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Lung Conditions Community Forum

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All posts for April 2021

Urgent Question Answered -Prednisolone

Many thanks to all who answered my question. I feel reassured. I've taken the ...
Nevasayneva profile image

Would this be too cruel?

Mrs B has been off chocolate for Lent and i truly admire her amazing willpower a...
Mrbojangles profile image

How do you know if you have pleurisy?

I woke up with chest pain on Monday 29th March which is worse when I breathe dee...
Pen12 profile image
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Dr. John Campbell, Good Friday update
2greys profile image

Urgent Question -Prednisolone

I've been advised by NHS 111 to use my rescue kit. The instructions for the Pr...
Nevasayneva profile image

The radiologost told me C T scan and spirometry is not enough to diagnose COPD

The radiologist told me that CT scan is not enough to diagnose lung disease. Bro...
Sandrute2 profile image

Grabbing a coffee.

A woman is walking through the park when she sees a very attractive man sitting ...
2greys profile image

Study predicts which kids hospitalized with RSV likely to worsen.

RSV is a common respiratory virus. People get reinfected many times over the cou...

Ramipril & Asthma??

I've been taking ramipril for about 7 days had to come off them, I've just read ...
Lindadoodie profile image


Hi All Not sure if this is asthma or not? Coughing, starts as a tickle then I ge...
Lindadoodie profile image

Thank you.

Thank you all so much for your love and sympathy. It helped a lot.We are all sup...
Aingeful profile image

What herbs are good for lungs

What herbs are good for lungs, what is natural bronchodilator. Is it possible on...
Sandrute2 profile image


Has anyone used CBD for lung connected pain? And, if so, was it effective?
Dianemc01234 profile image

Dr. John Campbell. Thursday Update, 1 Apr 2021

Why kids hold the key to herd immunity

To win the battle against the pandemic, kids will be vital. The fight against C...
2greys profile image

New England Journal of Medicine Publishes Results of the PULSAR Phase 2 Trial of Sotatercept in Patients with PAH.

For patients receiving background therapy for pulmonary arterial hypertension, t...

The Butcher Dance.

There was once an anthropologist named Dave who frequently boasted that he had s...
2greys profile image

Dogs that look like their owners.

First up, Richard Gere.
Mrbojangles profile image

Few people with symptoms are self-isolating, study finds.

Fewer than one in five people request a Covid-19 test if they have symptoms, whi...
2greys profile image

Husband's COPD getting much worse - needs help

I apologise in advance for the length of this post but I am desperate and lost. ...
Linmac66 profile image

‘Sweat sticker’ diagnoses cystic fibrosis on the skin in real time.

A Northwestern University-led research team has developed a novel skin-mounted s...
2greys profile image

Mass testing at UK universities is haphazard and unscientific, finds BMJ investigation.

The rollout of lateral flow tests across campuses has slipped off the radar. How...