How has parenting a child with ADHD a... - CHADD's ADHD Pare...
How has parenting a child with ADHD affected your career?
It's affected my work in that I often have to disrupt my schedule and have had to request an accommodation for his appointments. I hope we reach a place of normalcy because we really can't afford to be a one income household. Not that anyone really can in this day ....
Making moves to seek out 9-5 schedule to create a better routine for him.
It has made working very difficult. I was never able to leave him or his brother with anyone for very long (including dad). I had hoped to finish my degree but couldn't.
My employer is extremely understanding and has made it very easy for me to work and take the time I need for my daughter. I wish all employers were like mine I hate seeing others struggle with work/family life and having to choose between them.
It’s difficult when you get phone calls from the principal or the school counselor to discuss behaviors taking place. I tend to play phone tag a lot listening to messages and returning calls only to have to leave another message. I try to schedule therapy appointments and psychiatrist appointments on my day off or my husband rearranges his schedule to take him.
How has my ADHD affected my child lol?
My career has been put in hold as I am now home schooling since my son was restrained and put in isolation. I have chosen to remove him completely from bullying and constant harassment in order to heal as best he can.
I pray he contended to progress and I can go back to work in the future. It’s about him and his well being right now.
I am an educator with elementary school aged children so although the balance is beyond difficult, I have used this to fuel my passion in education and I put all my efforts into learning about ADHD, advocating etc. so I can use what I learn to advocate for my child! I have thought about not working many times thought. The demands are sometimes unrealistic to do both roles well.
It has effected my career as I feel I am always waiting for that call from the principle or my son. But other than that I am still working fulltime
I just feel like I have two full-time jobs now. My regular job and then managing my daughter's life with all the meetings, appointments, her homework and tutoring...
and I completely agree about phone calls or emails from school. I stalk my email all day.
Missed lots of work for appointments, it's impossible to find a therapist in my area that has hours after school and work.