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Lung Conditions Community Forum

55,453 members66,180 posts

All posts for January 2023

Moderate COPD longevity.

Hello, new member here. I have a particular question about COPD. I was diagnos...
copdhater profile image

Here We Go Again.

I will try and keep this short. Some of you will remember my endless delays f...
Ern007 profile image


fungal infections programme on radio 4 today about increasing resistance of var...
Jaybird19 profile image
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Bochdalek hernia

I had a Bochdalek hernia on the right side and my liver was going into my diaphr...
Carsok profile image


Thanks everyone who sent. 8best wishes
whit profile image

Can you help us better understand the experiences of those with a lung condition?

Good morning everyone. I have added a link to our survey "Our life with a lung ...
Debs_ALUK profile image

Spirometry and COPD/Emphysema.

I've recently had a Spirometry test after having to keep keeping on for one, fol...
Hidden profile image

IVs rather than oral antibiotics.

Good morning fellow stoics.Is there any one this supportive group who has bronc...


I came out of hospital just before Xmas, haven't felt over good since ,yesterd...
whit profile image

A problem shared

After a bout of chest infections, and more breathlessness than normal I went...
ledge profile image


A most wonderful birthday to our very own Caspiana. I suspect, for a single day ...
mellyme profile image

Thank you….

……to everyone who has sent messages of condolence and support. I am very touche...

Daughter’s lung biopsy

hello, I hope someone can help me. My daughter has had mild asthma since age 6 a...
Worried49 profile image

Just to let you know

I'm just letting you know that they managed to sew his thumb back on, he has to ...
Damon1864 profile image

Last of the frosty mornings for now 🩵


emphysema results

hi everyone I have emphysema . Just had a spirometry test and my results are Fev...

What is social prescribing? Gobbledygook?

Just asking. 🙄


Hi The Asthama & Lung Foundation have set up a series of harmonica class to ...

Just saying hello

I've just joined this forum so this is me saying Hi! from Scotland.
MusicTwin profile image

Good morning

Hi and good morning everyone, I hope you are all well and keeping warm. Well my ...
Damon1864 profile image

Have nearly finished Doxy Rescue Pack but still got pain in one lung; anyone had similar experience?

Hello everyone; Have bronchiectasis and had 13 of 15 Doxy rescue pack. Been n...

Diagnosed with small airway disease on Pulmonary Function Test. Just finished 3 weeks of Meropenum IV

Cannot tamp damp down the colonized Pseudomonas at all. Have a PORT after so ma...
Lapis5 profile image


Has anyone heard from Bernadette lately. She has been uncharacteristically silen...
Alberta56 profile image

Icicles Time 🥰


chest xray

I have mild Bronchiectasis confirmed by ct . I had chest X-ray after attending ...
Pitt12345 profile image

Azithromycin and IBD

Good morning everyone Firstly I just wanted to give a brief update from my last...
rosco59 profile image


I've seen a few comments here that some members are struggling to breathe at nig...

A few more dogs 🐕 ❤️

Cataract operation with COPD

Need advice please. I suffer with COPD and Bronchiectasis and am on Oxygen 24/7....

Breathlessness update

Thank you all for your suggestions. I use a lot of them myself. I should have me...
Cornwalllass profile image