhere etc even if you think it’s unrelated to palpitations. Ask for a 24 hour ecg. If you see a cardiologist not just a GP they can tell by the sound of the palpitations what sort it is so push to see someone just incase it is something that could affect your heart. There are different types of heart palpitations or ectopics. If you know your own body and you sense something isn’t right don’t give up keep on at them until you get further tests that will show what is going on. Do you get tired walking up a hill or stairs? Write everything down before you go and good luck. X

AWhittaker profile image
AWhittaker in reply to honeybubs

Thanks Honebubs.I feel more lightheaded with it. Up to now I haven't fainting I hope I don't.

And pain is more of a discomfort but I'm really not sure if that's to do with my heartburn I get.

Iv requested a 24hr monitor from my GP and still waiting nearly 3 weeks later I keep chasing it from them.

I'm actually at the hospital right now having seen the nurses taken bloods just waiting on speaking with the doctor about my results but I do think the propranolol isn't helping as it's just giving me all sorts out systems now and iv been on it for nearly 8 weeks.

I wouldnt say im tired walking up the hill or stairs but I do feel a little out of breath. I have changed a lot in me trying to be more active, walking, occasional swimming I know improving heart health and being active does help improve overall health.

Thank you for response, I am considering maybe going through health insurance or private as the waiting list for the cardiologist is long as we know and my GP based off all my results iv had don't see it has urgent. X

honeybubs profile image
honeybubs in reply to AWhittaker

If you can initially go private that’s what I had to do to get a Cardiologist and get results. Because I looked so healthy and eat veg and fruit healthy meals and no alcohol and never smoked no one believed I felt ill. Even the Cardiologist said ‘there’s nothing wrong with you’ I pleaded with him to do tests and the Echocardiogram showed heart failure heart pumping rate EF35%. When I went for the results he couldn’t look me in the eye! All I was bothered about though was ‘At last progress’. Later on I felt really ill and ended up in hospital for a week with Myopericarditis and was wired up so they said I was having 35,000 extra ectopic beats and Bigeminy Arrhythmia. I was on heart tablets. Entresto, Bisoprolol, Dapagliflozen, I now have a CRT-D pacemaker defibrillator fitted. I feel a lot better and my heart pumping rate has gone up by 10 to EF45. It took a long time to get there but I’m grateful I’ve been diagnosed now and I’ve eventually had the right treatment. You know your own body so it doesn’t matter how many qualifications these professionals have worked hard to get they should listen to us as it’s our body and we have the right to question what they say. I now have an excellent Cardiologist who speaks to you as a friend and is very informative and even more importantly he listens to me and my concerns and explains everything in depth to me. Good luck with everything and hope things get sorted for you x

AmatureKnitter profile image
AmatureKnitter in reply to honeybubs

I'm so glad you insisted. An EF of 35 is no laughing matter. Thank goodness you're getting sorted.

To your point about going private, I did the same, I spent £4,5K on tests last year then switched to NHS for ongoing care. I would still be waiting otherwise.

@AWhittaker Dr. Sanjay Gupta - York Cardiology has just launched a new service where for £1199 he'll do a consultation and a cardiac CT and follow-up to get people going. His YouTube video on this is called "The Third Way", he goes on a bit about his friend who was let down and sadly died last year.

In short, he can be contacted at "yorkcardiology@gmail.com" or via his website "drsanjayguptacardiologist.c.... If you have the money and a day trip to York is possible I think it's well worth it. If he'd have launched this 8 months ago I would have saved thousands.

AmatureKnitter profile image

Hi Atasha, I had a similar experience, 10mg propranolol 3 times per day made my PVCs really bad so I was switched to Bisoprolol. There are different types of beta-blocker so ask to try a cardiac selective one. Check your ferritin, folate, b12, vitd, magnesium and electrolytes too. My PVCs greatly reduced when I supplemented with D3/K2, iron, folate and taurine meaning I only now take a low dose beta-blocker. Good luck.

AWhittaker profile image
AWhittaker in reply to AmatureKnitter

Did you have the PVCS before on propranolol? I am currently sat waiting in hospital to been seen again by the doctor taken more blood tests and ECGs again I'm hoping to ask them about the PVCs an alternative option to propranolol as the side affects have been horrible.

I don't take any supplements I may ask them about this though I have had blood tests to check if I am low or deficient in anything.

Thanks for the advise, I just hope to deduce these PVCs they seem to come back in waves and other days are better just been since iv been thinking about them more I notice them and it's a horrible overwhelming feeling when they happen.

AmatureKnitter profile image
AmatureKnitter in reply to AWhittaker

Yes, I had PVCs before taking it, but they were intermittent and not troublesome. Propranolol caused be to be in a permanent trigeminy and made me feel awful.

Supplement-wise, I got all my bloods done privately - with Medichecks, GPs don't seem to want to dig any deeper than "you're within normal range", which is not enough. I was bottom of the range for ferritin and folate and well below for vitD. I supplemented everything then retested until I was top quartile of everything, I feel so much better and my PVC burden is usually less than 2% (down from 25%) unless I'm ill, then my heart goes wappy. It's taken 5 months to build everything up, I've made dietary changes too. I've come down from 7.5mg Bisoprolol to 1.25mg/day.

Fingers crossed for you. I hope you get sorted, these things make you feel wretched.

AmatureKnitter profile image
AmatureKnitter in reply to AWhittaker

To your point about eating making them worse. Gastro-cardiac syndrome really is a thing, though the 2 cardiologists I've spoken to weren't keen. I have a hiatal hernia and have been on ranitidine (famitodine now) or omeprazole for over 20 years. My heart is infinitely more irritable when my stomach is full or playing up.

Pauldx profile image

this is not a specific response to the question about PVCs, but I have been taking a magnesium and potassium supplement and that has seemingly This steadied my arrhythmias quite a lot.

AWhittaker profile image
AWhittaker in reply to Pauldx

Iv heard about having magnesium and potassium supplerments do help I am considering supplerments I was just put off beause being on these propranolol and omeprazole.

falove92 profile image

Hi Atasha ,

I had been taking Propranolol for lowering my heart rate , I've been having palpations for a while , the Propranolol didn't effect it much, just lowered my heart beat, but lately I stopped as my heartbeat kept dropping, so I only take it occasionally when my heartbeat is too high and doesn't come down, I too get bad palpations after I eat, all tests are coming back normal except for extra heart beats occasionally still waiting for cardiology appointment , but if ur having trouble there are other betablockers to try, Hope your feeling better soon x

Jibhauler profile image

I regularly chewed antacid tablets until I had a burst ulcer Dr put me on Omeprazol one before breakfast and one before supper 20mg strength and for the last 3 years no problems, no heartburn and fingers crossed no side effects I can even munch on my home made bread.. so for me so far a good solution also have increased the height of my bed head by some 4 inches so that the bed slopes slightly which also appears to work, no settlers or Rennies for over 3 years …

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