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confused about bowels

Purplelover3 profile image
8 Replies

Hi everyone so was just wondering if anyone had similar symptoms.

Iv had 3 children in less then 5 years, after my second born in 2021 i started getting piles every month.

after my baby boy was born in May 2023 I also got the piles but probably once every few months , I was on iron tablets while pregnant due to mild anemia deficiency. I’d have constipation on these and would cause piles to bleed.

My bowels have been a bit up and down , I went away to Egypt end of November and while there had an intense shooting pain in abdomen and back passage that lasted about an hour, then the next day was followed by diarrhoea. (Assumed I’d eaten something)

anyway I did have this pain again last week but was only half hour.

im currently going through gastro neurologist as my calprotectin was elevated at 275. My most recent calprotectin is now 211 so it’s gone down.

I’m due an MRI to check small intestine for possibility of crohns however I don’t feel like my symptoms match this?

my bowels have been pretty normal recently and I don’t get random bleeding or mucus etc

My fit test was normal as was my full blood count so I’m confused

I have health anxiety and recently cut out caffeinated coffee which helped and also white bread

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8 Replies

Hello these things can be confusing I know, and I'm sorry you havnt had any more replys after 9 days, maby try IBS site my experience is at moment in limbo same as you had bleeding from bowel for 2 weeks be 2 half now but is less now once a day when poop and not as loose now doctor asked for 3 tests one for bowel cancer one to see how far up blood is re my ulcerative colitis not had for 9 half years,seems a one off no meds, I had piles before but ages ago including when had colitis and were painful I havnt much pain this time just feel bit bruised now after 2 half weeks, I'm thinking you couldn't have reoccurring piles from the pressure of been pregnant, and pressure of your womb when periods due,the pain could be gas have you been feeling bloated, I would avoid gas producing foods, you may have slight IBS if your cutting out the white bread has helped, it doesn't sound like chrones, also when I used to have periods I'd get awful kind of labour like shooting pains in my bowel, when you had the pain was your period due, 🤗

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Purplelover3 in reply to

Thank you for your reply 😊

I thought IBS however apparently you don’t get inflammation with that. I did also wonder if having 3 kids in 5 years has anything to do with it but it’s hard to know for sure.

I don’t get bleeding unless I get a pile, and haven’t actually had one in just over two months. Funny enough since cutting out white bread and cutting down on iron tablets.

I have the mirena coil so my periods are extremely light and not painful. But I’d say they come about the same time every month as normal. The pain was a week or so prior to my period.

Awaiting MRI results tomorrow so pretty anxious at the moment. Also having a transvaginal ultrasound tomorrow morning.

Yes I was very gassy 2 weeks ago with some bloating but seems a lot better recently.

Blood tests normal and fit test normal but it’s the calprotecin that was elevated which indicates some form of inflammation. This has dropped recently from 275 to 211 so I have no clue what to make of it. I’m going through private insurance so it’s moving pretty quickly thank god.

in reply to Purplelover3

Hi I'm thinking the pain could be as said as your period was due I used to get the pain prior to my period sometimes during, I think it's a womb issue, as for the inflammation showing up that could be something else other than stomache, although I'm not that familiar with that test other than my mother had high inflammation showing after her heart attack you can eat anti inflammation foods to get it down, that's great yours is getting rushed through, they don't know exact cause of some things like ulcerative colitis one specialist said extra mature cheddar cheese as changes the good bacteria in the gut, I had been eating a lot before I got it he also said stress, they said I'd need meds for life but by time I saw the medicine specialist I had cured myself with diet yogurt with cultures in soluble fibre foods easy to digest my colon was badly ulcerated bleeding for about 6 weeks it was the worst time of my life I practically starve myself, I drank chamomile tea a natural heeler, let me know how you get on 😊

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Purplelover3 in reply to

Sorry you had to go through all of that, nothing worst then not knowing what’s going on.

Normal range for calprotectin is 0-50 so anything above that can indicate inflammation in bowel etc which normally I believe can point to crohns/ colitis so that’s why they done the MRI on me. I did have an abdominal ultrasound which was also fine.

I will keep you updated on my results. I get a call at 5.30pm today from my consultant so fingers crossed.

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Purplelover3 in reply to

So just an update , MRI was clear so no signs of small Crohns or anything going on. I will have a follow up blood test done in 6 months.

Likely I have IBS, so this is a huge weight lifted off my shoulders 😊

in reply to Purplelover3

Hi that's great news such a relief for you, and not of the toilet kind of relief lol, I'm tryner get my head round call of reception docs having chat with me wednesday my colon cancer test results came back so as he wants to discuss it next steps looks like a colonoscopy I'm.assuming it's cancer but maby detected colitis again but as they wanted another test for this and as my bladder fely obstructed seems all sines of cancer or something in my bowel, im optimistic be resolved as my uncle had bowel cancer and he had it removed the cancer bit been ok for years now, oh well just makes us appreciate what we have more we sometimes take things for granted especially our health, I tend to worry more about my mam's health recent years now it's me that's unwell, I dernt tell her until I know exactly what doc says maby Hel say it's my colitis or just unusual poop further investigation 🙄keep In touch 😊look up IBS diet I know I have triggers wasn't well after cocoa and chocolate last night had it for the iron 🙄won't anymore but doesn't usually effect me as did this morn but when something's wrong body colon produces more fluid to try flush it out

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Purplelover3 in reply to

Thank you 😊

Oh I really hope you get a good outcome and I’m sure you will , I would say don’t worry but I’m the worst for it lol I suffer real bad with health anxiety!

We all know our bodies but we also know there are many other things it can be other then cancer , so we have to keep hope in that.

It’s stressful not knowing and sorry you’ve had to go through it all.

But I’m sending you all the luck and best wishes , keep me posted 😊x

in reply to Purplelover3

Thanks so much my health anxiety has kinda gone strange like I'm thinking more positive I guess I can't face worst sinario so switched off somewhat 🙄2 mornings to go then I'll no my results xx

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