GP Numbers - Hijacked!: When you... - British Heart Fou...

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GP Numbers - Hijacked!

MichaelJH profile image
MichaelJHHeart Star
53 Replies

When you struggle to get a GP appointment here is part of the reason why:

The government need to address this urgently. Waiting two or more weeks for an appointment is not really acceptable!

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MichaelJH profile image
Heart Star
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53 Replies
Snowdrops_17 profile image

I do agree with you Michael. We do not have enough GP's. I haven't made an appointment with my GP as I need to ring the Surgery, than GP will ring me back and decide if I need an appointment with her. Its annoying this wasting her and my time waiting for a phone call from her.

Fredders profile image

My surgery has a system where you have to see the nurse practitioner first, unless it’s for an ongoing problem, she can then refer you on to the GP if needed. The only time I’ve seen my GP since my op was to have my drugs review. The nurse practitioners are lovely and can prescribe antibiotics if needed, which is the only thing I’ve had to see them for in the last two years. My surgery are good too because I’m flagged as an at risk patient due to my heart and splenectomy, so if I do ring them they are really helpful.

I do feel sorry for the surgeries though, you can book several weeks in advance and they get lots of stick for not having appointments available on the day and yet every month they have 100+ people who don’t turn up for the appointment they made and don’t ring and cancel, appointments someone in need could have had. Personally I think they should have a penalty system, first time you do it you get a yellow card, do it again and you get a red card and aren’t allowed to pre-book appointments.


benjijen profile image
benjijen in reply to Fredders

I totally agree. I don't often have to visit GP now for myself (just med reviews etc) but have to take my mother regularly and the surgery has a board which tells you how many missed appointments there were the previous month. It's disgusting. There should certainly be penalties just as there are with NHS dentists.

MichaelJH profile image
MichaelJHHeart Star in reply to benjijen

I see a podiatrist privately as I was unhappy with the NHS one. He does not charge for the first missed appointment but charged the full fee for any subsequent ones. Repeat offenders get asked to find another podiatrist as he is heavily booked and feels he should not be waiting around when there are people needing treatment because if some individuals' ignorance and arrogance.

Modeller3 profile image

Hi see if your GP has a online service wear you can book same day appointment. If you have a PPG them get them to look into it.

As a PPG member to my practice,we have helped get this

All the best

Modeller3 profile image

Hi see if you practice has a on line appointment service where you can book same day appointments.If not have a word with your PPG,as member of my surgery PPG this is now in place

Good luck

BibbyA profile image

My GP practice is very good, providing we phone at 8.30 am we can get a same day appointment. Although we sometimes have to keep redialing. I've also joined Patient Access where appointments can be pre booked, medication ordered etc. I'm quite sure most GP,s use this service it may be worth having a word with reception to find out.

Well I ask you - having invested so much time and money into ones training and looking forward to a rewarding career in medicine, with perhaps a mid career chance to specialise - who in their right mind would wish to invest this in Great Britain?

Pay is poor, pensions are heavily taxed, excessive work loads, lack of pride and satisfaction in ones work place. Staff disatisfactions, poor quality support from privately owned support units, ranging from cleaners to food preperation to private health providing some more lucrative parts of patient care. Shortages of nurses with the need to prop up rosters by using extortinate banks to employ temporary nurses, which is turn eats into the NHS budget.

After all that, there are many that dedicate themselves to the life and thrive on the responsibility but have to endure a public that is rude, ungrateful and critical of a system they envy but have no wish to work for in any way shape or form.

From the point of view of local surgeries, the lethargic way the public behaves towards the NHS results in missed appointments, over use of prescribed drugs when alternatives can be purchased over the counter. Constantly demand to see a doctoer for the most insignificant illness or cough or cold (in general) or twinge with no hint of a thought to the growing work load.

Then to top it all, we have to endure the self inflated attitude of the "Receptionist" the most important living being in the surgery, the one that rules the world of the smelling salts and enjoys each and every moment of being able to say "NO". Countries have toppled for less cruelty than this!

There was a suggestion that a moderate rise in Income Taxt to pay for a more modern and efficient NHS could be achieved - well perhaps this could be amended where missed apointments anywhere is charged at a nominal rate with no exceptions.

It has to be said that if we want the best NHS then we must pay for the best, thus retaining staff throughout the regime and be respectful and grateful for the service we get. In general, you get what you pay for and a constant bleet about what we do not get helps no one so we should expect to have to pay for a constantly modernising NHS that is the envy of the world. The treatnemt I have had has been worth its weight in gold as has my wifes recent thorough and in depth diagnostic check ups that have lasted nearly two months after a major scare that thankfully was not what we had come to fear - we all have baggage and its so nice to know there are those here that understand!

Prada47 profile image
Prada47 in reply to

I read just the other day GPs salaries average £113,000 per year so I don't think it is a salary issue !!! Lets face it after all it's just a job albeit dealing with people !!! Don't get me wrong the NHS is a decent enough service but it doesn't come cheap, it eats Billions and Billions and can never be fed enough Cash. It needs to change.

North Staffs was Staffed by the NHS not by some fly by night private outfit. GPs are a Business paid for by patient numbers and services carried out. an out of date model in my opinion and that at the end of the day is all we have our opinions.

dunestar profile image

Couldn't agree with you more Michael. There is one doctor at my practice who is very popular. I waited 2 months for an appointment to see her. I've just got an appointment, the first available, for three weeks hence with a new doctor who will be starting that day (poor chap, won't know what's hit him!).

We have Patient Access where you can book appointments by computer but there are very few slots on offer and you would have to wait longer.

Surely the Government can sort out the pensions issue. It's been known about for some time but nothing actually seems to happen to sort it.

Prada47 profile image
Prada47 in reply to dunestar

It couldn't have been very serious for you to wait 2 months for an appointment. !!

dunestar profile image
dunestar in reply to Prada47

You're right Prada47. I made the choice to wait to get the best GP but if I'd been more desperate I'd have had to go with whoever had the shortest list.

Handel profile image

The only sure way to get a same day appointment at our GP surgery is to queue up at 7.00am and wait for the doors to open at 8.00am. No good ringing as the phone is always engaged and no good trying to book online as for some reason all appointments have gone at 8.00am!

With combined ill health ranging from heart disease, diabetes, cancer and hernias, me and hubby try not to bother the surgery but there does come a time when you think you really should bother a doctor!

dunestar profile image
dunestar in reply to Handel

Goodness me Handel. Next thing you'll be camping out overnight!

MichaelJH profile image
MichaelJHHeart Star

Part of the problem of missed appointments and other issues is lack of respect. Not turning up for an appointment is one example of this as is the attitude of some receptionists (both GP and outpatient). I think part of this is the modern trend of empowerment where some abuse this power. And there is this arrogance (much seen on the road) where people think they are so important they can just miss appointments, and just do what they want. I also see this on local buses where fit and healthy take the disabled seats, and where some refuse to fold pushchairs to make way for wheelchair! Oops, I got a dose of grumpiness! 🌝

Prada47 profile image
Prada47 in reply to MichaelJH

Michael I have a lot of respect for your posts but I disagree with this line you are promoting. It is impossible for a GP Practice to inflict a penalty on someone who does not attend an appointment. Who is going to collect the " fine " sorry Doc I was to ill to attend oh and I am on benefits you going to feed my kids after I have paid the fine ? see what I mean it's impossible. Oh and don't bother coming back again, Headline in Daily Mail Patient DIES after GP Refuses to see Him/her Drs practice sued for thousands of £££££


Hatchjd profile image

I have worked in both the USA private health system and the NHS and I believe overall the NHS system is superior. Many are not aware that GP's in the UK are self-employed and contract to the NHS. They rent or own their facilities and pay their own staff. They receive on average £140 per year per patient on their books.... which seems low for the services they are expected to provide. One appointment at a private clinic will cost more than this. It is not surprising that our doctors chose to go into private practice or move abroad.

The bottom line is that more financial investment by the government is needed in health care at the GP level.

I think the answer to clinic overload is more nurse practitioners in practices to take the load off the GP's on the routine ills and injuries and more facilities such as X-Ray and Ultrasound in larger GP practices for faster diagnosis and reduced hospital load.

There is a place for local walk-in urgent care clinics in larger populated areas something between the GP the A&E.

The A&E's are full of people who are unable to get GP appointments in a timely fashion.

Lezzers profile image
Lezzers in reply to Hatchjd

I completely agree with this. I used to work in a Drs surgery and to enable the practice to take on another gp the surgery has to take on an x (cant remember the exact figure) amount of patients first to be able to fund it. If they did this waiting times would go out of the window and GP's would be even more overloaded. Yes, consultant/practioners nurses are definitely the answer. I think the receptionists get a bad rep when really all they're doing it following Dr's orders!! I've seen situations where a gp has given the receptionist instructions regarding appts, then when a patient complains the GP will say they'll have a word with the receptionist!! A Receptionist job particulary job is not easy, I've seen first hand the abuse they have to put up with!! I do think missed appts should be charged for, maybe that would help the situation.

Sunnie2day profile image
Sunnie2day in reply to Lezzers

The receptionists at the surgery I'm now registered with are stars, absolute stars. But the ones at the last one, er, no.

Lezzers profile image
Lezzers in reply to Sunnie2day

Ha, that's true some can be difficult, I was a receptionist hence my robust comments!! I was a nice one though ☺

Handel profile image
Handel in reply to Hatchjd

Well said xxx

I complained last week.

"Bullshit" administration.

The surgery doesn't allow any online comms. whilst they keep bombarding me with their calls on the number that is not mean to use (told them hundreds of times).

Their phone line is chronically "on hold" by up to 10 callers.

There are positives, but this admin issues are getting ridiculous. . .

After putting up with it for the past three years?

Sunnie2day profile image

We're seeing a similar problem up here in Scotland to the point of several surgeries having to close or merge owing to the lack of GPs.

I feel lucky/blessed - when I registered at the new surgery after a house move last year I was in the middle of a recurrent pericarditis acute flare, and was asked if I would be upset if my appointment was booked with a junior so I could be seen the same day. I was quite unwell so accepted the appointment, and she was SO good at that first meeting I've asked for her to be the one I see.

But I've fallen into tall clover at the new surgery, friends across Scotland say they can't even get into see the practice nurse without waiting at least a week, and if they feel they need attention sooner they're being sent to A&E.

Maisie2014 profile image

When I lived in Leeds appointments were a nightmare to obtain. Nurse appointments for blood tests were at least two weeks away. I worked at the hospital so used to take GP request for blood test to work and have them done there. Now I’ve moved to the Wakefield area I come under a different system. It’s more efficient in every way. We have a walk-in centre for blood tests and nurse appointments can be easily obtained. We have a triage system for GP appointments with GPs telephoning with advice or appointments. We have a merged surgery system to allow for less travelling to appointments. We have online access to advice, prescriptions, appointments and test results. I cannot fault the GP I have. The only problems Wakefield have is Hospital resources for A&E.

Prada47 profile image

I agree 100% with your comments


Londinium profile image

You, evidently, have absolutely NO idea why it is "limping" along. It is FORCED to "limp" along and be dismantled. It is a strategic decision! Wake up!

Londinium profile image

Rude?! On various occasions on other posts you specifically targeted me with your mocking, provocative and bullying remarks. I don't appreciate your RUDE comments nor the fact that you found it funny to literally create and keep a disgusting and puerile score card reminiscent of the bullying that I witnessed in schools.

Londinium profile image

I’ve read some of YOUR replies that I have perceived as totally uncalled for and rude. YOU deliberately exhibit ‘power’ to belittle posters with what YOU believe is YOUR superior point of view. There is simply no need for YOU to try to belittle or be rude. So every time I see YOU doing that I will intervene.

Adaboo profile image
Adaboo in reply to Londinium

I feel that anyone who has even a slightly different opinion on here is ridiculed. I’ve felt it many times and I think it’s playground gang type stuff. I’ve had insults and belittling name calling thrown at me a few times now and I’ve never been rude to anyone! The sentence saying I will stand shoulder to shoulder with my brothers and sisters on this forum says it all. The poking fun and point scoring etc. If you don’t agree with what seems to be the opinion of the regulars then you don’t fit and are fair game for ridicule it seems! A lot of those with “ differing opinions now no longer post in fear of the ridicule. Very sad as we are all adults! . . . I thought 🤔

Lezzers profile image
Lezzers in reply to Adaboo

That's a generalisation which you and I have talked about before as I often have a different opinion to you & others. If by "regulars" you mean people who comment/post on many different posts on a regular basis in the hope we may have some advice that is helpful, then I could be considered a regular! I have never been rude, thrown insults, or thrown belittling names at anyone. Nor do I ridicule anyone on this forum or resort to any form of bullying. Yes, it is very sad that people resort to unnecessary comments but its not only "regulars" who do this!

Adaboo profile image
Adaboo in reply to Lezzers

Yes you have said this before! Yet on the post calling “us “ me” an internet quack for having a differing opinion you were first to comment “ Well said”. You don’t have to type insults when you agree with those who throw the insults. I won’t argue or be bullied. 🙂

Lezzers profile image
Lezzers in reply to Adaboo

And neither will those of us who post on many different posts on many different subjects, be bullied either. I have said well said on many posts, it doesn't mean I'm a bully, rude, etc, it simply means I agree with what the poster has said though not necessarily on every point. However, going back to the post where the word "quack" was mentioned I believe the poster was not talking about anyone on this forum but was referring personally to the "experts" who post their views on you tube or the internet. But point taken, next time I say well said I will make a point of stating which part of the comments I consider to be well said. Edit: there is a report button if you feel you have been insulted/ridiculed on the forum.

"In the face of high workloads, punitive pension regulations and the overly burdensome admin that comes with running a practice, it is no surprise that the number of GPs, and in particular partners, is continuing to fall. "

I'm sure there are other reasons.

But I entirely agree re. the burdensome admin that comes with..."

I see that myself (see my original reply). It drives you insane.

A simple message (please not to use this number) never get recorded, properly, even after repeated, politely, at several times.

Lately, I discovered, now, the same message has been changed back to:

"please use this number (my old number)" that would waste other staff's paid time/GPs paid time by trying to get hold of me at the wrong number!

Insane or just someone has no concept "simple system" at GPs?

Prada47 profile image
Prada47 in reply to

In my working career I was confronted with High Workloads, Overburdened by Regulations and paying to much Tax but do you know like everyone else around me we just got on with it. Sorry NHS pensions have to be paid by someone and Hospital Doctors/Consultants/ Surgeons need to be regulated like the rest of us.

BMA RCS RCP RCN etc all have very good media depts. always putting the case For More.

in reply to Prada47

I cannot say, your reply is "in response to" my post.

But thanks all the same.

Handel profile image

Well, you started something there!! Great initial post xx

Prada47 profile image

agree again 100 %

heathkir1 profile image

I worked in a very large practice in Scotland before my HA. In fact it was at work it happened. GP practices are training admin staff and secretaries to deal with most of the day to day admin, which frees up GP’s to see patients. We ran a triage where the doctors answered the phone and either helped you over the phone or gave you an appointment. We had very few missed appts. We also ran a 2 missed appt you got a warning. 3 missed and you were put off the surgery list. My own practice is suffering from the go shortage and trying to get an appt is so hard it puts you off trying.

Adaboo profile image

Yes it does! It’s so obvious its a slap in the face, little quips too like “ ooh you’ll set off the anti statin brigade now” it’s all to make sure we shut up! Who would if thought a BHF site would be like this. 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️

Adaboo profile image
Adaboo in reply to Adaboo

I’m now going out for cake before I get more insults. Haven’t eaten sugar for several months so I will probably be as high as a kite! 😉

Lezzers profile image

Now now, I haven't said that, however, I am now starting to feel bullied with you singling me out on another post that I've had no input on!!

Sunnie2day profile image

Forgive me sticking my beak in but I wonder if you'd mind awfully shutting down the computer and going for a walk or a late afternoon sitting out in the garden sort of break?

We're all here on a Sunday afternoon for camaraderie, not rows, and this arguing is not helping any of us including you. Not sure what has got you feeling so grumpy today - whatever it is you have my sympathy - but I do think perhaps a 'Net unplugging might be good for whatever ails you this afternoon.

Adaboo profile image
Adaboo in reply to Sunnie2day

Hi Sunnie2day ( lovely name) your welcome to stick your beak in 😅. I’m afraid some folk like winding some other folk up and eventually it will all explode. I’m glad you haven’t witnessed it though. Have a lovely day. 😁

Sunnie2day profile image
Sunnie2day in reply to Adaboo

I think a computer break would be helpful for those continuing the disagreement, I really do. I'm seeing it across another thread and it's not pretty.

Thank-you for the name mention - funny story about that, apparently as wee lass I showed every sign of becoming a Little Miss Curmudgeon In Training and my dad nicknamed me Sunnie in hopes of jollying me out of my dour personality. Not sure it worked :)

Love your screenname, btw. I had an Aunt Ada who might have been 50 years older but she was THE most fun and inspired me to many adventures.

Adaboo profile image
Adaboo in reply to Sunnie2day

Thank you Sunnie! ( I’m sure you’re sunnie really 🙂). I have 2 rescue lurchers called Ada and Boo hence the name. I think we all need as many adventures as possible, specially as we seem to get “ ill “ in one way or another in later life! I’m off to see Pompei in October ( health allowing). I can’t wait 😊

Adaboo profile image

Playing nice would be amazing! 👍🏻 Let’s see though.

Adaboo profile image

No, I bought ice cream for later though 🍦🍦

Adaboo profile image

Gunsmoke I know you like a laugh but sometimes it does feel like there are way too many digs and sarcastic comments. As you say “ let’s now play nicely” 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻

Lezzers profile image

You may go back over everything I have ever commented and you will find I have never used any of those terms. However, as I said you're making me feel bullied, I will not be commenting any more. If you find reporting comments is not working that has nothing to do with me!

Sunnie2day profile image

What I'm aware of is several times across at least two discussion threads today you've had the chance to graciously let it drop yet you continue to post comments that can be taken as provocative and aimed at continuing the disagreement.

Honestly, I feel some sympathy for your unhappiness today whatever the cause, but I repeat - a break away from the computer might be just what you need to find some peace of mind.

Adaboo profile image

I’ve seen a few quips I felt weren’t called for 🤭, and after a while it gets boring 😴. I love a banter too, and have laughed my way through most of my life. I do have an evil sense of humour at times too 😈😈 and am well known as a joker. The written word however can come across very different than the intent I think and can get hurtful. Let’s put it all behind us, respect each other’s views and have a craic while we’re about it! 😁

Adaboo profile image

I bet it had loads of sugar and that’s what makes it so yummy 😋. Last time I had cake was in February and had a bit of awesome birthday cake, I honestly looked like I’d just taken speed! I couldn’t shut up or keep still 😂. Hope you enjoyed the cake, least the coconut part was good 😁

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