What's wrong with psychiatric healthc... - Anxiety and Depre...

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What's wrong with psychiatric healthcare?

MiamiJacket84 profile image
35 Replies

Honestly, a lot.As someone who has been to countless psychiatric clinics and hospitals of the course of a decade and ironically also studying medicine in general, I feel like I'm at least somewhat qualified to speak out against all the bs in this field.

Issue "1": Psychiatry is fundamentally flawed. Guess what the main goal of psychiatry is? Well it's not actually making you happy! It's keeping your pulse. That's it. Actually helping you enjoying life is more like a cool bonus they might as well get from time to time. But they're not professionally obligated to do so. Yes it's the moral thing to do but this brings me to my next point.

Issue "2": Malpractice. It's not like in other fields of medicine. With anything else, it's always clear how your work is affecting your patient through easy monitoring, so malpractice is usually very difficult to get away with. Psychiatry however, no one gives a damn. Their job is keeping you alive, that's it. Oh you're too numb to every emotion? Meh. Oh you're having horrible side effects? Trade them for another medication with slightly more tolerable side effects. Oh your doctor broke confidentiality with your family? It's okay he can do that "fOr yOuR SaFeTy". Oh your doctor is basically milking you for money while keeping you drugged like a zombie? Eh, sounds like a you problem. It's a disgrace how much most "professionals" can get away with. But can you blame them? My next point is...

Issue "3": It's expensive, very expensive. I may not be from the US but it's expensive worldwide and rarely covered by insurance or minimal coverage at best. Maybe they'd get you a psychiatrist with a waiting time of 6 months or some bs. And that's just seeing the psychiatrist, medications are their own whole other level of expenses. And since most psychiatrists like to zombify you by drugging you to the limits of human consumption, the bills add up. And that brings me to...

Issue "4": The medications are crap. Firstly, most of them just make you numb to the point you can't have any thoughts, technically "fixing" you negative thoughts problem. Oh you have bad thoughts? Let's take away your ability to think then! It's like going to a doctor with a bad cut on your hand and he just amputated it. Problem solved right? Then of course there are the side effects. Almost all of them have so many side effects and the worst part is that it's so normalized. Imagine taking a paracetamol for headaches for a while and then suddenly feeling like you can't sleep less than 12 hours a day and when you mention it to people, they just say "oh that's normal you get used to it" why am I supposed to get used to it? Why am I forced to trade one issue for another? And then you constantly change medications back and forth and back and forth, until you just get an ounce of normality for a couple weeks and then it stops working.

So tldr, psychiatry is a load of bs and I doubt that'll ever change.

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MiamiJacket84 profile image
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35 Replies
Vonus5591 profile image

Yes I feel the same. They really using you for their next paycheck and don't care about side effects or your mental health state. I am in bad way and feel so bad but they don't change my medications. I really wish the complaints procedure would work or there was responsibility over health and mind of patient

in reply to Vonus5591

Hi there vonus and Miami jacket my experience of this well I had to wait weeks years ago about 6 for counselling which I wasn't offered at first just meds which I said I don't feel comfortable with them so he offered me counselling last time about 3 half years ago was quicker about 2 just for first assesment not actual help I went to doctor again said I feel depressed various different issues going on and sad and panicky keep bursting into tears did nearly in the surgery and I said I have been turning to alcohol he said you can have antiperspirant or try councelling, I said again I don't like taking meds I'll try councelling so my first councelling was one hour just saying what was wrong, next visit a week to wait more talking about myself and her analysing me verdict I'm.anxious as was as a child due to my home life, next appointment 2 weeks to wait 2 weeks came appointment cancelled she was ill, I had to wait another 2 weeks same again got there was a different one by that time my circumstances had changed and I felt lot better few later other stuff happend it was a faster track new system so I got saw quicker the lady was nicer first was once a week she was my age we chatted about my stuff anf her stuff it was more like having a meeting with a friend and coffee, I did feel better for it but I'd got myself swimming and doing my own self help stuff, our visits went to once fortnight one session i ended up kind of councelling her she needed to talk which I didn't mind I was feeling pretty much ok by then due again to my life circumstances changes I didn't feel the counselling really helped other than giving me pointers on reacting mainly stuff I already knew, as I've read lots on self help over the years, as for now no docs appointment here just phone calls in UK and after 2 months since my colonoscopy indicated ulcerative colitis back badly inflamed colon,took 2 weeks supply of meds they gave me now in remisshion with self help special diet still awaiting referral to the IBD specialist no meds on my prescription last time I picked my HRT usual meds up, ten years ago had to wait 3 months for the medication specialist I was self cured by then yet he said you need meds for life or risk a severe bleed as it will come back, i cant take meds as of my health anxiety unless I feel really necessary, a friends relation died recently of a arful illness from.medication side effects, only age 72, I hope you both find some peace and will join me on Tuesday looking at the full moon it's called a pink moon sending out heeling vibres to us all 💛🌟🌝

Vonus5591 profile image
Vonus5591 in reply to

I’m sorry you had to cope with so much but glad you found a friend in your counsellor and feel bad about your health problems on top of that. Sometimes it works out self help works out. Being seriously ill is the worst. You were good as you determined to get through and actually did seek help counselling that shows true self that you good to yourself and willing to try for yourself. The best to you and you will succeed.

in reply to Vonus5591

Thank you vonus I am lucky I have always had a good support in my mother although recent years she's more of a talker than listener, but on many occasions I'd go in her room when I lived there and just burst into to tears she's say come here hug me laid in her bed her cuddly dressing gown arms round me just that helped, she was at a loss with my drinking tho but came to AA meeting with me only went once due to distance just the one meeting such lovely people like minded helped more the vibres I think in there when we did a little heeling prayer strangely enough the driver couldnt get parked in her usual spot she ended up parked outside a pub of all places called The angel I knew it was a sine and the spirit guides my guidian angel was helping me, sounds daft but I talk to my loved ones that are over 🌈 and I pray to my guidian angel I came good in the end, im.lucky that my depression times have been hormonal and circumstances, I hit a bit of it again when got my colitis back in fear it will come back I thought it was a one off apparently not, so diet for life now, and stress avoidance, I so hope you will feel better soon and find a way forward ill think of you at the full moon 🤗

Vonus5591 profile image
Vonus5591 in reply to

having such good mother is blessing and finding your way through this life by guardian angels and people struggling but helping you and themselves such bonus to making the right steps. please keep strength to continue living safe and better looking after yourself is such good way to be. your awesome and your strength and heart and mind shows what wonderful person you are x

Arymretep profile image
Arymretep in reply to

Hi M , reading your post reminded me so much of my relationship with my Mother, we were more like sisters , Iv also been through lots of tough times in. my life and never needed counselling either as my Mum was always there for me , I miss her so much,❤️

in reply to Arymretep

Hi M yes we're similar in many ways I remember you once saying I'm a like a younger sister. 😁 I hope when I'm older I'm less impulsive and more like you, I bet our mum's were similar,well I can only imagine how hard it is especially now with your p been poarly and having to go through that it's times like that when you need your mum to turn to rather than put your anguish on p, I know you'll be trying to be strong and keep a brave face for him, im dreading the day as you know when msm goes but I believe someone will enter my life and save me so to speak, seeing changes in mam is so hard too, her legs are heavy and she's really struggling with stairs, her exercises are helping her trap nerve back pain tho, she read about support tights it may be neuropathy like her brother, she's very unsteady on her feet, she cuddled me today when looked at my new rooms again I added some stuff, I'm so glad she's still alive to see me in what the previous owners called a happy house, I've had mug cocoa and 8 squares of areo lol red wines still in the cupboard it can stay there 🙏I bought some geraniums today there in garage I'll get them out tomorrow plant after the last frost in may, im in bed must of known you messaged as didn't intend to look at phone night night hope you sleep 🤗💛🌟😸xx

Arymretep profile image
Arymretep in reply to

Yes And i think as we’ didn’t have any kids we were closer to our Mums, I was anyway, we’ve been so lucky though , I have wonderful memories of both my Mum and Dad and a blessed childhood as you have, i only wish they were with me now, though like you I believe they are alway with me, I hope you will also be as lucky as me too and find someone one day , you are still young , to me lol , have a good night , yes leave the wines there you don’t need them , I’m having my chamomile tea , sleep tight 😘xx

in reply to Arymretep

I need chamomile tea now can't sleep should have come up earlier and straight to sleep have you tried chamomile Ike tea with a decaf tea bag same effect just tastes like tea I'll try sleep again 🙏

Arymretep profile image
Arymretep in reply to

I’m the same if I don’t try to sleep straight away that’s it, I always use decaf tea anyway, have you got any chamomile I’ll send you some LOL 👍☕️ Hope you can get off, listen to some music , I wear my headphones to bed .xx

in reply to Arymretep

Morning 6 am I was ok went off straight away thought about my geraniums and visualised them in garden, I need chamomile tea this morning my tummy feels bit acidy must be the 4 malted milk biscuits and chocolate last night and had fair bit pasta late tea trying to put weight on but you know us it won't happen, pixies snoring lol who needs a man 🤩 great news blue sky I'll be heading outside early get the geraniums in the sun and cuppa tea outside with pixie, the chamomile shot up from one pound to one 5o how, but I saw some 85p in farmfoods I got about 5 boxes do you have one in Wales hope you have sun today, chamomile tea is proven to help anxiety and lift mood it certainly sends me to sleep, and it's a healer too fir bad tummy s and pain strains i put the tea bag on a ache and miraculously got relief after struggling few days with bad shoulder and back I often put it on my thumbs after set them.off, I wish you and Miami jacket a peaceful sunny Sunday sorry for going off topic a bit I must say when first got my colitis ten year ago I asked doc about diet instead of meds he said yes I can refare you to a dietician it wasn't needed as i dif my own reaserch and self cured fot nearly ten years but I came off the diet all but, after a year half, I'm unsure about having COVID jab I read after 3 jabs some have got ulcerative colitis back or just git it maby i had 2 much cheese and chocs before Xmas specialist last time said extra mature cheese can cause it i havnt had that for ten years, the only meds I take is HRT and that's from natural stuff from.what I read,I have lanzaprosil and proprononal for emergency 🙏🌞xx

Arymretep profile image
Arymretep in reply to

Morning M , you’re up early lol, glad you got off ok, it’s a nice day here again but not so sunny as yesterday yet, I love chamomile tea , have you tried the twinings SLEEP tea its a bit expensive but ALDI do one too much cheaper .

Hoping to get down the garden centre this week to get some bedding plants, I’ll keep them in my new shed until frost goes, I love going to the garden centre we’ve got a great big one about half and hour away that sells everything, you could spend a fortune !, and get a nice cream tea 👍 I’m so looking forward to this summer after such terrible weather , and you too in your new garden , have a great day😘xx

in reply to Vonus5591

Sorry I just re read I put antiperspirants lol instead of antidepressants this typo prediction text is worst than my own spelling 🤩

in reply to Vonus5591

Also my friends husband had depression he got worst a year had passed saw another med specialist said he'd been out on bipolar meds he got out on right ones then gradually he got ok and was able to go back to work he's still on the meds afraid to go on lower dose tho, he sued them got compensated huge amount just shows you can't trust them, my mam.got sent home from hospital after chest pain the specialist in there looked at the ECG said you won't have heart attack within 3 months but still keep your appointment with the heart specialist,said it was indegestion she was still in pain afraid to eat only on soup and we went back to doctors me and my sister he gave her indigestion medicine no good, she tried getting morphine', 2 weeks later saw specialist he said your not safe to go home you have a 95 percent block main artery in heart I need to operate now, 🙏

Vonus5591 profile image
Vonus5591 in reply to

that’s better you and husband found strength to take them on and won. Sorry to hear was such serious condition and hopefully when they found out was blocked arteries did the best they could. Finding right doctor and right treatment so helpful

in reply to Vonus5591

Thanks it was my friends husband my mother should have sued the doctor at hospital but she didn't want any more stress I remember one doctor at the surgery said she was leaving as too many complaints going on and risk of been sued 🙄 I got rushed for my colonoscopy 2 weeks wait only because I have bowel cancer in the family my sisters husband was waiting 6 weeks, we have to look after ourselves 😊

Vonus5591 profile image
Vonus5591 in reply to

please take great care of yourself and may your friends be well and better xxx

in reply to Vonus5591

Thanks you too and thank you for your encouragement and kind words means a lot🤗 💛🌟🌈

fauxartist profile image

Wow... very intelligent and pointedly written...spot on. Medication dolled out like candy and is nothing more than like throwing spaghetti on the wall and seeing what sticks. When your young and dealing with depression, and your put on an antidepressant that depletes your sex drive, causes weight gain, and is the basis of a looming head fog, so you supposedly don't ruminate as much,...is basically doing nothing more than throwing you into an even worse situation in my book.

I'm old, I don't care about that stuff...because I've lived my life...but if I was young and zombified during my prime, that would be very tough to deal with and still isn't addressing my depression. There just simply are not any perfect medications that address mental illness without side effects, or simply don't help at all . And most are like putting a band aide on a gaping wound. Medicine isn't there yet. And it's just not a viable monetary advantage for insurance companies because no one really is cured it's an undesirable expense, and because of the expense of health care, it's also a cash cow for pharmaceutical companies to keep producing the next 'best' band aide.

Money talks and B.S. walks....mental health just doesn't benefit the corps to cure...or really help. Why would you cure the common cold when so much money is being made by leaving people sick.

Dolphin14 profile image

I don't agree that every psychiatrist practices this way. Mine doesn't, I guess I'm lucky

I don't agree that meds don't help, they helped me.

Counseling has helped me.

I'm the outlier I guess


MiamiJacket84 profile image
MiamiJacket84 in reply to Dolphin14

You are right, not every psychiatrist behaves this way, some actually do their job right and try to help. The problem is that it's not the norm and unfortunately it's not even encouraged to be the norm, quite the contrary even.

Dolphin14 profile image
Dolphin14 in reply to MiamiJacket84

I know many people have issues so I wasn't sure I would even come on the post. But I felt the need to say if someone has a good Dr ( and there are bad in every field) there can be a successful outcome

What field of medicine are you studying?

MiamiJacket84 profile image
MiamiJacket84 in reply to Dolphin14

Yeah if you're very lucky I suppose, and don't have damage that's too irreversible.

I'm just trying to be a GP for now.

Dolphin14 profile image
Dolphin14 in reply to MiamiJacket84

That's wonderful!

Now there's where I had an issue. My GP doesn't believe in mental illness. We used to get along so well until I had my breakdown. She was not helpful to me at all. She told me to " flip the switch" I told her what she should do with her switch

Oddly enough I work for her now. There have been a couple of instances where she's asked me to go in a room and talk with a couple of patients. She stated " you know more about this than I do"

When you get out there in your practice you will be so supportive to your patients. You can make a difference :)

MiamiJacket84 profile image
MiamiJacket84 in reply to Dolphin14

If I make it that long, maybe. Thank you though.

Dolphin14 profile image
Dolphin14 in reply to MiamiJacket84

Try hard

Then change your user name to

MiamiJacket84MD :) :)

fauxartist profile image
fauxartist in reply to MiamiJacket84

I have CPTSD....a mental injury that adds to my pre-existing condition of a Dual Diagnosis that includes depression, and that damage is so far not completely irreversible or curable....your best hope is a managing and coping strategy that at it's best can help you pull out of the rabbit hole abyss a bit quicker and you can recognize when your starting to circle the drain. Nobody can fix me, there's no magic pill, and I have to do the foot work, you have to work at wanting to get better and keep trying.

in reply to MiamiJacket84

Good for you we need more GP s plus dentists sorry off track a bit there are none I tried to get a lady who has a progressive brain disease who's in pain, in my dentist I spoke to him personally whilst in for my treatment he said no sorry only children under age 16 we have to see them by law, I looked into been a councellor but at my age couple years back didn't want the 5 years training, memory not great and I thought I probably would end up feeling upset at some of the awful things I'd have to listen to, and end up taking work home with me so to speak I guess it comes with experience getting harder to things so to speak, after been on HU various forums I didn't know such illnesses and suffering went on especially on here some posts I'm afraid I can't even read, I wish you success and fulfilment in your GP work and hope you reach your goal to be one 🤗

fauxartist profile image
fauxartist in reply to Dolphin14

I had some that did and some that didn't....and thankfully the ones that actually helped me were there for the client, and not the money....few and far between are there therapist's that fit your needs all around....but if you do the work....eventually you will find a way. Like with any profession....some are good, and some not so good, but it's the individuals needs being met that are the most important.

Dolphin14 profile image
Dolphin14 in reply to fauxartist

Hi faux

I agree. It's not a cookie cutter illness so it isn't one size fits all treatment plan.

I've been fortunate to have 2 therapists and one psychiatrist for 10 years. I know how lucky I am.

Bottom line is.... providing the care that meets the needs of the client.


fauxartist profile image
fauxartist in reply to Dolphin14

agreed .... we were lucky.... but we also are survivors and did the work....and always will be.... our stuff doesn't define us, it's just part of us we learn to accept....it just is what it is....

blackcat64013 profile image

Hi Miami,There is nothing wrong with psych care per se. Community acceptance is much better than it was 10-20 years ago.

The issues seem to arise when the patient needs mental health care and it isn't readily accessible or doesn't meet the patient's need.

Telehealth and helplines have offered an alternative to consulting psychiatrists for patients who visit the ED in crisis.

Specialist walk in centres are going to be deal breakers. Google the urgent mental health centre (UMHC) in Adelaide, Australia or Safe Haven cafes which are springing up around the world.

Perhaps your perceptions are clouded by your lived experience as a client of a mental health service or as a practitioner 🤔 🐈‍⬛

MiamiJacket84 profile image
MiamiJacket84 in reply to blackcat64013

Just because it's better than total lobotomies that used to be done ages ago doesn't mean it's actually good. There are so many more issues I didn't even mention because they're too many to list. When I go to an ENT specialist for sinusitis, I expect to get proper treatment first try, or at worst case scenario maybe the second or third doctor I see max. Can you say the same thing about psychiatrists? Hell no, you have to go through a dozen to find someone who actually tries to help and even then, you still go through all the issues I mentioned above.

Also I don't know how being a client "clouds" my perception. Isn't that the whole reason you base a perception on anything? Actually experiencing it first hand? And I'm definitely not the only one who was failed by what's supposed to be the only "proper" help.

Noodlecatpiano profile image

Thank you for posting that. It helps me because I have felt that way and thought I was alone. I am not alone. Cool. I hope you can figure out what is at the root of your problems and heal or just heal. I’ve been on a journey myself.


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