Severe asthma attack ...still poorly - Asthma Community ...

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Severe asthma attack ...still poorly

Njm84 profile image
9 Replies

Hi guys I'll try and keep this as short as possible. I got out of hospital yesterday after a severe asthma attack. I didn't respond to nebulisers as much as they hoped so I had IV magnesium then had more or less continuous nebs and oxygen for 24 hours. I've been discharged on antibiotics, steroids 40mg for 7 days, inhaler changed to symbicort and salbutamol.

I'm 34 and was diagnosed at 19. Had one attack 6 years ago which I went to hospital for and when discharged it took me a good week to recover (still breathless, coughing up lots of mucous etc). I'm worried about how I'm feeling after this attack. I'm still breathless even walking to the bathroom and but I'm happy that the dry cough is now loosening and more mucous is coming up.

Suppose my question is is this to be expected? My sats never went back over 94 and the docs said the steroids and antibiotics as well as the new inhaler will kick in soon. I have a 5 and a 1 year old to look after this is destroying me. I just want to be well again. Looking back I had been using my reliever too much and ignoring symptoms such as waking up gasping etc. I never took asthma seriously, until now!.

Any advice or past experiences would be MUCH appreciated. Im just so tired but cant sleep properly because of coughing and wheezing. 2 doctors and chest rehab have listened to my chest and dont seem too concerned though so im wondering if anxiety and panic are playing a part x

Sats had gone down to 85

Peak flow 240 (usually 440)

Heart rate was at 120 to 140 84

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Njm84 profile image
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9 Replies
EmmaF91 profile image
EmmaF91Community Ambassador

Hi sorry to hear you’ve not been well

First things first you need a GP appt to let them know 1 what’s gone one and 2 how you’re doing.

It’s completely normal to feel shattered after time in hospital from an attack from the drugs, from the asthma and from the stay on a ward. You may also get a few mood swings from the experience or from the pred - I often have a crying fit the day after I leave and I get peeved a lot easier - the key is to except it and find outlets for your mood.

Is there anyone who can help out at home with the kids (/housework etc)? - you don’t want to ‘fight’ the fatigue with kids at home and solely your responsibility! If this attack was cause by an infection, the breathlessness may last until it clears which is why is important to talk to your GP and have a support network in place.

It’s very easy to ignore symptoms when you’re busy (especially if you’ve got kids and either always or never have asthma issues). I’m assuming you now have an asthma plan - if not as your GP for one.

You can also ask them ‘how much’ ventolin is your limit before seeking help ie 20 puffs a day etc. If you don’t know you best peak flow, make sure when you’re well you do one to get your max - then you can track any decline easily.

I hope you start to feel better soon! Any questions don’t be afraid to ask! X

Njm84 profile image
Njm84 in reply to EmmaF91

Thank you so much Emma....the docs do think I have an infection so I'm hoping this breathlessness and wheeze goes soon. You're definately right about the emotional side...I've just had a massive crying fit to my partner I just feel helpless and worried. I've spoken to my boss and I've told her I don't know when I'll next be at work. Thankfully my partner is off work until tomorrow night so I can stay in bed. I'm seeing the respiratory consultant in 2 weeks ...actually looking forward to it and hoping it makes things clearer. X

corinneyvonne profile image
corinneyvonne in reply to EmmaF91

Hi Emma yes agree with Njm84. This is perfectly normal feelings after leaving hospital. Steroids are a necessary evil but the side effects can be horrendous. They are for me 🤦‍♀️. There are two things that I would do. The first is getting help with the children as you recover from your infection. Running after two little ones will be challenging and it is important that you be kind to yourself and rest as much as possible. There is no shame in reaching out to family and friends for help 😄. The second is ring 111 and talk through how you are feeling with a professional. If nothing else it will then be documented for the future. Asthma UK has a helpline - 0300 222 5800. I used this service a few times during my ‘dark’ days and they were always helpful and supportive. I have no family so this service was invaluable. My thoughts are with you 🙏🤗 x

Lisacharman profile image

You should be back in hospital it sounds like you were discharged far to soon they should of given the new inhalers 48hrs to start to work before discharge and sats were still on the low side of the normal range my range is 94-99 sats peak flow is 450 best did some one do a smart asthma plan as you are on. Symbicort so you know what you should do and when this give a clear plan and as you are similar to my targets I would say you should at least be calling 111 or a&e bless you I do hope that you soon feel better but I would say you should be back in hospital as much as I hate that and hate being in but sometimes it is for the safest option xxxx

Lizzie1956 profile image

It certainly sounds like you came out of hospital a bit too soon. If you’re still feeling unwell, I would consider an urgent Drs appt but I do so understand how difficult life must be for you with young children and I wish I had better advice for you.

Liz x

Georgexray profile image

Hi Emma like yourself I had an asthma attack on BH Monday taken to hospital nebulised sent home with steroids - I am late onset was diagnosed around 9 years ago it’s always been well maintained until about 2 years ago since then I’ve been given different inhalers to try and keep

it stable. BH Monday was scary for me as I’d never had an attack I’ve been back and forth to docs for nebuliser - more Prednisolone - antibiotics I was given a new inhaler that acts like a nebuliser the doc said I went back to see her yesterday she’s now put me on repeat. I use Duo Resp 2 puffs twice a day - easybreathe - take when needed - and now this new one which I can only take once a day. Thing is I woke up early hours this morning with real back ache and it’s still at me now - I have a hot water bottle on my back to try and ease it I could understand if I was still coughing like I have been but I’m not. Have you got any tips to help this please I already take painkillers as I’ve osteoarthritus and fibromyalgia. Thanks

Georgexray profile image

Sorry hun I forgot to say I hope it clears up soon know how you feel. 😢

Njm84 profile image

Hi guys thank you for your kind messages and advice. I felt terrible until yesterday when out of nowhere the steroids must have kicked in or something because I could breathe much better. This morning I've managed to do the school run and the housework with no where near as much breathlessness. Making sure I use my preventers religiously now and I'm also using salbutamol a few times a day for now. Seeing asthma cons in two weeks and I rang the asthma UK advice line who were so helpful and talked me through things. What an amazing service they are. Again thanks so much x

HannahBenson profile image

Hi EmmaF91...I know what you are going through...I had a year and a half of ER visits and shortness of breath...wheezing etc. My Pulmonary Dr. thought I had aspergillosis as some showed up in my sputum now and then. I have since learned that if you have is not unusual for that to show but it is not invasive. I went to Mayo Clinic in Minnesota and the doctors there put me back on my symbicort (which my dr. in NYC had taken me off as thought bad for aspergillosis that I did not have!! The Mayo Dr.put me on Bactrim 800 once a day along with tapering slowly my Pred.(Bactrim is a sulphur medication for pneumosistic bacteria also showing up...I am down from 40 mg to the 5 I am on now...will stop Bactrim and Prednisone in 5 more days then will have to see if my eosinophils climb and my asthma worsens..or I stay the same which today is breathing normally and no asthma. .I think .my symbicort has taken over where the prednisone is leaving off. Unfortunately...M y bone density shows I have developed osteoporosis in lower arms...I believe a result of Prednisone use over this year as I did not have that before on a recent previous scan. The reason for all of my asthma was a bacteria Moraxella which really caused my asthma to get out of hand...there was a simple 7 day antibiotic dosage to calm that down and then the return of my symbicort and Bactrim to keep me from getting sick with something else has turned my breathing around. I have NTM which I have to be treated for with a course of antibiotics and will start soon...and will take something to strengthen my bones now and hopefully get my life back. My advice is to have your sputum tested for everything...and there may be something there that is causing your lungs to flood with mucus. asthma makes us all susceptible to a lot of secondary infections that can cause this severe asthma and if your eosinophile count goes up when you stop the steriods...then you may need to stay on a small amount of prednisone. Good luck...keep your spirits up. It is harder and more upsetting to not know what is causing you this repeating asthma problem. Best, Hannah

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