Asymptomatic AF - more comments - Atrial Fibrillati...

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Asymptomatic AF - more comments

16 Replies

Well, I have now the time to sit leisurely and review all your kind and useful comments. Many thanks. I list what I understand to be symptoms of Covid Omicron Varient ( source NHS) and alongside what I can identify with.

Lower back pain No

Runny nose/congestion Yes

Headache No

Fatigue Yes

Sneezing Yes

Night sweats No

Body aches Yes

The following are the original CoVid symptoms along side which I have listed what I can identify with. Again source NHS.

a high temperature or shivering (chills) – a high temperature means you feel hot to touch on your chest or back (you do not need to measure your temperature) ...... occasional shivering from inside

a new, continuous cough – this means coughing a lot for more than an hour, or 3 or more coughing episodes in 24 hours ......... had this type of phlegm type cough for years - tend to blame Ramipril

a loss or change to your sense of smell or taste ..... NEVER

shortness of breath ..... NEVER

feeling tired or exhausted ...... Yes but I suspect more work related ( driving buses)

an aching body ..... Yes, regularly but not constantly /permanently

a headache ..... No, never

a sore throat .... No, never

a blocked or runny nose .... Blocked = no: Runny - constantly for years especially when I eat - tend to related it to pollen allergy or some sort of nasal/sinue sensitivity to dust

loss of appetite ..... No

diarrhoea ..... rarely - tend to relate it more to food/gut issues/vagal nerve but nothing that requires the attention of my GP or pharmacy

feeling sick or being sick ..... Never

So thats it in terms of Co Vid related stuff.

I did have similar experiences right at the beginning when first put on Bisoprolol in 2010 and CD’s thoughts echo some of my experiences ........ ice cold extremeties, enormously tired, going to bed with an electric blanket on gloves on, socks on and hugging a hot water bottle, then lapsing into a sleep for England for about 4 or 5 hours. ( PRETTY DUMB .... hot water bottle and electricity). Then on waking, apart from being exhausted, its as if nothing happened. But this experience lasted for a couple of years, always decreasing until it disappeared. This new phenomona is a relatively recent thingy.

Still not on top of pain control for arthritic pain in shoulders although cortisone has helped massively with the right. So scoffing Cocodomol like its going outta fashion. I still come back to Bisoprolol. Following Physiotherapy exercises for shoulders.

To be honest I do use kpi’s (key performance indicators) which I obtain from bits of techno kit I have. BP monitor for BP and HR and which also detects AF, Blood Oxygen meter, thermometer and depending on what arises from BP monitor readings I use Kardia 6L to get a trace/fix where BP monitor flags AF. Currently, all of this is showing results in my normal range (for my body anyway).

Finally, I have just done another LFT and the result is again negative. So I think the issues are covered in a link (about Bisoprolol) in Saulgers post. Thanks y'all for your thoughtful views. always something to be learned on here.


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16 Replies
jeanjeannie50 profile image

John, there's a nasty type of flu going around with the symptoms you say you have. I had it a month or so ago and was convinced it would be covid, but lateral flow tests were normal.


NannyNooNoo profile image
NannyNooNoo in reply to jeanjeannie50

We both have the nasty flu type thing - both surprised to test negative 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️😷😷🤧🤧

in reply to NannyNooNoo

Thanks NannyNooNoo.


NannyNooNoo profile image
NannyNooNoo in reply to

And, Ive tested positive this morning!

in reply to NannyNooNoo


I am really sorry to read that. Are you going to just accept that result or are you going to have any further tests ?


NannyNooNoo profile image
NannyNooNoo in reply to

No further tests - was surprised when the LFT’s were negative during the week, so no great shock when we did them yesterday and they were positive 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️

in reply to jeanjeannie50

Thanks very much Jean.


Auriculaire profile image

Have you looked up consequences of long term use of lots of Cocodamol? Paracetamol is a double edged sword. It reduces our stores of glutathione which is one of our body's most important antioxidants. It also reduces temperature if you have a fever. Could it be making you colder ?

belindalore profile image
belindalore in reply to Auriculaire

It's also bad for the kidneys...

in reply to belindalore

Hiya belindalore,

Many thanks, as I said to Auriculaire, time to get my researchers hat on and do some more extensive homework. Nevertheless all the time I am on Warfarin it is about the only pain relief I can take.


Auriculaire profile image
Auriculaire in reply to belindalore

I tolerate Paracetamol badly. I avoid painkillers if possible . I have tried Boswellia and that seems to work even taking it occasionally.

in reply to Auriculaire

Hiya Auriculaire,

Thanks for your wisdom. The only research I've done on Cocod suggests that long term it is addictive. Now you have raised the issue I need to do more 'homework'. Many thanks.


Auriculaire profile image

Sometime ago I read a very long and complicated article on the dangers of Paracetamol and mainly why it was a bad recommendation for people with covid . But it was in French. I have bookmarked it so I will go through it again and PM you if I find anything that seems relevant to your current problems . I have big problems with Paracetamol. My body just does not like it.

in reply to Auriculaire

Hi Auriculaire,

Thanks very much for that, if you are successful I would really appreciate it. TBH - the only reason I use the stuff is for arthritic pain relief in shoulders and the fact it works well with my Warfarin. I do not intend to use these NOAC's. At least not when Warfarin is so agreeable to me.


Auriculaire profile image
Auriculaire in reply to

Maybe when you retire from bus driving you will see an improvement in the shoulders! When I stopped dancing and teaching dance I saw an improvement in my back - well for a bit. Now the doc tells me I have a collapsed vertebrae! I have found Boswellia helps with pain even taking it occasionally and doesn't seem to give me side effects( the packet says one a day) but I have no idea if it reacts with Warfarin. At least with selfchecking you can adjust the Warfarin. With the DOACs it's more difficult.

in reply to Auriculaire

Thanks Auriculaire,

I'll check out Boswellia and see how it relates to Warfarin. I must say that I have made very few concessions to Warfarin over the last 12 years ............. I have however been consistent in food and drink and am very very stable ( although I think BobD is even better than me at stability).

On the question of retirementI have changed jobs and moved to another bus company and now just do school runs (when school is in). I work 3 hours morning and afternoon, have a few hours off during the day, weekends off and all school holidays ( although if the company has high absenteeism ) like now with annual leave I do a bit extra. So thats a start.

With Warfarin I have become adept at adjusting my Warfarin dose and as you say with self testing I do very much keep on top of my own destiny.

Thanks again.


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