2 week cough with green phelm - Lung Conditions C...

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2 week cough with green phelm

Cimmy profile image
30 Replies

hi all I’m new to this forum and I’m just looking for some advice. I have had a chest infection for two weeks, phone consultation from gp. I’m on my second lot of antibiotics (amoxicillin 500mg) 3 times daily but feel like I’m not making much progress, I cough so hard and produce green thick mucus, surely I should be feeling some benefits by now, I’m just so worried and I also suffer health anxiety which thrown into the mix doesn’t help. Any advice would be greatly appreciated l. Thank you in advance

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Cimmy profile image
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30 Replies
peege profile image

personally I've never found amoxicillin has worked for me . At least you've even given a decent dosage. If not cleared up before you finish the abs (hopefully you've enough to get through the weekend) then do get in touch with the gp. You probably have a tough bacteria needing a tougher antibiotic. Drink plenty of warm fluids & take your temperature if you have a thermometer.

Cimmy profile image
Cimmy in reply to peege

hi and thank you for your kind reply, I feel like I need a stronger antibiotic as the previous ones don’t even touch it, the funny thing is I’ve had no fever, just feel really chesty and a bit woozy. I will definitely keep up the fluids and hope this will do the trick, I’m just so worried when I have a coughing fit. Thanks again, it’s so good to feel less alone with my fears

Patk1 profile image
Patk1 in reply to Cimmy

Id rimg to get gp to let u put a mucous specimen in.lots of nasty viruses about resulting in coughs. Paracetamol helps with pain+ temp.id add in hi dose vit c+increase fluids.if uv coughing fits,a tspn of clear honey is gd for coating throat..if youve lot of mucous,read up on how to cough it up + if yr concerned,do ring gp.coughs are lingering for weeks this winter.

peege profile image
peege in reply to Cimmy

do finish the abs you have wont you, at least they'll help keep the bacteria down until you can get some better ones. P

spiriva1127 profile image

Sorry you are feeling poorly. It can be very discouraging and frightening to feel as though the medications that are prescribed are not helping. I have also not had good results with Amoxicillin, if you are still coughing etc when you are finished with your medication, a return trip to your Doctor is in order. Have you also been given a steroid? Rest as much as you can, drink plenty of fluids. Take good care, you are not alone. Angie

CDPO16 profile image

Hi and welcome Cimmy. I have never found amoxicillin much good but it is commonly prescribed by GPs. Complete the course then ask fir a sample pot at your surgery. A sample of sputum sent off to the path lab (surgery will send it) will be tested to see which antibiotics are best for you. Hope you begin to feel better soon.

SomerDragon123 profile image

I was coughing up horrible gunge just like you…It took 2x courses of Amoxicillin 500mg (no use whatsoever) and 2 courses of Doxycycline (the 2nd course I had to double up the quantity) to clear the nasty bacterial bugs in my lungs…. A sputum test will show if your infection is viral or bacterial and then if bacterial your doctor can prescribe something stronger to hopefully clear it for you..

Alberta56 profile image

Welcome to the forum. The other posters are right. Amoxicillin will clear some bugs, but not really nasty ones. Ask your GP for a sputum pot, so that (with a bit of luck) the bacteria can be identified and treated appropriately. When I was coughing up loads of green gunk, my GP prescribed an AeroBika, a device to help bring up mucus. It worked brilliantly for me, though some people find other devices work better for them. Hope you are soon on the mend.

Spacecat1 profile image

Dont really rate amoxicillin. Maybe ask gp if you could try different antibiotic. I have my antibiotic and predesoline. I have both in my rescue pack. Hope you feel better soon xx

Anniegg62 profile image

I'm almost 2 weeks into pnuemonia. Cough from hell, coughing up green junk, fever. Every night I had to go sit in shower to stop severe coughing attacks and then an hour or two later back at in again. I bought some copper capsules, copper kills tons of germs including pneumonia. I opened up 3 pills and mixed with about 1 or 2 tablespoons of water and gargled then spit out. First night it greatly reduced my cough and I finally slept. Did it for 2 more nights and my cough is almost completely gone. Only bummer is it tastes absolutely horrid

Lizzab profile image
Lizzab in reply to Anniegg62


Lfcpremier profile image
Lfcpremier in reply to Anniegg62

Never heard of this. Where do you get copper capsules from please?

Izb1 profile image
Izb1 in reply to Lfcpremier

You can use a copper cup to drink water from which have some benefits I think Amazon sell them x

Anniegg62 profile image
Anniegg62 in reply to Lfcpremier

I bought them at a local vitamin store but you can also get them online

watergazer profile image
watergazer in reply to Anniegg62

never heard of that

Lizzab profile image

If it's not working you need something else.

Ask your GP what you now need to get improvement. I find asking questions is more likely to get movement out of them.

Or I use the phrase 'I just want to make sure we're not missing something '. That's worked a few times.

Shonkie profile image

My experience of chest infection with bronchiectasis is that I get bacterial infections and these need a heavy duty antibiotic like Ciprofloxacin which works for me. An odd effect of bronch is that infection can be missed by testing as the sample may not include an infected bit of sputum. Not helpful..

Julie14 profile image

hi im currently into my 2nd week also however i find Amox not strong enough im on Doxycillen & steroids. My Dr arranged for the home recovery team to visit me daily thats 2 nurses come out every day & put me on a nebuliser, they have altered where needed my meds without the need of me having to go back to Dr. This is a great service & has meant i could be treated at home instead of hospital, when they visit today this will be day 8 and they examine me checking the infection is getting better. I do feel i have a while to go as its taking a while to clear but i am feeling better than i did. Ring adr & ask about a change in meds & maybe a referral into the home recovery team. Take care & hope you start feeling better soon.

Egpa profile image

Hi Cimmy, I have bronciactsis and asthma when I have a flair up my consultant says I always have to send a sputem sample in to my GP as not all infections are the same. Amoxacilin is not good for me I now take 14 days of co-amoxiclave. If you are still not feeling in well at the end please send in a sputum sample. Good luck hope you feel better soon. Take care and stay safe.

Clinker profile image

I would contact your go to give you alternative antibiotics as soon as possible being a holiday weekend maybe contact 111 for advice if you cannot contact your doctor. Good luck hope your feeling better soon.

Lutontown profile image

Have you put your sputum into your surgery for testing by the hospital? Amoxacillin will sort some bugs, but no where near all. The test will show what bacteria you have, and suggest the right AB for the job. This may even be an Intravenous course.

Injecter1 profile image

Amoxicillin is always the first broad spectrum antibiotic they give. I would call your GP and ask for a sputum specimen to be done, you may need a specific antibiotic to deal with the bacteria once it’s identified, in the meantime try and do some exercises to encourage you to cough up as much as you can, drink plenty as that helps to thin the mucus down….Get well soon!

Andyhaler profile image

Hi Cimmy, i am sorry to hear that you have been having such a hard time lately. I too have had multiple courses of antibiotics at times but if you dont feel any change yet your doctor will probably get you to give them a phlegm sample so they can find out what strain they are dealing with and give you a more targeted antibiotic. I hope you start to feel better soon.

PAP48 profile image

Personally, I think you need to put a sample in to be tested to see what infection you are carrying, then you will be prescribed the correct antibiotic - hopefully! Hope you feel better soon. Happy New Year!

watergazer profile image

hi. You’ve had a lot of replies. I also find amoxicillin doesn’t work for me. I ask for doxycycline or co_amoxicolav Xx

Luckytony146 profile image

hi Climmy personally I usual respond with a course of clarithromycin or dixocycline(excuse spelling) and a course of steroids I am also on singular air and uniphyllin, along with two inhaler. May give you some options to discuss with ur GP.

honeysuckle78 profile image

hi I’m afraid amoxicillin doesn’t work for me . In fact I’m sure made things worse

Neville33 profile image

You need to submit a sputum sample and grow a culture to find out what bacteria is creating the problem…do you have a pulmonary dr. That you see…

ghousrider profile image

hi am a glad you can get help i have copd 2013 i was in hospital now i am stuggling to see a doctor / waited 12 to see my consulant / health not good being male you dont get the help & support you need / ghoust rider

poppyshola profile image

Get some good old fashioned Buttercup Syrup from your supermarket or Chemist and either take from a spoon or add a little hot water ....And yes Honey is very good for sore throats, coughs ... I found its in better in hot water with some lemon squash ... but I agree Amoxycillin doesn't clear a bad infection up, it sounds like your infection needs a stronger one ...

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