protective behaviour from dogs? - Lung Conditions C...

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protective behaviour from dogs?

jodew profile image
13 Replies

I have noticed a very lovely thing while out and about. I am very much a dog person but cannot have my own due to my medical challenges.

Several times now, while out on my mobility scooter, when I stop to say hello to a dog (with owner’s approval), I noticed that often they will gently place their chin or a paw or two high up near my chest. Then, they will try to gently get on the platform of my scooter. Finally, they get round to the left of me and just sit, waiting for I don’t know what, occasionally putting their head in my lap. I then have to wait for the owner/s to call the dog away as I can’t move the scooter without risk of running over a paw.

This has happened many times, and with different dogs, none of which I am familiar with at the time.

I like to think they can pick up on my lung issues and are protecting me. Do/can dogs naturally pick up illnesses in strangers or am I just fluffy and soppy?

It doesn’t happen all the time, but does happen a lot.

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jodew profile image
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13 Replies
peege profile image

I'm sure you're right and not at all soppy.I'm not a soppy dog owner at all, a dog is a dog. My previous one Fred was a tall handsome Chocolate Labrador, he used to excitedly drag me up 2 flights of a nursing home's stairs to visit my ex-husband (prostate + prolific & painful bone cancer). As soon as we got to Bob's door he instantly calmed, walked in sedately, put his chin on the bed for a stroke then lie down and wriggle backwards under the bed so Bob could just hang down his arm to stroke Fred's soft head.

Fred also saved my life in 2009 by barking nonstop downstairs when I was drifting in & out of consciousness upstairs until the lodger found me & rang 999.

My present dog is sweet natured but when my daughter is pregnant or pushing pram she goes all protective & growls at anyone who goes near her.

Then of course there are the care dogs who are so sensitive and marvellous. 🐶

Damon1864 profile image

Hello jodew no you aren't being silly dogs can detect when someone has a medical condition. Dogs can detect when those with diabetes need insulen, there are dogs who can detect cancer and heart problems. My little Jack Russell who by the way is called Jack, knows when my breathing is not right and I have an infection. He can also detect when my granddaughters sugar levels are low , she has type one diabetes. So yes the dogs you meet can detect your lung condition. Have a lovely day and take care 😊 Bernadette and Jack 🐕 xxxxxx 🌹

sassy59 profile image

I believe dogs and cats pick up on lots of things jodew and the dogs you meet clearly realise something is not quite right. It’s lovely to hear that they react in that way. Thank you for sharing your story. Xxx💜🤗

Hi jodew. I am sure that our pets pick up on our thoughts and problems. I had a japanese spitz who was very solely attached to me. However, whenever we visited my friend who had MS he would walk closely by her wheelchair and sit at her feet indoors, often with one paw on her foot rest. My granddaughter is type 1 diabetic. She has a little cat who is always tapping her face before the alarm on her dexcom goes off if she has a hypo in the night. Sadly, since I almost died last June when a consultant gave me a pneumothorax during a procedure to insert a pacemaker, my little pomeranian has become terribly worried about me and makes sure that he can always keep me in his sight. They are marvellous creatures.

jodew profile image

Thank you for all your lovely comments, sharing your experiences also and not thinking I’m bonkers!

I’m glad it’s not just me that witnesses it, nor that it is only specially trained dogs either.

MELNEL profile image

Hiya 😊 you absolutely right about this, dogs and cats are able to detect that you have an illness or are in pain. Lots of study's going on with dogs.

My cat Jimi always come to lie down his head on my chest when I have a bad day, his purring relax my breathing sometimes and he is very careful not to put to much pressure on me. It's somehow really amazing that they try to help you.

Have a lovely day 🌼🌼🌼🌼

I have read that dogs can smell or sense particular cancer...they likely can smell medications also...

watergazer profile image

What a wonderful story. I recently acquired a cat on my walk who walked with me for a while. 🤷‍♀️

Mooka profile image

Some dogs do for sure. My dog a springer collie cross just loves attention and will plonk herself in front of complete strangers for a fuss. She regularly sees a lady on a mobility scooter and climbs up for a fuss. It’s a win win as the lady had to part company with her elderly dog last year and is pondering getting another dog.

Nicholatracy profile image

I believe dogs can detect if a person is sick. So compassionate and calming 🐞

in reply to Nicholatracy

Yes so can cats as well!

winabago profile image

Thank you for the very positive story.

Karenanne61 profile image

There was, I assume still is, a programme for training dogs to detect cancer in urine. There are also seizure alert dogs as part of the assistance dogs schemes. And of course, not forgetting the amazing guide dogs for the blind. What did they do with all those milk bottle tops we collected?

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