Are these Olanzapine side effects? - Action on Postpar...

Action on Postpartum Psychosis

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Are these Olanzapine side effects?

mfc83 profile image
83 Replies

Dear all,

I am taking Olanzapine and would like to know if you also felt completely unmotivated to do anything. I manage the basic tasks and taking care of the baby but other than that I just want to lay in the sofa and watch TV...did you also feel this?

And another possible side effect: I havent had the period since before I got pregnant. I had my PP episode 3 months ago and since then I am not lactating so my period should have come already. Did you get the period while on medication?

Thank you for reading, I am new here and it really feels good to have a community of women that understand me.

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mfc83 profile image
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83 Replies
Lilybeth profile image

Hello mfc83

Good to hear from you. Although I didn’t take Olanzapine so I’m not sure about side effects, I can relate to feeling unmotivated at home. After PP I suffered a severe depression and some mornings found it difficult to even get out of bed :( even to care for my son at the time. So I think you’re amazing having had PP only 3 months ago and caring for your baby.

As mums we expect to be able to pick up where we left off, even though we have been hit by such a traumatic illness and there’s a baby in the house! Try not to be so hard on yourself .... caring for your baby is no easy task and I think is more than enough for now as you recover.

I’ve read my notes about the lack of my periods after my first son was born. Four months after his birth it’s recorded that I had not had a menstrual period in spite of the fact that I was not breastfeeding. The Registrar went on to say he would like to think this was related to my psychiatric condition. Apparently I viewed this as a punishment during my early months into recovery!

When I found the forum I was amazed and overwhelmed to find mums who had similar delusions during PP and their support meant so much. It’s a great feeling to know you’re not alone isn't it :)

I’m sorry I couldn’t be more helpful about your medication but there will be other mums here to share their experiences. Take care and be kind to yourself. x

Maria_at_APP profile image

Hi mfc83,

How are you today? I took olanzapine for a year as I have mentioned in one other posts and what you describe is very much how I felt. When I was on a dose of 7.5 mg and above I felt very meh, and also quite dissociated from my emotions, as if they were wrapped up in cotton wool. As you describe I just managed to go through the bare minimum and took very little joy on anything. Also my periods took a really long time to come back, I think it was 9 or 10 months after having my daughter, which by then I must have been on 2.5 mg. Amenorrhea is a possible side effect of the medication, I checked with my gp as I was also a bit concerned, but it was reassuring to know that olanzapine was the cause of it. I went back to having regular periods after it.

This is still early days, and I know you must be keen to feel like yourself again, but bear in mind that you have gone through great trauma, and even without the addition of pp being a new mum is something that takes a few months to adjust to. Like Lilybeth says, please don't be hard on yourself, you are doing really well, and you are a great brave mum looking after your little one.

One thing I remember that started to lift the cobwebs during recovery was to do some physical exercise. At the beginning I had zero interest or motivation to do it, but little by little I started looking forward to it. Doesn't have to be something strenuous to begin with, maybe some yoga, a walk, a bit of dancing if you fancy that. But it gets the endorphins going and it also gives you such a sense of accomplishment.

Maybe it can take a different form for you, maybe something creative, start with something small and you can build much on it.

Take care, thinking of you

Emero profile image
Emero in reply to Maria_at_APP

Hi Mfc83

I felt absolutely unmotivated while taking olanzapine 17.5mg, and even while taking a reduced dose of 10mg daily I found normal things were a struggle. Dampened down emotions, slower thinking, poor concentration and depression were the side effects for me. I experienced no upside other than improved ability to sleep, and came off the drug altogether after 6 months. It took a few years to feel normal again after coming off it. I really hope you're on a lower dose than me and I hope you can come off it as you see fit. Everyone is different and you have do decide what's right for you. It's the patient who picks up the tab at the end of the day.

All the best!

Paddymam profile image


It's my family member and not sure what drugs she's on as she is on so many. I will speak to others and see which ones.

Side effects are a nightmare too.

Baby is good and family members are caring for them as mum has been in hospital since giving birth.

I call it delusions but the experts say it isn't. But when she is thinking Drs are fake etc I think it is delusions.

You sound like your positive which always helps. Thanks for your words. Support is good


Lilybeth profile image
LilybethVolunteer in reply to Paddymam

Hello Paddymam

Thanks for coming to the forum. I’m sorry to hear your family member has been in hospital since giving birth. This struck a chord with me as I was sectioned after a few weeks and spent months in general psychiatric units without my first son. So family stepped in to care for him.

I wonder if the PP Insider Guide “Recovery after Postpartum Psychosis” might be helpful at Has your family member been given a diagnosis? During my PP I suffered with delusions, hallucinations and intrusive thoughts so it is a very frightening illness and a worry for family. Thankfully I did fully recover.

Please take care of yourself. I hope your family member will slowly recover and be home as soon as she is able.


Paddymam profile image
Paddymam in reply to Lilybeth

Thank you for this. Glad you recovered. Xx

Lilybeth profile image
LilybethVolunteer in reply to Paddymam

Thank you Paddymam ..... with good medical care your family member will also recover. Wishing you strength at what must be an unsettling time for everyone. Xx

Lilybeth profile image
LilybethVolunteer in reply to Paddymam

Hello Paddyman

I hope your family member is slowly recovering in hospital. Do you think if she is well enough, she might be allowed home for a few hours? After a while I was allowed to do this to see how I coped with routine and a new baby in the house! I hope the side effects of medication are not too tiring. Take care. Xx

Paddymam profile image
Paddymam in reply to Lilybeth

Thank you. At moment No signs of being allowed home for a few hours Unfortunetly xx

Maria_at_APP profile image
Maria_at_APPModerator in reply to Paddymam

Hi Paddyman,

It will come, I had pp in 2018, it took me a month to be allowed home for a few hours, and the first leave didn't go well and I returned to the mbu much earlier than planned. Its a bit go with the flow as everyone's recovery is different and there is no hard and fast rule.

Thinking of you

Lilybeth profile image
LilybethVolunteer in reply to Paddymam

Thank you Paddymam ......your family member is in the best place for now to help in her recovery although it’s a shame she can’t be with her baby. I’m sure she is comforted by your loving support when you visit. Take care. xx

Lilybeth profile image
LilybethVolunteer in reply to Paddymam

Hello Paddymam

I hope your family member is making progress in hospital and receiving good care. Thinking of you .... stay safe.

Paddymam profile image
Paddymam in reply to Lilybeth

Thanks Lilybeth. Things are not improving just taking it day by day. She's been in hospital for 6 months now and seems like forever. 😕

Lilybeth profile image
LilybethVolunteer in reply to Paddymam

Hello Paddymam

So very sorry to hear things are not improving but as you say it’s best to take it day by day as, if it is Postpartum Psychosis, it does take time to be well.

Years ago, with PP after my first son, I was under mixed general psychiatric care for 6 months without him but I did eventually fully recover.

There is another APP resource that might be helpful “PP Soup - a nourishing mix of all things Postpartum Psychosis“ at put together by a mum who suffered PP, with input from other mums and professionals. So I hope it might be reassuring for your family to read and listen to as there is also a radio conversation with mums?

It must be exhausting for you and your family finding a way to visit during Covid restrictions but it will mean so much to your family member to know you are there, even if sometimes she seems far away in her thoughts. Please remember to take care of yourself too.

Paddymam profile image
Paddymam in reply to Lilybeth

Thank you 💝

Lilybeth profile image
LilybethVolunteer in reply to Paddymam

You are very welcome Paddymam 💜 .... take care listening to the radio documentary as it might be upsetting.

Lilybeth profile image
LilybethVolunteer in reply to Paddymam

Hello Paddymam

How are you? I hope with time you will see an improvement in your family member.

I was wondering if you are in the UK and your family member has been diagnosed with Postpartum Psychosis, whether APP’s Second Opinion Service would be helpful at As you will see referrals need to be made by a GP or Psychiatrist and there is no charge to your family member or the referring NHS Trust.

Just a thought in what must be a very stressful time for you and your family. Thinking of you.

Paddymam profile image
Paddymam in reply to Lilybeth

Thanks. I will mention this to family. She is moving wards Tuesday as where she is they can only give her a low dose of drug they want to give her. It's a fight fr every thing .

Hope things improve



Lilybeth profile image
LilybethVolunteer in reply to Paddymam

Hello Paddymam

It must be so hard to have to fight for everything. I hope there is some improvement when your family member moves to another ward and perhaps the Second Opinion Service might be considered? Although based in Cardiff, it is possible to have a ‘virtual’ consultation, especially with restrictions at the moment. I had the good fortune to meet the team years ago who were so kind and helpful.

Thinking of you. 💜

Paddymam profile image
Paddymam in reply to Lilybeth

She is in Walton Liverpool at the moment. Hope they will use this service. X

Lilybeth profile image
LilybethVolunteer in reply to Paddymam

I hope so too Paddymam to give you peace of mind. X

Lilybeth profile image
LilybethVolunteer in reply to Paddymam

Hello Paddymam

I hope moving to another ward today wasn’t too stressful for your family member. Perhaps she will be given a definite diagnosis of whether she has Postpartum Psychosis? Hopefully she will improve on a different dose of medication. Thinking of you at such a stressful time. x

Paddymam profile image
Paddymam in reply to Lilybeth

Thanks it was cancelled. Even though bed and staff are funded. Her mum has gone down to try and get it sorted it. Very frustrating and delaying her getting treatment and medication. It's really hard for the family but mostly for my daughter in law as she is the one going through it xx

Lilybeth profile image
LilybethVolunteer in reply to Paddymam

Sorry to hear that Paddymam, I hope your daughter-in-law’s mum will be able to sort something out. I’m sure she is comforted by all the family support to know she’s not alone. xx

Lilybeth profile image
LilybethVolunteer in reply to Paddymam

Hello Paddymam

I hope your daughter-in-law’s mum was able to find out more about ongoing care. It must be a worry for everyone and I hope you are coping. xx

Paddymam profile image
Paddymam in reply to Lilybeth

Hopefully she is getting moved to more suitable ward on Tuesday now. I know rmthey are trying but fustrationg. We all support each other and go day by day xx

Lilybeth profile image
LilybethVolunteer in reply to Paddymam

Thanks for replying Paddymam, It must be reassuring for your daughter in law to be visited by family day by day. I hope she will be moved on Tuesday to continue her recovery. xx

Lilybeth profile image
LilybethVolunteer in reply to Paddymam

Thinking of you Paddymam ..... I hope your daughter-in-law’s ongoing care will eventually make a difference. Take care xx

Lilybeth profile image
LilybethVolunteer in reply to Paddymam

Hello Paddymam, Thinking of you and your family and hope your daughter-in-law is making slow but steady progress. xx

Lilybeth profile image
LilybethVolunteer in reply to Paddymam

Hello Paddymam

Thinking of you .... I hope your daughter in law is slowly recovering and might be allowed home for a few hours at Christmas. Take care xx

Paddymam profile image
Paddymam in reply to Lilybeth

Hi thanks for your kind thoughts. At present she wants no visitors but hoping she will allow her husband (my son) to visit with christmas presents. She has a long way to go but we are hopeful. Hope you have a good christmas and 2021 is better x

Lilybeth profile image
LilybethVolunteer in reply to Paddymam

Hello Paddymam

Good to hear from you. I was in hospital without my son at christmas, recovering from my first PP episode after he was born in November. I hope your son will be allowed to visit with presents. I vaguely remember family visits but in the early days and months I think I was trying to make sense of what had happened.

Although I wasn’t home, a video was made of my son’s first Christmas which in a way is sad to watch as I’m not there but years later I’m grateful that I have it to see him in his early days.

Day by day as the medication and treatment continue your daughter-in-law will emerge and be so thankful that you have all been such an amazing support. Thank you for your good wishes .... I also wish you a good family christmas and hope next year is better too. Take care and stay safe. 💜

Paddymam profile image
Paddymam in reply to Lilybeth

Thanks so much. Video of christmas is great idea. She thinks her daughter has died which is horrible. The psychologists are working with her and I hope in time she will remember. Its great to talk . Thank you x

Lilybeth profile image
LilybethVolunteer in reply to Paddymam

You’re so welcome Paddymam. .... hopefully a video will reassure your daughter in law that her daughter is well and thriving under the loving care of family. In time she will remember and have happier days to look forward to. We are always here to talk if it helps 💜

Lilybeth profile image
LilybethVolunteer in reply to Paddymam

Hello Paddymam

I hope your daughter in law is slowly improving day by day. Were you able to make a family video of Christmas so that she could see her daughter? I hope you are well. Stay safe x

Paddymam profile image
Paddymam in reply to Lilybeth

Yes we did on your advice. They will be good for the future x hope you are well x

Lilybeth profile image
LilybethVolunteer in reply to Paddymam

Thank you Paddymam ..... all these years later it’s a treasured memory for me as I hope it will be in the future for your daughter in law. Wishing you the best of family times in the new year x

Lilybeth profile image
LilybethVolunteer in reply to Paddymam

Hello Paddymam

I hope this year will be brighter. Just wondering if your daughter-in-law is improving and might possibly be allowed home for a short time. Stay safe.

Paddymam profile image
Paddymam in reply to Lilybeth

Hi Lilybeth, she is walking daily up and down the ward and started eating again so she is better thanks, no sign yet of her coming home, maybe another 6 months they have said, it’s so hard not being able to visit, hope you are good xx

Lilybeth profile image
LilybethVolunteer in reply to Paddymam

Hi Paddymam

Thank you for taking time out to reply. It’s good to hear that your daughter-in- law is slowly getting better, walking and eating again. It must be so hard not being able to visit but I’m sure she knows how much you are all waiting to be together again. Stay safe xx

Lilybeth profile image
LilybethVolunteer in reply to Paddymam

Hello Paddymam

Just thinking about you ..... I hope your daughter-in-law is continuing to get better. It’s hard being away from home but I’m sure she is comforted by all your loving family support. Take care of yourself too. xx

Paddymam profile image
Paddymam in reply to Lilybeth

Thanks Lilybeth. It's such slow progress it's hard especially when it's been so long in seeing her. The baby is 10 months old and doesn't even know her. Thanks for your kind words and I hope all is good with you x

Lilybeth profile image
LilybethVolunteer in reply to Paddymam

Hi Paddymam, It must be very hard with restrictions not being able to see her. I think I mentioned before that I was in hospital recovering from my first PP for 6 months. Looking back that seems ages but at the time I wasn’t aware of a lot of things. I have a christening photo of me holding my son and thought how big he was but then realised he was 7 months by then :)

With all the technology on phones, is it possible your son could record a video with your daughter-in-law so the baby can see and hear her, if he is allowed to visit? Apologies if this is something you already do.

It is slow progress and hard for family looking on but she is now slowly fighting her way out of such a frightening time. Take care ... thinking of you and your family. x

Lilybeth profile image
LilybethVolunteer in reply to Paddymam

Hello Paddymam

A few weeks on and just wondering how your daughter in law is doing. It must be so hard not being able to visit. I hope the more she improves, her care team might agree to an overnight stay. Thinking of you ... take care x

Paddymam profile image
Paddymam in reply to Lilybeth

Thanks no change, it’s such a long process hope it gets better soon . X

Lilybeth profile image
LilybethVolunteer in reply to Paddymam

Hello Paddymam,

I’m sorry there’s no change. I think I mentioned earlier about APP’s Second Opinion Psychiatry Service and wonder if that might be helpful at It might be that you have already considered this as a family though.

It is a lot to cope with but your daughter in law will get better and I hope your son is managing. I’m sure they are comforted by your care and your grandchild is a joy. Stay safe. x

Paddymam profile image
Paddymam in reply to Lilybeth

Thanks Lilybeth. Not sure how the rest feel about 2nd opinion. I will put it to them but dont think they will. It's such a complex case for my daughter in law I know alot are involved throughout the country as it's so complex. X😔

Lilybeth profile image
LilybethVolunteer in reply to Paddymam

Thanks Paddymam. I’m sorry to add to what must be a lot of pressure on your family.

I think it would be a great stress release for you to have support from one of the grandparent volunteers as Naomi suggested. So I’m pleased to see you are thinking about it. As always, take care ....... we are here to lean on. X

Paddymam profile image
Paddymam in reply to Lilybeth

You are great support and you always make me feel you care . Thanks x

Lilybeth profile image
LilybethVolunteer in reply to Paddymam

That’s very kind Paddymam ...... I really care (as do all of the team) hoping for better days for you and your family. x

Lilybeth profile image
LilybethVolunteer in reply to Paddymam

Hello Paddymam,

Just to let you know I’m thinking of you. It must be very stressful to see your daughter-in-law fighting to be well but there is always hope. Take care x

Naomi_at_app profile image
Naomi_at_appVolunteer in reply to Paddymam

Hi Paddymam

I'm one of the peer support co-ordinators at APP and have just been catching up on your thread. I'm so sorry to hear that it feels like such a long road to recovery for your daughter in law.

I know both my mum and mother-in-law suffered tremendously when I had PP back in 2005 and 2011, and I wondered if you would value being able to talk to one of our grandparent volunteers who have been through this journey? Please do get in touch by email if this is something you would value.

In the meantime, keep taking good care of yourself and I hope you can be encouraged from many families' stories on the forum that mums do recover, and bonds can be repaired over time. Thinking of you - do keep in touch.



Paddymam profile image
Paddymam in reply to Naomi_at_app

Thank you Naomi I will contact them.

Lilybeth profile image
LilybethVolunteer in reply to Paddymam

Hello Paddymam ..... thinking of you and hope your daughter-in-law is slowly making progress. Take care. x

Lilybeth profile image
LilybethVolunteer in reply to Paddymam

Hello Paddymam

A few months on and I hope you are well. Just letting you know that I am still hoping and praying for your daughter-in-law and family. Take care 💜

Paddymam profile image
Paddymam in reply to Lilybeth

Thanks Lilybeth. Things are a bit better. She is still in hospital, walking now and physio every day. My son and her parents have visited. Thanks for your message, hope things are good for you. Take care x

Lilybeth profile image
LilybethVolunteer in reply to Paddymam

Thank you so much Paddymam for replying. Good to hear things are a bit better and your daughter-in-law is walking now and having physio. I’m glad that your son has been able to visit now that some restrictions are easing. It must be very hard for him and your family but I’m sure your love and support have meant everything.

Please remember to take care of yourself too. Things are good for me, thank you. Thinking of you x

Lilybeth profile image
LilybethVolunteer in reply to Paddymam

Hello Paddymam

Thinking of you a few months on. I hope your daughter-in-law is continuing to make steady progress and daily physio is helping. Take care x

Dewdropsinthemorning profile image
Dewdropsinthemorning in reply to Lilybeth

I've just found this forum and caught up on the thread. So sad to hear about what happened Paddymam... Sending you and your daughter-in-law warm thoughts. Take care! X

Ellie_at_APP profile image
Ellie_at_APPPartner in reply to Paddymam

Hi Paddymam

I'm sorry to hear about your family member who is in hospital.

I wondered if you are in the UK? You mentioned that they are in hospital, and I wondered if she has been offered a mother and baby unit where they are specialised in treating women who are unwell after childbirth, and she would also be able to be with her baby? Being in a mother and baby unit, not separated from by baby, but getting specialist support to be with my baby was so essential to my recovery.

I'm sorry she's on a lot of medication as well. Sometimes it can take a while to find the right medication, and dose.

Take care,


Lilybeth profile image

Hello mfc83

Just wondering how you have been since you posted. I hope you found the replies helpful. Do you have a CPN for support or the perinatal team until your baby is one year? Be kind to yourself and take care .... we are here for you. x

mfc83 profile image
mfc83 in reply to Lilybeth

Hello Lilybeth, I am doing relatively good compared to where I was 3 months ago...but I hate that it takes me ages to get out of the bed in the mornings and that I am so unmotivated to do things. I don't feel much joy in the things I used to like and I am only interested in laying in the bed and watch TV or sleep. I am not sure if it is the Olanzapine or I am having a depression. I am closely monitored by a psiquiatrist and she doesn't want to give me any antidepressants as they can trigger psicosis. Thank you for being there!

Lilybeth profile image

Hello mfc83

Thanks for taking time out to reply. I’m glad you are doing relatively good. I think I posted earlier about how hard it was for me to get out of bed too, I’m not sure if it was a lack of confidence that I wouldn’t be able to cope. I did suffer with depression following PP.

It’s good that you are being closely monitored by a psiquatrist. Did you ask her whether the medication might be holding you back as some mums here have said they felt how you feel when they took Olanzapine? It took a while for my care team to find the medication and treatment that worked for me.

Do you have extra support to lean on such as the perinatal mental health team until baby is one year, or a CPN? I think it’s good if you can talk openly about how you feel, even if its just over the phone during the virus restrictions. You can always talk here too :)

Try to remember that you have been through such a traumatic illness only 3 months ago and it takes time to recover and enjoy life again. I was in psychiatric units for the first six months after my first son was born. I found it so hard to find my place again but I got there and so will you with time.

Have you seen the PP Guide “Recovery after Postpartum Psychosis” at which might be helpful? There are also personal experiences on the page so you will see you’re not alone!

It’s not easy in these early months for you so take good care and be kind to yourself .... PP mums really are amazing :)

Lilybeth profile image

Hello mfc83

Just wondering if you are feeling any better and whether your care team has suggested anything to help? I remember when I was recovering it took a while to find the right balance of medication which worked for me.

Try not to rush yourself .... it takes time to find your feet after you have been through such a traumatic illness. Stay safe and take care ... we are all here to listen and chat if and when you feel like it.

Sending hugs from a distance. x

mfc83 profile image
mfc83 in reply to Lilybeth

Hi Lilybeth,

Thank you for the follow up, its really nice to feel part of this community. I am feeling more or less the same, maybe slightly more awake. My psiquiatrist doesn't want to change the medication yet, the plan is that I continue now with this low dose of Olanzapine and that I will be meds free for Christmas so I am looking forward to that...there is not much more I can do :-(

Lilybeth profile image

Hi mfc83

Thank you so much for taking time to reply. I can understand that you are looking forward to being meds free for Christmas but will you have any other support after that? Do you have a perinatal mental health team for support, or CPN?

There’s a brilliant blog “PP Soup” (a nourishing mix of all things Postpartum Psychosis) put together by a mum who suffered PP with clips from other mums and professionals at which might be helpful and reassuring.

APP also offer a second opinion service or consultation to patients with the aim of assisting and advising clinicians and patients in diagnosis and management. Referrals can be made by your care team or GP. There is no charge for this service either to you or the referring NHS Trust. The link is Although based in Cardiff, I think it is possible to have a consultation via Skype or similar.

I hope some of this is helpful ..... you’re not alone. :) Stay safe and take care.

Lilybeth profile image

Hello mfc83

Just wondering how you are? It’s early days into your recovery from such an awful illness so be kind to yourself and sleep when your baby sleeps :)

Be safe and take care.

mfc83 profile image
mfc83 in reply to Lilybeth

Hi Lilybeth, thanks for your kind message asking how I am. I am counting the days to get off olanzapine. My psiquiatrist plans first a dose reduction to 1.25mg in two weeks and then beggining of december to get off completely. I hope that my sleepiness and lack of motivation improves also I hope that my period comes back. In summary, I just want to go back to the person I used to be. Take care.

Lilybeth profile image

Hi mfc83

Lovely to hear from you. It’s so good that your psychiatrist is monitoring your reduction in the dose of medication. The beginning of December is not far off so hopefully it’s not too long to wait. I think that medication does make you slower but at the time it’s keeping you stable so you have done well to persevere.

I remember my periods took a while to return too. I think I mentioned earlier I read in my notes that four months on from my son’s birth I had not had a period, even though I wasn’t breastfeeding. Perhaps your care team can advise you about this? As mums we wish we could pick up where we left off and don’t quite appreciate what a serious illness we have been through.

You will get back to the person you used to be and much more but I think you need to be kind to yourself. Try to remember how far you have come in such a very short time .... be very proud of yourself ..... PP mums really are amazing 💜

Lilybeth profile image

Hello mfc83

Just wondering how you have felt if your doctor has reduced your medication so that you will be ‘free’ beginning December? Stay safe .... take care.

mfc83 profile image
mfc83 in reply to Lilybeth

Hi Lilybeth, thanks for asking. I actually have this week on Thursday an appointment to quit finally Olanzapine. I am really looking forward as no matter how low my dose is (1.25mg at the moment) I still feel sleepy all the time and have no joy in the things I used to enjoy. As I wrote in the original post I hope these are side effects and not the beggining of a depression. I hope you are doing well :-)

Lilybeth profile image

Hello mfc83

Good to hear from you. I hope your appointment on Thursday goes well. I think as mums we like to feel we can pick up where we left off but forget what a traumatic experience we have been through. So see how you feel, one day at a time, and try not to put too much pressure on yourself.

I’m doing well, thank you ...... take care and stay safe.

Lilybeth profile image

Hello mfc83

Thinking of you and hope your appointment on Thursday to quit Olanzapine under supervision went well. Stay safe :)

mfc83 profile image
mfc83 in reply to Lilybeth

Hi Lilybeth, thank you for the follow up. Yes, I quit now Olanzapine since Thursday and hoping to get a bit better with the tiredness and lack of motivation. Wish me luck!

Lilybeth profile image

Hi mfc83 Lovely to hear from you. I wish you so much luck now that you have quit Olanzapine and hope you will feel a bit better in time. Try not to rush yourself as you are only a few months into recovery and have done so well to quit. PP mums are amazing 💜

Lilybeth profile image

Hello mfc83

Thinking of you and hope you are feeling a bit better since quitting Olanzapine. Take care and be kind to yourself.

mfc83 profile image

Thank you Lilybeth, I am feeling a bit better indeed although I have anxiety almost daily. I heard that the path to recovery takes time, so I assume that I have to be patient...

Lilybeth profile image

Hello mfc83

Thanks for taking time out to reply. It’s good that you feel a bit better although anxiety every day must be hard for you.

Have you spoken to your GP about how anxious you feel? I imagine it’s difficult with restrictions but I think talking therapy might be helpful so that you can talk openly about your worries?

It’s true, the path to recovery takes time but I think you should be proud of how far you have already come in a few months. I hope you can find support to help with your anxiety as you continue to recover. PP mums really are amazing! Take care .... we are here for you.

mfc83 profile image

Hi Lilybeth, thanks for your reply and encouraging words. Yes, I have spoken to my psyquiatrist and she says that these feelings are part of the recovery, there is not much to do other than accept them and wait :-(. I am doing talking therapy as well, but I cant really identify why I feel anxious, it is a feeling I have when I wake up in the morning and its unespecific as I am not worried about anything in particular. It is hard to deal with anxiety when you dont know what the cause is?

Lilybeth profile image
LilybethVolunteer in reply to mfc83

Hi mfc83

Good to hear from you. I’m glad you have input from your psychiatrist although I think waiting is always easier said than done! Anxiety is very hard to explain isn’t it but is an awful feeling. When my sons were babies I had anxiety about the day ahead and how I would cope following PP and depression.

Mindfulness might be a good tool for coping with anxiety .... although perhaps talking therapy will be more helpful as you eventually feel comfortable sharing your thoughts? The main thing you should be proud of is that, in spite of your anxiety, you have moved forward so much in your recovery in a short time. Be kind to yourself and stay safe.

mimibell profile image

Hi mfc83, I have taken olanzapine and I find it makes me feel quite groggy, tired and unmotivated too. It really helps me sleep and helps with my over elated mood. It sounds to me as though you are doing the main things, looking after the baby, resting and basic tasks. When I got too groggy I chatted to my doctor about the dose. Such a fine balance!

mimibell profile image
mimibellVolunteer in reply to mimibell

Also, I have suffered a lot of anxiety. I had my daughter 10 years ago and back then I was anxious for a while. I went to talk therapy for a while as well as trying CBT and yoga and mindfulness. I also read a great book at the time which explained what anxiety was. That really helped me.

Pikorua profile image

Dearest mfc83,

you are doing so exceptionally well!

Anxiety is something I struggle with on and off. Always have done, not only during the recovery of PPP, but afterwards, because of BP1.

some suggestions, the things I use when struggling or striving towards a balanced mood, simultaneously reducing fear and anxiety, especially throughout unprecedented times at the moment:

- aroma therapy

- daily meditation/guided meditation accessible on you tube or iPod

- daily outdoor walks/cycling and/or yoga

- focus on monotonous/repetitive tasks i.e. cleaning :-) painting walls etc.

- contacts/peer support with likeminded people, good friends (virtually at the moment)

- learning and studying

- Reiki

- painting (art work)

- reading/music

- long bath

One just has to figure out what is calming and soothing...a unique toolkit for your individual needs!


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