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Any suggestions for how to prepare for first appointment with haematologist?

aliceblue profile image
5 Replies

Hi, I've been lurking for a week, and so glad I've found this site.

I had one test after my first late miscarriage and they treated me as if I have APS, too late for second baby, but 3rd baby had full APS protocols - even pre-birth and she is now 7! I've had migraines - including visual disturbances since puberty, pins and needles and numbness in my hands for about 15 years. Had no follow-up after I had my daughter, apart from Consultant Obstetrician putting me on heparin for a further month, and thought nothing of it.

I always have mentioned it to any health provider, including oncologists when I had breast cancer 3 years ago. Just got out of hospital after major breast reconstruction, and they didn't take into consideration that I have/may have APS (but I did tell them). Blood and veins didn't run and work how they should do, and had to go back in for 2 emergency ops as well as the 8 hour main op, had 2 transfusions and ended up in intensive care.

Consultant sought advice of haematologist during first op and have been on 60mg clexane since and for another 2 weeks. Went to see GP this week, he didnt know anything about APS apologised and said a lesson learnt etc, and doing an urgent referral.

Interesting to see so many comments about brain fog, I put it down to the harsh chemo regime, but there are things I can't remember that I used to - such as surnames, don't feel able to do presentations - very difficult at work! Might all be a big coincidence, but very keen I get to the bottom of this. I hopefully will have an urgent appointment to see a haematologist - any tips for preparation or questions to ask? Apologies for the long rambling post. Grateful for any help, thanks Alice.

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aliceblue profile image
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5 Replies
MaryF profile image

Hi there,

Good luck with this, pleased for you. So, write out your entire history of your and offspring/events in chronological order, (bullet points is fine), it will act as a guide for the appointment and help you elaborate on specific points. Also any old letters or test results, etc. I always write stuff out for new appointments, helps me get more out of them, as once there I normally forget everything. Mary F x

Suzypawz profile image

Hi, so sorry to hear how you wern't oproperly diagnosed in the beginning It should have been confronted before now by the medical profession? Gggrrrrr don't get me started again!!!

I am glad you found us on here & you are being treated now & looked at tho' :)

You need to write everything down you have experienced, symptoms, ops, complications everything.....

Hopefully then you will have the correct medication & treatment needed.

Let us know how you get on x

aliceblue profile image

Thanks Mary F and Suzypawz, I'll definitely do that, it's easy for me to miss things. Thanks for a quick reply, will let you know how I get on. Alice x

GinaD profile image

As one brain fog sufferer to another -- write your history sooner, then you'll have all that intervening time to remember and insert the stuff you forgot.


aliceblue profile image

Hi everyone thanks for your help - I was well armed when I saw haematologist today - prepared well. Not got much further really. Apparently when I was pregnant/having miscarriages (2004)they did 2 tests, but only told me about one. One test positive for lupus anti-coagulant, one negative. They did treat me as if I had APS and this was clearly put on my file. Haematologist looked at blood history and said unlikely have APS, then when I told him about the late miscarriages, he said I could have it!! More bloods taken today, when I said can you have negative readings and still have it, he said oh we'll put down Anticardiolipin test as well. Have to see him in 3 weeks, in the meantime scan on my leg tomorrow as have had pain/numbness in thigh since surgery on 28 June. In meantime still on 60mg clexane, surgical stockings, iron because of blood loss, for 3 weeks when I go back to see him. He said something about only APS if 2 or more occassions of clotting, would treat miscarriage as one. He said he wasn't an expert in APS although he said he knew something about it (-a relief???). No further forward, feeling a bit angry, if I haven't got it I've been subjected to unnecessary treatment and surgery with breast cancer (couldn't take tamoxifen because of clotting risk, so 2 1/2 years of injections to shut down my ovaries then an oopherectomy - early menopause etc) - if I have got it then unnecessary risks in surgery etc. He said as only "one incident of clotting" would only put me on precautionary treatment if in high risk situations - further surgery, long-haul flights, pregnancy (er difficult without ovaries..), if tested positive for APS. Is that what happens then? i know each person treated as an individual, but not sure if I like the let's wait and see situation. No private health insurance, but would be willing to pay private if any suggestions, or if people have experience of expert diagnosis/treatment. Very frustrated, any help/information gratefully received, thank you Alice x

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