An Important Update : On December 26th of... - My OCD Community

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An Important Update

MyOCD123 profile image
13 Replies

On December 26th of 2018 I met my therapist for the first time. To be completely transparent, I do not remember much about that first session. I was in such a heavy fog back then. I was so paralyzed with fear that I was barely functioning. In just a few short weeks, I had transformed from a happy and healthy young woman into a girl that I no longer recognized. My life was spiraling out of control and I knew that if I did not get help I was in jeopardy of losing everything I had worked so hard for. Attending my job each day was becoming increasingly difficult and felt nearly impossible at times. As the guilt and shame grew larger I became smaller. I was a shell of my former self. In those first few weeks I lost sleep, my appetite, and so much more. Those first few weeks were beyond agonizing and devastating and they will forever remain a painful part of my past. OCD had distorted my vision so badly that I saw no future for myself. I was completely and utterly lost.

Well very little is remembered from that first appointment, there is one special moment that I will never forget. As I sat across from my therapist with swollen eyes and shaky hands she told me she believed that I could get better — and not only could I get better, but it would be only a matter of months before I was back on my feet. I was extremely weary of her words, but it was the first piece of hope I had been offered. The first glimpse of light at the end of a very long and very dark tunnel, and so I reached out and took it. What happens next is the part of my story I wish I could tell you was easy — but than I would be a liar. I started treatment with my therapist and was introduced to exposure and response prevention therapy. I thought that nothing would be more painful than the torture I was already suffering from at the hands of OCD, but I was wrong. It took me three solid attempts before I was able to commit to the treatment and put in the effort that was required of me. There were many times I felt that ERP was counterintuitive. The exercises I had to do during my sessions and at home were far more challenging than I expected. To not only intentionally seek anxiety out, but then to be starved of any reassurance seeking during the process was grueling.

Treatment was not easy. I will not lie and say I enjoyed it. But I will also not lie and say that it wasn’t worth it, because it was. Every painful moment I spent to get better was worth it. Every tear shed and every frustration was worth it, and after months of self hatred that was influenced by OCD I started to realize that I too was worth it. I deserved recovery. I owed it to myself to give it my all. And I did.

Two days ago, November 18th of 2019, I had my final session with my therapist. The moment was bitter sweet. It seemed unnatural and slightly wrong that I would not be scheduling my next appointment. Of course I am aware that OCD has many peaks and valleys and that there may be a time where I will need to go back for more treatment and that is OK. But for now, both my therapist and I have agreed that I have the tools I need to continue my journey on my own. I am going to miss her deeply. I am happy but I am also mourning a relationship that was very important to me. I know that I did the hard work, but she led the way out of the darkness. No words will ever express the gratitude I have for her and for this process. I am now working through the trauma of the past and moving towards healing so that I can be of better help to others. I have found my purpose through the pain.

To end this post I want to share a bit of hope with each and everyone of you. Recovery is possible and looks and feels different for everyone. I know my fight will be one I have for the rest of my life, but this time last year I was stuck. Among many compulsions, I was repetitively checking my rear view mirror every time I drove over an uneven surface. I just had to be sure I did not hit a person. I craved a certainty I would never have. But now I hit a bump in the road...and I don’t look back. 💖

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MyOCD123 profile image
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13 Replies
LuvSun profile image

Thank you for sharing your amazing journey. It is an inspiration to us all!

Selesnya profile image

That's great that you are doing well and progressing and increasingly are able to cope with the OCD thoughts and urges. I have found it really helpful to follow some OCD therapists and OCD advocates on Twitter and Instagram. They are very helpful to keep reiterating that recovery is possible and helping me keep a positive mindset. It certainly does seem to be the case that you can't let yourself backslide without repercussions. You have to keep up your new attitude to anxiety and doubt. Bring it on! Give me chances to show that I can take the uncertainty and manage regardless of what my brain throws at me.

I hope that you keep coming back to post here, as you are very encouraging voice to hear from.

Maybe you talked about it with your therapist, but know at what point you might want to get back in touch for some refresher sessions. I think that Steven Phillipson addressed this topic really well in a recent OCD Stories podcast:

The quick summary is that you will have hard days, but you can generally cope as you have the skills. If you end up finding yourself stuck for a couple weeks, that is the time to reach back out to your therapist. The old brain pathways are still there and it doesn't take incredibly long to get back in an old OCD rut.

MyOCD123 profile image
MyOCD123 in reply to Selesnya

Thank you! I do plan on staying on the forum as often as I can with work and other commitments! I am always here. 💖

This was a very touching story.

I am so glad that you are doing much better now.

Good Job !!!

Wishing all the best in life.

MyOCD123 profile image
MyOCD123 in reply to

Thank you! Wishing you the best as well! 💖

thyroidmom84 profile image

What an awesome story- thank you for sharing and congratulations to you! Sounds like you had a great therapist as well.

MyOCD123 profile image
MyOCD123 in reply to thyroidmom84

Yes, I really did have an amazing therapist. Thank you for the kind words! 💖

Mumofhocd profile image

This is such a fabulous post! Thank you so much for taking the time to share your story and your good news. I often think it’s a shame the nature of forums such as this is that people tend to come here when they’re feeling low and not so much when things are going well - so it’s wonderful when people make the time to check in. It would be so great if you are able to check back in occasionally - but only if it’s safe for you - or maybe this forum could find a way to post stories like yours in a prominent place on the website so that others can see there is hope. I wish you the very very best for the future and know there are so many in here who will be so glad for you. Go well!!

MyOCD123 profile image
MyOCD123 in reply to Mumofhocd

Thank you! This forum has meant so much to me over the past year and without the support I received here I’m not sure I would be where I am today. I don’t ever see myself leaving this place. If I am able to encourage or share hope with at least one other person than I am doing something right in this world. I never thought that I would be able to recover from OCD but here I am as living proof. I love being apart of this community and am so thankful for everyone on here. Wishing you the best! 💖

Wolf06 profile image

Wow. Thanks for sharing. There is a lot that I can relate to here. Was wondering if we can chat and maybe get a better understanding of the tools you learned.

MyOCD123 profile image
MyOCD123 in reply to Wolf06

Sure, you can message me!

Wolf06 profile image

How do I do that? I’m new to this forum

MyOCD123 profile image
MyOCD123 in reply to Wolf06

If you click on my profile there will be a little message button next to the follow button. 😊

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