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side effects of lanasprazole taken along with heart meds

Mhodgkiss profile image
17 Replies

I’ve been on lanasprazole for 7 years since my heart attack. Have been experiencing a dry mouth for a number of weeks; GP recommended stopping lanasprazole.

Anyone else had similar?

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Mhodgkiss profile image
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17 Replies

I have taken PPIs for many years for reflux disease. I have been taking 30mg Lansoprazole for over four years and before that esomeprazole and have not had any noticeable side effects from either, nor indeed from the other meds I take. My understanding is that PPIs are often prescribed to help reduce the impact of taking some meds on the digestive system. Whether that is necessary as a 'one size fits all' could be open to debate since some people may have a better tolerance than others. So if your GP has suggested you trial dropping Lansoprazole and you subsequently find you don't need it, that, in my view, is a bonus. However if you find you have the onset of side effects from the other meds you take, your GP may be able to offer other PPIs to try, of which there are several.

irishwife93 profile image

Be cautious when coming off Lansoprazole. I wouldn't stop taking it over night. Maybe try stopping the medication on alternate days? My husband came off his when he ran out of his prescription because he felt fine and thought he no longer needed them. 24 hours later he was experiencing the worst acid reflux which resulted in Gastritis lasting for days, he ended up in A&E. You may not react as strongly as he did but because you have been taking the Lansoprazole for such a long time your gut might be shocked when it is withdrawn and produce loads of acid in response. The risk with this is that they could cause stomach ulcers, which can cause bleeding which poses a big risk if you are on blood thinning medications. The NHS website has some good advice here. If you find a strategy to come off them safely with minimal side effects please share, and best of luck :)

in reply to irishwife93

Without taking anything away from your advice peptic ulcers are usually caused by the presence of the bacterium helicobacter pylori which may be present in the gut. Some people have it, some people dont, but there is a simple blood test to find this out and subsequently as necessary a week long course of drugs to eliminate it. Peptic ulcers can also be caused by long term or execessive use of NSAIDs such as aspirin and ibuprofen. All this from personal experience.

irishwife93 profile image
irishwife93 in reply to

High levels of stomach acid can cause stomach ulcers in the absence of h pylori, also from personal experience.

TeresaMay profile image

I suffered with lanasprazole. Ended up as emergency admission to hospital and the drug was stopped. I now have a substitute, I believe, colesevelam, which gives me worse side effects. However, keeping out of hospital.

Dear Mhodgkiss

My journey with lansoprazole has been very similar , the only difference is that my Dr put me on " use when needed " instead of just stopping it.

Very quickly the dry mouth and nasal passages stopped.

Take care

Interesting and when you think about the way they work, very true, will bring this up with the Dr soon, thank you

Janma123 profile image

My hubby was recently prescribed lansoprazole due to his esomeprazole being incompatible with clopidogrel. He now suffers with rumbling guts and explosive loose stools. He also gets very little warning which is quite restrictive. He had a stroke a few months ago and is unable to walk far, so needs to move from chair to wheelchair and then to the toilet - stressful! He had previously taken omeprazole/esomeprazole for 15 years with minimal adverse effects.

I hope you can find a solution soon.


in reply to Janma123

It is possible that your husband's problems are caused by taking Clopidogrel itself not the PPI. Diarrhoea is listed as one of the common side effects of Clopidogrel, and the NHS advice is to consult your doctor if this or other side effects becomes bothersome.

Janma123 profile image
Janma123 in reply to

The clopidogrel didn’t cause any issues as he was put on that last November following another small heart attack. He was left with esomeprazole at the time. Following his stroke in Mach he was changed to lansoprozole and that seems to be the beginning of the problem.

in reply to Janma123

OK. Your medics should have changed the PPI from esomeprazole from the time clopidogrel was prescribed due to the interaction between the two meds. Mine certainly was when I had a HA four years ago. However there may be good news in what you say in that clopidogrel is only usually prescribed for 12 months following a HA and then stopped and November isn't far way , but I don't know how the following stroke has changed that. It might be worth looking through the hospital discharge notes to the GP which you should have been copied. Hope you and hubby get sorted.

Janma123 profile image
Janma123 in reply to

It is down to be stopped in November. I do wonder if the fact it wasn’t changed contributed to the stroke happening. He was on omeprazole years ago when the discovery as made that colopidogrel and omeprazole should not be used together and the clopidogrel was changed for aspirin. We will never know!

The_Voice profile image
The_Voice in reply to Janma123

Quite a bit of information out there now on how lansoprazole can trigger IBS symptoms. I suffered with chronic IBS for about 3 years, which started out of nowhere after my MIs. It was only after I stopped the lansoprazole that my symptoms drastically improved. I started taking slippery elm instead, as a natural supplement to protect my gut lining, but it also doesn’t stop my stomach from producing acid like a PPI does. Acid is actually essential for breaking down food, medication, minerals, etc, and with a lot less acid in the your stomach, the rest of your digestive tract has to try and do what your stomach hasn’t.

I recently had another stent, so they put me back on clopidogrel for a year, but also on lansoprazole…

Janma123 profile image
Janma123 in reply to The_Voice

PPIs are also known to prevent extraction of B12 from food, as is metformin and some of the other cocktail ingredients! Solve one problem and create loads more.

The_Voice profile image
The_Voice in reply to Janma123

Indeed. It’s why I don’t agree with people just being put on PPIs “in case”. In the event of gastritis, etc, sure, it makes sense. But otherwise, is it really necessary?

annpavitt250448 profile image
annpavitt250448 in reply to Janma123

I had exactly the same problem, know it was the lanzoperole as had the same when my gp changed me over to it. Went back on omeprezole, which I know us not compatible with clopigorerel, but now GP has swapped it to to pantoprezole, which touch wood I seem to tolerate

Dralex profile image

I also experienced bad side effects from lansoprazole, so my cardiologist prescribed several other "prazoles", all proving equally unsuitable. Finally he tried me on pantoprazole, which although not perfect, is far more tolerable. I am now taking it on an "as needed" routine.

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