Posts - Anxiety Support | HealthUnlocked

Anxiety Support

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All posts for November 2012

Diazepam...opinions?? I only take 5mg and only when I do feel at my worst, if it helps what's the harm?

G_150487 profile image

how do i get help to start feeling better about myself and get myself a job

loulou66 profile image

Should I go back on the tablets?

I have taken Citalopram some time ago but I feel that I am now having my anxiety...
cjinks profile image
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And I'm feeling good!

Hello Everyone, as the title says I'm feeling good! I am planning a bus ride ou...
ellabella profile image

Has anyone ever had work induced anxiety

I have recently been having anxiety attacks which has been work induced. I am st...
Heph profile image

Ten steps!!

Hi. I'm having a really low day today, keep bursting into tears, feeling hopeles...
G_150487 profile image

Social interaction idea

I have a hypothesis that in the UK we don't have a very sociable culture and tha...
downtoearth profile image

Does anyone find their anxiety increases and feelings of not coping increase after drinking alcohol? Feeling awful today.

G_150487 profile image

Panic attacks

Ive been told in the past these are panic attacks - does it sound familiar? St...
Penfold7 profile image

Does anybody else suffer with a racing heart and anxiety in the middle of the night, after drinking alcohol???

misswhiplash profile image


Hi All. This site is composed entirely of words. But what are words? They are sy...
Hidden profile image

Alcohol anxiety...

It would seem alcohol and me are no longer friends. I could once upon a time dr...
misswhiplash profile image

Help with Electricity

Warm House Discount .com link below on Briar Rose's post Hi ev...
ellabella profile image


I would just like to say Thank you all so much for helping me and each other thr...
Hidden profile image