New to pcos, trying to conceive for over ... - PCOS UK (Verity)

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New to pcos, trying to conceive for over 3 years-here for advice

Maree1995 profile image
9 Replies

Hi guys, so I just came across this forum and thought to give it a try. I have been unsuccessful at conceiving for over 3 years now with prolonged periods and months without having periods at all. I had sever depression and mood swings and I never knew what the cause of the problem was. Whenever I told my gp that I’m having negative thoughts and mood swings, they would just brush it off.

My gynaecologist didn’t investigate the cause of infertility properly until the start of this year (of course covid further delayed everything). I had a hycosy and It has now been two months since I’ve been diagnosed with pcos/pco (still unsure what the difference is). I’ve started getting a lot of acne since then although I’ve never had issues with acne.

My gynaecologist has prescribed Metformin after I insisted to go on it as it seems to have helped a lot of gals i know. However I’m appalled by the little research out their on pcos and unexplained infertility. GP hasn’t recommended any changes in lifestyle or diet. My BMI is 26 which I’m told is normal but I’m still trying to loose weight if it helps with conception.

I was recommended for laparoscopy but the second gynaecologist had a difference of opinion and recommended IVF (I feel like doctors are not even sure when they prescribe a treatment, they’re just experimenting what will work and what won’t).

Any sort of advice would be much appreciated as I’m holding on to a small shred of hope left in me.

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9 Replies
Kimmy2002 profile image

Hi so I traveled your path and o agree the doctors have been virtually negligent the same as almost every one I come into contract with who has pcos, the s just adds the syndrome part of the issue.. 12 years we tried and we’re not quite there yet. My advise is get off metformin ASAP it’s not reallyAffective in helping conceive only in forcing a period. You need inositol it’s a supplement widely used for pcos it’s naturally found in most woman and is normally gotten from food however for what ever reason people who suffer with pcos need the additional supplement. I personally have a pcos nutritionist and the change is amazing I would recommend looking into that as it’s a cheaper alternative to IVF although not crazy cheap in its self. I have gone gluten free lacto free and simple carb free (no white potato, rice, pasted or bread of any kind inc brown and gluten free versions) you can have sweet potato, buckwheat quinoa all complex carbs. Also sugar is now your enemy you sound like to have slim type pcos but tour body still won’t tolerate sugar like a normal persons. So carbs turn to sugar in the body if unused that’s why I don’t eat them so sugar in raw form is to be avoided also be carful with fruits.. stick to berry’s of any kind they are a balance between fructose sugar and goodness. And lastly I actually had confirmation of ovulation last month for the first time in years ( been with my nutritionist 2 months now ) she told me to get an ovusense it’s a basal body temperature monitor with an app it’s a little egg that you wear inside at night and it accurately takes your basal body temp through the night and predicts and hopefully for you confirms ovulation .. taking the guessing out of the game it works for people with pcos and seen as we can’t use ovulation sticks it’s the best on the market and I think is 99.6% accurate.. I can only say the above is my opinion and what has worked for me my pcos is so sever I am now diabetic and I have sever symptoms I didn’t have a period for over ten years and now I have a cycle every 33 days with the above supplements and diet changes.. I hopfully will fall pregnant soon o hope that helps you

Maree1995 profile image
Maree1995 in reply to Kimmy2002

Hi thank you for your reply! I have had positive ovulation and i do get periods monthly although the cycle is longer than normal. I was told metformin would help the egg quality that’s what I was told.

I hope you do become preg soon good luck with it xx

Kimmy2002 profile image
Kimmy2002 in reply to Maree1995

I have never hurd that metphormin improvise egg quality it’s a diabetic drug that reduces insulin so not sure that’s really possible.. by reducing insulin you reduce testosterone and you do need less of that but by reducing sugars and carbs you can do it naturally with out the side effect of metphormin and the negative effect like it reducing B vits that are essential for getting pregnant.

Nicccc profile image

So sorry to hear this Maree. I was in a similar position. I was put on medication to help me ovulate - that didn’t work. Scan didn’t show anything wrong so a laparoscopy was needed. Gynaecologist thought that I had pcos. During surgery he discovered I had endometriosis everywhere. I was totally asymptomatic. I think there was a lot of surprise from the medics but apparently it’s not that uncommon. As far as I am aware a laparoscopy is the best way to get a firm diagnosis of what’s going on in there - but of course I’m not a doctor. I had my operation in July 2019. I conceived in November 2019 (I was given medication to ensure I ovulated post op too).

Maree1995 profile image
Maree1995 in reply to Nicccc

Thank you for replying. I’m actually afraid of getting laparoscopy done as my body gets inflammation after surgeries quite easily (from past experiences). But is this something you would recommend over ivf?

Nicccc profile image
Nicccc in reply to Maree1995

Oh I couldn’t say at all. It’s keyhole surgery but a doctor would need to advise on your suitability. Thankfully we didn’t have to go down the ivf route - but surely you and the medics need to know exactly what’s going on for you before embarking on ivf?x

Nicccc profile image
Nicccc in reply to Nicccc

@doctorpavan on Instagram has jus put some slides of information re pcos on her stories

LisaEB profile image

PCO, I believe is how I was diagnosed, you have cysts around your ovaries. PCOS is the syndrome and more to do with the hormones, excess hair, spots, thinning hair, being overweight. I believe I had more PCO as doctors for many years just looked at me and said you are not overweight and not don't have PCOS..but I never had a proper period, and I wasn't too worried because I wasn't thinking about kids in my 20s. But at 25, a female doctor told me that wasn't normal and sent me off for a scan, where I was told I had PCOS, but its probably more PCO..I don't know.I am obese now in my 30s and was offered metmorfin and it made me unbelievablely ill. One doctor told me it was a horrible drug. At a BMI of 26, I wouldn't think it would be necessary for you but that is for your doctors to decide. I lost weight from diet and exercise.

I do have irregular periods, but like someone said instol is supposed to help.

There are tablets which could make you ovulate, but you have a risk of multiple babies.

IVF may be the only option if you are not having periods, as if you are not having periods, you are not ovulating properly, without an egg, there is no baby. So you will struggle without assistance.

In terms of the depression, I'm surprised your doctor hasn't given you the option of medication. I was offered them, I decided not to, but they help some peoples mental health.

Good luck with it all, it's a scary time but hope it all works out for you!

SerrineV profile image

Hi, honey, I’m sorry you’re facing this. I myself passed treatments in Kyiv, BTC. Went privately. If it’s not happening, than it’s better to seek help from the proffesionals in this field. This way, you may have a general physical exam, including a regular gynecological exam. Specific fertility tests may include:

Ovulation testing. Hysterosalpingography. It evaluates the condition of your uterus and fallopian tubes and looks for blockages or other problems. X-ray contrast is injected into your uterus, and an X-ray is taken to determine if the cavity is normal and ensure the fluid spills out of your fallopian tubes. Ovarian reserve testing. This testing helps determine the quality and quantity of the eggs available for ovulation. This approach often begins with hormone testing early in the menstrual cycle. Other hormone tests check levels of ovulatory hormones, as well as pituitary hormones that control reproductive processes. Pelvic ultrasound looks for uterine or fallopian tube disease. Sometimes a hysterosonography is used to see details inside the uterus that are not seen on a regular ultrasound. Based on your symptoms, your doctor may request a hysteroscopy to look for uterine or fallopian tube disease. Genetic testing helps determine whether there's a genetic defect causing infertility.

Not everyone needs to have all, or even many, of these tests before the cause of infertility is found. You and your doctor will decide which tests you will have and when.

Hope this helps.

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