Hot flash relief for anyone? What hel... - Menopause and Per...

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Hot flash relief for anyone? What helps relieve feeling hot all the time?

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I have been struggling with severe hot flashes and feeling hot all the time for about 6 months now. I have severely low estrogen as in non-existent at all and so my levels are not even showing up to even zero because of the fact that I've not had very many periods due to the fact that I have secondary hypothalamic amenorrhea because of having anorexia for 27 years. I tried taking 80 mg a day of black cohosh and that didn't work and so for the past three weeks I've been on the estrogen patch( 0.075 mg) and it still is not taking away any of my hot flashes at all. So I'm wondering what has worked for people to take away their hot flashes if anything? I mean they are trying HRT on me but if this doesn't end up kicking in in about a month I don't know if my doctor is then going to suggest something else and if so what could I take that would take away hot flashes if the HRT doesn't work? Would a Birth control pill work? She recommended Estroven but I don't know anything about if it's effective or not.. do you think that I should use a higher dose of black cohosh or has anybody had any luck with anything else over the counter or online? Please let me know as I am dying here feeling like I have an oven inside me.

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So sorry to hear this , it’s awful isn’t it, I’m on 1000 ug of starflower oil, took about 3-4 weeks but I’m so much better, apparently there’s a higher dose available, also lots of people seem to have had success with sage (capsules are available at boots , Holland and Barrett etc) got to persevere as these things take a while to work

SSRi antidepressants are sometimes prescribed by GP’s to help with hot flushes, but I think it’s mostly women who can’t have oestrogen treatments.

I find that alcohol and too much sugar used to make mine worse.

Changing the type of clothing I wear really helps me too

Good luck , hope you find something that works soon.

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