Off topic bloody infuriated : Sorry about this rant... - NRAS


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Off topic bloody infuriated

8 Replies

Sorry about this rant.......

I’ve had a bad week joints very stiff and swollen and the fatigue hit hard.

Struggled to get out of bed this morning but the dog was barking for a walk ( couldn’t last night as there were fireworks and she’s petrified) so I took some naproxen and codene had a cup of tea and set off albeit a bit slow. Walking along the pavement and a car was driving on the pavement straight at me. It’s a busy twisting road with blind corners and this man expected me and my dog to walk around him on a busy road. I stood still and stopped him driving on the pavement . There was a stand off and he kept waving me around. I didn’t. He said he wanted to park on the entrance to the field . I said drive on the road turn at the turning 300 yards away. He wasn’t happy he drove off and as I was walking back he had a child in the back of the car he was sat the front while he let his dog off in a field to run around chasing cattle doubt he picked up the dogs poo as he was too busy texting on his phone.🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬 it beggars belief.

Sorry rant over was angry about pavement parking the other week but this beats it.

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8 Replies
Mmrr profile image

Rant away it is cathartic 😜

Driving or parking on pavements is not acceptable and indeed illegal in Scotland as of last month.

I don't accept the excuse, I could not find somewhere to park/drive. Could you imagine what would happen if If a pedestrian walked up the road because the pavement inconvenienced them ?

Hessie5 profile image

We live in a world full of numpties - I see mums texting on phone whilst pushing buggies! Our phones and devices are making people somewhat too idle and selfish to think about others.

As long as you are taking things easy and hopefully on a good trajectory of feeling better. Happy Friday 😌

ruth_p profile image
ruth_p in reply to Hessie5

You can now buy pushchairs with a tablet docking station for your child to play while you walk because god forbid you talk to your children! No wonder that children’s speech is getting poorer.

in reply to ruth_p

Says it all

sylvi profile image

I can't blame you darling for being mad some people are so damn inconsiderate aren't they and people shouldn't have dogs if they do the trick he did by letting his dog chase the farmers animals,xx

ruth_p profile image

Irresponsible dog owners really annoy me. I would never let our dog off the lead in a field with livestock. What example is he setting for his child? “Son in life you can do what you like damn the consequences.” No wonder children are getting ruder and more destructive, the words from children in my class that can really make my blood boil: “You can just buy a new one.” That’s my rant over lol.

Make sure you look after yourself. X

It's unbelievable just what some people are like these days. Yesterday I saw a young woman pushing a baby in a pushchair that was facing her and she was smoking and all the smoke was going into the baby's face!

We live on a very busy main road, yet I see people walking along with a young child following them quite a way back and the parent doesn't even look round to see if the child is still there when they could quite easily have stepped into the road or even been abducted. I always had my son on reigns when he was that age. I once mentioned reigns to a neighbour when she was saying that her little boy often ran away from her and she was worried he would go into the road. She replied that he wouldn't like to be on reigns. I thought that it wasn't a case of whether he liked them or not, and would he have liked to have been run over? I had reigns on my son right from when he was walking so he didn't know any different and took it as part of going out.

As to dog owners being irresponsible, don't get me going. There are people who walk along our back way where we have our garage and I think they go along there to let their dogs relieve themselves and they then walk away leaving the mess behind them. One of our neighbours took their little girls out for a picnic in the park in the summer and a dog ran over and snatched a sandwich off one of the girls aged three and knocked her over. The owner was completely unconcerned and walked on without saying anything. The girl's father ran after him and told him what his dog had done and he replied that the dog was probably hungry and he wouldn't have hurt the child. Words fail me!!

my rant has been all round the farm fields which we are in the middle of, there suddenly has been a plague of rubbish tipping. Every damn road has it and means we have to put our car further to the Fencs canals to pass it. Poor farmers struggling to keep up with clearing it.

Selfish people - too many of.

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